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Chapter 9

Landing gear types

Fixed landing gear…used in low speed airplanes-1
Rertractable landing gear…used in high speed-2
parasite drag which is produced by the friction of
the airflow over the structure
induce drag which is caused by the production of
.the lift
Fixed landing gear has more parasite drag which*
can be decreased by enclosing the wheel in
streamlined fairings, called wheel pants
Fixed landing gear has more parasite drag which-
can be decreased by enclosing the wheel in
streamlined fairings, called wheel pants
.Tail wheel-1
.M.L.G is located ahead of the C.G-
Steering on ground by rudder paddles -
.connected to the tail wheel
Main problem (tendency to make loop): the pilot-
must be careful to keep the airplane in control
and rolling straight or the centre of gravity may
uncontrollably swing around ahead of the
wheels, causing the air plane to spin around on
.the ground
Tail wheel (tail dragger) .2
.Tail wheel is small, light, and simple to design-
.AC lands in a flat attitude, hence the Drag is low-
.Easy attachment of the main LG on the wing-
Good for rough field operation (allows the wing to-
.generate more Lift and get off the ground sooner)
When brakes are applied, the vertical load on the -
.main LG increases, reducing the risk of skidding
Provides greater clearance for a front propeller or-
.wing Leading Edge-mounted props
:Inherently unstable-
.Violent braking will tip the aircraft to its nose-
Tail wheel (tail dragger) .2
Braking force acts ahead of the cg and has a-
destabilizing effect when the aircraft is moving
at an angle of yaw. This may cause a ground
loop (ac drags wingtip, collapses the LG, or
turns off the side of the runway)
Difficult to taxi in strong winds due to the high wing-
Inclined cabin floor is uncomfortable for-
.passengers and inconvenient for loading
.Reduced pilot visibility over the nose during taxiing-
High D during the initial TO run until the tail can be-
Lockheed Electra
Lockheed Electra
Beech Stagger wing
.Tricycle (nose wheel)-2
Steering the nose wheel through connections to the rudder-
pedals provides control on the ground for small airplanes,
.while large airplanes utilize hydraulic nose wheel steering
.M.L.G is located behind of the C.G-
Tricycle Landing Gear (Nose wheel) .2
Inherently stable: braking force acts behind the c.g. -
so it is stabilizing, allowing full use of brakes. AC
can be landed with large “crab” angle in a
.Fuselage is level when the aircraft is on the ground-
.The pilot has good view while taxiing-
Nose wheel protects the aircraft (especially the
.propellers) from turning over
.Low Drag during the initial phase of Takeoff-
Tandem: B-52-3
is seldom used on civilian aircraft other than-
The main wheels are located inline under fuselage, -
.and outrigger wheels supported the wings
The main legs are placed at nearly equal distances
ahead and behind the c.g. Thus, there is locally a
.space for placing PL close to the c.g
The wheels are retracted inside the fuselage without
.interrupting the wing structure
Allows the cargo floor to be very low, close to the
Fixed landing gear-
has more parasite drag which can be decreased by enclosing
the wheel in streamlined fairings, called wheel pants
Non-retractable landing gear is generally attached to the-
aircraft structure by bolting the landing gear struts
Retractable landing gear-
must provide for the landing gear to move, so the
upper shock strut is attached to the airframe
using trunnion fittings, which are extensions or
shafts attached to the shock strut that mount
.into fittings bolted to the airframe
Some smaller aircraft uses simple mechanical-
retraction system, incorporating a roller chain
.and sprockets operated by a hand crank
Nose wheel steering is used to control the-
.movement of aircraft on ground
L.G isn’t retracted completely, causing by-
.insufficient amount of fluid
parasite drag which is produced by the friction-
of the airflow over the structure
induce drag which is caused by the production
.of the lift
Fixed landing gear has more parasite drag -
which can be decreased by enclosing the
wheel in streamlined fairings, called wheel
Shock absorber: to absorb the landing impact and the shock-
.of taxing over rough ground
Spring steel (leaf): used in early aircraft (Cessna): do not-1
truly absorb the shocks, but rather accept them and return
them to the aircraft at rate that will not cause the aircraft to
Rigid Gear: older types of aircraft used it-2
that transmit all the loads of landing touch
.down directly to the airframe’s structure
Bungee cords: use rubber to cushion the shock– 3
of landing
Rubber bungee cords accept both landing impact-
and taxi shocks
shock struts (oleo): divided into two chambers (nitrogen & -4
.Hydraulic) and it most widely used
:Torque link (torsion link a scissors)-
to keep the landing gear straight direction.1
.guide for extension of shock strut .2
What is the purpose of the torque links attached to the cylinder and :25
?piston of a landing gear oleo strut
C: Maintain correct wheel alignment
:wheel construction
must be light weight and strong alloying -
(Aluminum alloy + Magnesium alloy)
Inboard wheel half. (Rotating brake disks – 1
attached to it)
Fusible plug: is installed on the inboard half of*
wheel to release the excessive pressure when
the tire got over heat and must remove all
.fusible plug when any one melt
.outboard half – 2
An inflation valve in the outboard wheel half
allows air to be added to a tubeless tire
Wheel inspection
…On aircraft
checked for general condition and proper installation-
Check for proper axle nut torque-
if too little torque...possible bearing cup become loose and *
spin...enlarge hole, extensive repair to wheel
if too high torque…bearing can be damaged*
Brake correctly installed -

Off aircraft
More extensive checks can be performed-
before loosening the wheel bolts be sure tire completely-
:Safety to loose the tire from the rim*
.be sure the tire is completely deflated-1
.use deflector screwed onto the valves-2
.remove valve core after air is out-3
.never use screwdriver to remove the tire-4
Disassembly of the wheel
the wheel should be placed on a clean, flat surface -1
bearing seals and cones removed from both wheel -2
the nut from wheel bolts removed to separate wheel -3
do not used impact wrench -4
Cleaning wheel assembly
Stoddard solvent used to remove any dirt or-1
grease from the wheel
soft bristle brush to remove stubborn deposits -2
do not used scrapers -3
after cleaned, dry with compressed air -4
Cleaning the bearings
Clean solvent used to wash bearing, soak them to-
soften grease then brush them with soft bristle
Dry bearing by blowing them out with low- -
pressure compressed air
bearing should never clean by steam-
B- bearing inspection (reject) *
galling (not easy to roll) -1
.flatting at roller-2
Water strain (corrosion)-3
.Spalling (small chipping)-4
Over heat (discoloration)-5
.Bend or distortion on the cage-6
.Groove in the roller (feel with your fingernail)-7
bearing lubrications: with MIL-G-81322D type lubrication
:inspections the wheels halves*
the most difficult area of an aircraft wheel to inspect is the *
.bead region
by using eddy current testing*
the key slot area will be tested by dye penetrant *
wheel bolt inspections :by magnetic particles inspections*
key & key screw inspection: for any cracks ,looseness and*
excessive wear
fusible plug inspections
Fusible plug: is installed on the inboard half of wheel to*
release the excessive pressure when the tire got over heat
and must remove all fusible plug when any one melt…if
any one of them indicates any deformation, all of plugs
must be replaced
balance weights :make sure these weights are in their places
Small Aircraft
Some of the smallest airplanes use differential -
Other small aircraft the nose wheel is usually-
controlled by a direct connection between the
.rudder pedals and the nose gear
Large Aircraft
Large aircraft steering is usually activated by a-
hydraulic actuator that is controlled by the
rudder pedals or by a separate steering
A shimmy damper is also a part of most nose-
wheel steering systems
Shimmy damper: is a small hydraulic shock absorber that is*
installed between the nose wheel fork and the nose wheel
cylinder to reduce rapid oscillation of nose wheel and allow
the wheel turn by steering unit

Shimmy dampers are normally small piston-type hydraulic-

cylinders that control the bleed of fluid between the two sides of
.the piston

Steering dampers :in many cases, the steering-

actuators serve as the steering dampers because they
are constantly charged with hydraulic fluid under
pressure. As the nose wheel attempts to vibrate or
shimmy, these cylinders prevent movement of the
nose gear
Steering dampers is used on large aircraft-
piston type shimmy dampers is usually used on -
.small aircraft
The nose wheel is equipped with centering cams-
.located in the nose wheel shock strut
These centering cams center the nose wheel
when the strut is extended after take-off
Nose gear centering cams are used in many-
.retractable landing gear systems
Landing gear alignment support and retraction-
a-wheel alignment
Torque link (torsion link a scissors): to keep the landing gear-
.straight direction and guide for extension of shock strut
: There are two methods for inspecting wheel alignments
Toe –in/out-1
camber- positive/negative-2
Toe of wheel is a deviation of wheel body from straight line, if the
wheels try to move together ,they are toe-in
If the extended longitudinal axis of the main landing gear :40
wheel assemblies intersects aft of the aircraft, the wheels
can be termed as having
.A: toe-out
toe-in is adjusted on spring steel landing gear by placing shims-
. between the axel and the gear leg
toe-in is adjusted on oleo-strut by adding or removing washers-
from between the torque link
Camber :is a measure of the amount the wheel is
tilted, if the wheel tilts outwards .it has positive
. camber
The repair for an out-of-tolerance toe-in :19
condition of main landing gear wheels
determined not to be the result of bent or
twisted components consists of
B: inserting, removing, or changing the
location of washers or spacers at the center
pivotal point of the scissor torque links
Non-retractable landing gear is generally-
attached to the aircraft structure by bolting the
.landing gear struts to the structure directly
Retractable landing gear must provide for the-
landing gear to move, so the upper shock strut
is attached to the airframe using trunnion
fittings, which are extensions or shafts attached
to the shock strut that mount into fittings bolted
.to the airframe
small aircraft retraction systems:
using the hydraulic power pack system
:large aircraft retraction systems *
more strong than small aircraft
emergency extension system: using*
, mechanical -1
alternative hydraulic-2
compressed air-3
electrical system-4
free fall techniques-5
An electric motor used to raise and lower a :69
landing gear would most likely be a
.C: split field series-wound motor
On all aircraft equipped with retractable landing :23
gear, some means must be provided to
B: extend the landing gear if the normal operating
.mechanism fails
landing gear safety devices*
safety switch: to prevent the retraction of the-1
landing gear while the aircraft on the ground
Squat switch: prevent retraction of landing gear
on ground
The purpose of a sequence valve in a :32
hydraulic retractable landing gear system is
C: ensure operation of the landing gear and
.gear doors in the proper order
ground locks: to secure the landing gear in the-2
down position
gear indications: by lights or by warning horn-3
Down & locked ….. 3 green lights
Up & locked………no lights
Transit motion……. 3 red lights
Warning system used to inform the pilots if the
gear is not down during landing attempt

nose wheel centering: to keep nose wheel in-4

center straight line in takeoff & landing
What is the function of a cam incorporated in a nose gear :43
?shock strut
.B: Straightens the nose wheel
Nose gear centering cams are used in many retractable :71
landing gear systems. The primary purpose of the
centering device is to
.C: center the nosewheel before it enters the wheel well
landing gear rigging and adjustment
gear latches: to catch landing gear-1
gear door clearances: to make aerodynamic shape-2
drag & side brace adjustment: consult-3
manufactures manual
landing gear retraction check; perform this check-4
by following aircraft manual
After performing maintenance on an aircraft’s :9
landing gear system which may have affected the
system’s operation, it is usually necessary to
C: make an operational check with the aircraft on
The removal, installation, and repair of landing :26
gear tires by the holder of a private pilot certificate
on an aircraft owned or operated is considered to
.C: preventive maintenance
Section B

Aircraft Brakes
Aircraft Brakes
Types Of Aircraft Brakes
Single-disk brake -1
Multiple-disk brake -2
a-segmented rotor –disc brakes
b-carbon brakes
Expander tube brake -3

Multiple-disk brake
Single-disk brake
Single disk brake
dissipate small amount of kinetic energy-
used lining made of an organic or metallic friction material-
Lining has 1-high coefficient of friction
good thermal characteristics-2
used caliper that is free to move in and out but restrained from -
Multiple-disk brake -2
Gain maximum amount of friction area -
smooth action and provided high torque-
dissipation of vast amount of kinetic and heat energy-
Disadvantage -
Thin disc has tendency to warp, manual adjustment requirement
later on automatic adjuster compensate for disc wear each time the*
brake is applied, which eliminates the need for manual brake
Segmented rotor disc brakes
Provide improved brake cooling -
More efficiently -
provide more efficient and longer braking action before temperature limit-
of brake is reached
Carbon brakes
made of pure carbon-
Save weight -
,high heat dissipating-
eliminate need for extensive cooling-
Used on military and jet airplanes -
is k b r ake
Brake Construction-
Single-disk -1
is bolted rigidly to the wheel and rotates between two
linings mounted in a caliper that is free to move in and
.out but is restrained from rotating
The caliper consist of cylinder assembly holding one or
more pistons actuated by hydraulic pressure to
squeeze the disc between two brakes lining
The lining used in these brakes is usually made of an -
organic material (semi metallic linings) that has
a high coefficient of friction.1
.excellent thermal characteristics .2
good wear capabilities .3
no health problem during manufacture .4
The lining (pads) used in past made of asbestoses-
.compound are hazards health
Multiple-disk brake -2
- :Construction of multiple disk brakes*
.Torque tube: foundation unit, which core of stator and rotor-1

Automatic adjuster: to maintain a constant clearance between the lining -2

. and the disk when brake is released and also compensated the wear

brake Housing: have cavities for holding piston and return spring which -3
made of ‘Al’ alloy and ‘Mg’ alloy. (attached with strut by bolt)
inspected by using dye penetrant inspection •

Piston insulator: used to prevent heat transfer from pressure plate into-4
.piston where it would likely damaged the seal and fluid

.Piston: sealed with O-ring packing and Teflon back up-5

pressure plate: attached by return pin to the housing brake-6

rotating disk: placed between each of the stationary-7
and tang’s ( projecting prong) fits into a steel
.reinforced slot in the wheel hubs
stationary disks are keyed to the torque tube so they -8
are free to slide back and forth as the brakes are
.applied, but they cannot rotate
Narrow slots are often cut into the stationary discs-
to allow for expansion as they get hot (prevent the
.disc from warping which could the brakes to drag)
bolts and nuts-9
.back plate: fixed on the torque tube-10
When the brake is applied, the piston forced the -
pressure plate toward the disc and clamps the disc
.stack against the back plate
lining (friction pad): made of carbon to absorb the -11
heat. (brass, copper, or copper wool )
:properties of lining
.a- desired coefficient of friction
b-good wearing capability
.c-cause no health problems during manufacture
c-excellent thermal characteristics ( No heat
carbon brake-3
Absorb tremendous amount of kinetic energy-
Low weight-
Excellent wear properties-
expander tube brake :- is a sealed hydraulic system consisting of-4
diaphragm-type master cylinder is connected via the appropriate
.tubing to the actuator in the wheel and filled with hydraulic fluid
Many brake types can be adapted to operate mechanically or :13
?hydraulically. Which type is not adaptable to mechanical operation
.C: Expander-tube type
brake actuating system
independent master cylinder-1
boosted brake system -2
power brake system -3
emergency brake system -4
:Independent master Cylinder -1
Drum and shoes brake were mechanically operated by a flexible steel cable
.pulling on a lever inside the brake

if piston return spring break in master cylinder, brake will drag-

if there is excessive brake pedal tarvel,but brake effective…reason is-
worn brake lining
if we have air in master cylinder, it should be purged to get firm brake-
If master cylinder has restricted compensator port ,it will cause slow- -
release of the brakes
if there is internal leakage in brake master cylinder, it will cause pedal to-
slow creep down while pedal pressure applied
compensating port or valve: permit the fluid to flow toward or a way from-
.the reservoir as temperature changes
:Boosted cylinder -2
used on midsize airplanes require more braking force and high landing-
if the pilot needs more pressure on the brakes than can be applied with-
.the pedal
Power brake-3
.require large volume of fluid to operate the brake-
most large aircraft use brakes operated by pressure-
.from the main hydraulic system
Large aircraft has some provision to prevent wheel -
Power brake control valve -
a-power brake control valve: - regulator between
.hydraulic system and brake system
Aircraft brakes requiring a large volume of fluid :27
to operate the brakes generally
.C: use power brake control valves
Anti skid system: sense the rate of deceleration of
each wheel and compare it with the maximum
allowable rate of deceleration
Debooster valves are used in brake systems primarily to
.reduce the pressure and release the brakes rapidly-
.reduce the pressure to the brake and increase the volume of fluid flow-
brake debooster position
.between the brake control valve and the brake actuating cylinder
b- debooster: is pressure reducer valve
are primarily pressure reducing valves that operate on the basis of a pressure
differential being produced by varying the area of the pistons within the
Debooster: lower the pressure and increase volume of fluid
Emergency brake system-4
use pneumatic system in case of hydraulic system fail-
On aircraft surface
a-mount of wear on linings for single disc is determined by the amount of the
return pin of the automatic adjuster
b- mount of wear on linings for single disc is determined by the amount of the
distance between disc &brake housing
c- mount of wear on linings are replaced when they get down to 0.100inch
d- mount of wear on linings for multiple disc is determined by the amount of
the distance between pressure plate &brake housing
Which statement is true with respect to an :34
aircraft equipped with hydraulically operated
?multiple-disk type brake assemblies
.B: Do not set parking brake when brakes are hot
spongy action means there is an air in the#
bleeding :means to remove air from the system #
gravity method-1
pressure method-2
Deterioration of the flexible brake lines cause*
spongy braking
off aircraft servicing
replacement of brake linings: in according to-
there conditions
malfunctions & damage-4
a- overheating: reasons are
.Jamming- 1
.air in the system-2
Bad order to brake- 3
.out of adjusting-4
All of the seals must be replaced because excessive heat will destroy their(-
).ability to seal
b- dragging: reasons are
Missing return spring-1
air in the system- 2
wear area- 3
warped from overheating-4
.c- chattering (squealing): reasons are - annoying condition

.Glaze disk: - like glass surface that from on rotating disk-1

Unparalleled condition -2
uneven friction-4
anti skid system
Purpose: - it produces the proper amount of*
braking for any runway condition with the pilot
having only to call for maximum braking
- :Components*
Sensor: - to detect a change in the rate of
.deceleration and gives signal for control box
Control box: - to generate electrical signal usable
.to control valve
Control valve: - to control amount of pressure,
which prevents a skid during landing, and to
give proper amount of brake according the
.speed of A/c
Section C

Aircraft tires & tubes

tire types&size-1
An example :Type III 9.50-16
An example :Type VII 38 X 13
An example :Type VIII 30 X 11.50-14.5
ply rating-2
tubes or tubeless-3
B-Tire constructions
:Tire construction requirement to
a- carry large loads
b- high rotational
.c- large amount of deflection
Tire constructions
the bead-1
Note: bead made up of bundle of high carbon steel wires, which provide Firm *
.mounting for tire and most important port of tire
the carcass-2
the tread (wear surface of tire )-3
the sidewall…extend from tread down to the bead heel, To protect carcass-4
from injuries
- :Types of tires treads (pattern)
plain tread …used on airplanes with no brakes, today used on helicopter and light-1
all weather treads…have a rib tread in center and diamond in shoulders, diamond-2
effective for aircraft operating on grass or hard packed dirt, rib give good traction

. rib-all weather tread-3

rib tread….most popular today, used on hard surface, give long tread wear, good-4
traction & good directional stability
deflector (chines molded into upper sidewall): - used to prevent water from nose wheel-5
.entering into the engine
Chines are used on some aircraft nose wheel tires to help deflect water away from the*
How to protect tire from heat build up
short ground roll -1
slow taxi speed -2
minimum braking -3
proper tire inflation -4
Chines are used on some aircraft nose :57
wheel tires to
.C: help deflect water away from the fuselage
The best safeguards against heat buildup :58
in aircraft tires are
B: short ground rolls, slow taxi speeds,
.minimum braking, and proper tire inflation
Tire inspections on the aircraft
the inflation-1
Checked daily-
before each flight-
Note: 10% of inflation pressure drop is considered normal in the initial 24*
.hours period after mounting an aircraft tire
Over inflating will damage wheel flange-
The correct inflation pressure for an aircraft tire can be obtained from the
.aircraft service manual

if there is a difference of more than 5 pounds of air pressure in tires

.mounted Correct the amount of pressure and enter in logbook

We have to wait after a flight before checking tire pressure, At least 2

.hours (3 hours in hot weather)

Aircraft tire pressure should be checked at least once a week or more


If tire newly installed, tires should be first inflated, fully deflated, and then
reinflated to the correct pressure To allow the tube to position itself
.correctly inside the tire

A stripe or mark applied to a wheel rim and extending onto the sidewall of
a tube-type tire is a slippage mark. To indicate if there is slip between
wheel and tire or not

The proper inflation pressure ,if tire serviced and inflated off the aircraft
is 4 % less that listed in manual

Dial type indicator should be calibrated periodically

tread condition-2
- :Tires problem
.oval shape (bad storing, heat and runway on ice surface)-1
chevron: - cut across the tread caused by operating on groove-2
.run way surface
spot wheel: - caused by brake malfunction, improper torque-3
.bearing and worn shock absorber
Tread wears at center caused by inflate wheel or at shoulder by-4
.deflate wheel
Excessive wear in the center of the tread of an aircraft tire is an -
.indication of over-inflation
Excessive wear in the shoulder area of an aircraft tire( carcass -
.area) is an indication of under-inflation
Deep cut (more than ½ of rib)-5
.Kinked tread (bad storing)-6
.Tread separation: - caused by overheat or pressure-7
.Burst tire: - hard landing and brake on -8
.Tread chunking: - (F.O.D) or run on rough surface-9
Main purpose of side wall is to protect carcass plies from damage-
Any of ply material is exposed, the tire should be removed -
Side wall are vented, allow air to escape -
tire removal -4
Jack up-
Bearing inspection -
Special and proper tool should be used-
Remove bolts and wheel halves-
Excessive wear in the shoulder area of an aircraft tire is an indication of :62
.C: underinflation
Excessive wear in the center of the tread of an aircraft tire is an indication of :63
.C: overinflation
Why do tire and wheel manufacturers often recommend that the tires on split :10
?rim wheels be deflated before removing the wheel from the axle
B: As a safety precaution in case the bolts that hold the wheel halves together
have been damaged or weakened
Overinflated aircraft tires may cause damage to the :17
.C: wheel flange
The inspections off the aircraft
Any tire exposed to aborted take-off, sever brakes, or exposed enough heat _
should be replaced
If one tire in a dual installation fails, other tire should be discard -
,General inspection should be carried out for cut,punctures,bulges -
A high-speed aircraft tire with a sound cord body and bead may be recapped :47
.C: an indefinite number of times
A stripe or mark applied to a wheel rim and extending onto the sidewall of a :15
tube-type tire is a
.A: slippage mark

Tire repair and retreading

Repair station man authorized for repair tire according to FAA advisory circular -
Flexing: evidence of break
Bead damage
Separation evidence
Injury ,kinked and broken beads
Sidewall weather check or radial checks
Blisters , heat damage
Deterioration, damage inner liners
There is no specific limit to the number of times a tire can be retread
Tube storage Tire storage
Exposure to and/or storage near which-1
of the following is considered
|?harmful to aircraft tires cool and dry-1 cool and dry-1
area area
.Low humidity .1
.Fuel .2
away from-2 away from-2
.Oil .3
sunlight and sunlight and
.Ozone .4 electrical machine electrical machine
.Helium .5
.Electrical equipment .6
Dust with-3 no oil, grease,-3
.Hydraulic fluid .7 talcum inside and HYD,solvent
.Solvents .8 outside to prevent ,ozone and fuel
tube sticking .contact
.A: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
.B: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8
never hang over-4 store vertically-4.
.C: 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 nail or pegs in rack

stored in carton-5 store-5

horizontally (no
more 5 tires)
Aircraft Tubes-
tube constructions & selection-1
Made of specially compound natural rubber *
Caused for tube leak
hole in the tube -1
defective valve -2
tube inspection-2
Leaking check by water
Check tube size, should use proper size with tire
Inside tube checked for evidence of chafing against toe of bead
Inspect for any indication of heat
tube inspections & storage-3
Stored in original cartoon
Check for elasticity,crack,chafing
tire mounting-4
a-tube tires
b- tubeless tires
Tire Balancing-
. to minimize annoying which is caused by vibrations of unbalance wheels
there are three methods to counter balance of the wheel
some of weight brackets mounted under the head of wheel bolts-1
some fasten to wheel rim by cotter pin-2
others are an adhesive lead strip-3
The primary purpose for balancing aircraft wheel assemblies is to :21
.A: prevent heavy spots and reduce vibration
Oral and practical questions
?What takes up the shock of the landing impact in an oleo shock strut .1
.The metered transfer of oil from one compartment to another inside the shock strut
?What takes up the taxi shocks in an oleo shock strut .2
.Compressed air
?How much oil should be put into an oleo shock strut .3
Deflate the strut completely, remove the filler plug and fill the strut with oil to the level of
.the filler plug
?What is the purpose of the centering cam in a nose-wheel shock strut .4
The centering cam forces the nose wheel straight back with the strut before it is
.retracted into the nose wheel well
?How does a shimmy damper keep a nosewheel from shimmying .5
It acts as a small hydraulic shock absorber between the piston and the cylinder of the
.nosewheel shock strut
?What is the purpose of the debooster in a hydraulic power brake system .6
The debooster decreases the pressure and increases the volume of fluid going to
.the brakes. This gives the pilot better control of the brakes
?What should be done to hydraulic brakes when the pedal has a spongy feel .7
The spongy feel is caused by air in the brake. The brakes should be bled of this
What is used in a split wheel to keep air from leaking between the two wheel .8
.An O-ring seal
What causes an aircraft tire to wear more on the shoulders than in the center of .9
?the tread
.Operating the tire in an underinflated condition
What causes an aircraft tire to wear more in the center of the tread than on the .10
.Operating the tire in an overinflated condition
.The tire should be scrapped
What should be done to an aircraft tire if the sidewalls are weather checked .11
?enough to expose the cord
.The tire should be scrapped
Why is it important that some aircraft with retractable landing gear be given a .12
?retraction test after new or retreaded tires are installed
It is possible in some aircraft that a new or retreaded tire can be different enough
in size from the previous tire that it could lock up in the wheel well when the
.landing gear is retracted
?How is the correct amount of air in an oleo shock strut determined .13
By the amount the strut extends out of the cylinder when the weight of the aircraft
.is on it
What should be done with a tire that was on a wheel which was overheated .14
?enough to melt the fusible plug in the wheel
Replace it

?Where can you find the correct inflation pressure for the tires on an aircraft .15
In the aircraft service manual
What is the purpose of the compensator port in the master cylinder of aircraft .16
The compensator port in the master cylinder opens the brake reservoir to the wheel
cylinders when the brakes are off. This prevents pressure from building up in the
.brake lines and causing the brakes to drag
What is the purpose of the shuttle valve in the brake system of an aircraft .17
?using hydraulic power brakes
The shuttle valve is an automatic transfer valve. It allows the brakes to be operated by
hydraulic system pressure under all normal conditions, but if this pressure is lost, it
.allows the brakes to be operated by the emergency backup system
How does an antiskid brake system keep the wheels of an aircraft from .18
?skidding on a wet runway
The antiskid system monitors the rate of deceleration of the wheels. If any wheel slows
down faster than it should (as it would at the beginning of a skid), the pressure on the
brake in that wheel is released until the wheel stops decelerating, then the pressure
.is reapplied
Chapter 9 / Aircraft landing Gear System
?Q.1: What is the purpose of the shuttle valve in the emergency brake system
Used to direct either normal hydraulic system pressure or emergency air pressure
into brake actuator
?Q.2: What is the purpose of the Fusible plug
Fusible plug is installed on the inboard half of wheel to release the excessive pressure
when the tire got over heat
?Q.3: What is the purpose of the fairing installed on the wheel
.Decrease the air resistance of a fixed landing gear
Q.4: What are the classification of landing gear according to the wheel
tail-wheel type landing gear 2- tricycle-type landing gear 3- tandem landing gear -1
?Q.5: What is the main problem of the tail-wheel type landing gear
The main problem with the tail wheel type of landing gear is its tendency to cause the
airplane to ground-loop
? Q.6: What is the purpose of the following
. shock absorber 2- torque link -1
shock absorber : used for absorbing the landing impact and the shock of taxiing-1
over rough ground
torque link : it limits the extension of the oleo strut and keeps the wheel in -2
.Q.7: Write down the purpose of shimmy damper
It allows the wheel to be turned by the steering system and the rapid oscillations of
a nose wheel
? Q.8:what is the Aircraft wheel made of
Made of either aluminum alloy or magnesium alloy
? Q.9: What should be checked when wheel is on the aircraft
check for proper installation 2- check axle nut torque -1
?Q.10: What are the types of brakes
single-disk brake 2- multiple-disk brake -1
?Q.11: What is the purpose of the debooster valve
Used to increase the volume of fluid going to the brake and reduces the pressure
- :Q.12: What are the Construction of multiple disk brakes
Torque tube.2- Automatic adjuster3-Brake Housing4-Piston insulator-1
Piston6-pressure plate7-rotating disk8-stationary disks 9-bolts and nuts-5
.back plate11- lining (friction pad)12- air valves-10
?Q.13: What are the points that should be checked during brake inspection
check for lining wear -1
check for air in the system -2
check the fluid quantity and type -3
check the entire system for leakage -4
check bolt torque -5
Q.14: What are the precautions that should be taken when storing tires
The storage room should not have extreme of temperature -1
special care should be taken to assure that no grease, oil, hydraulic fluid -2

the tires should be stored vertically in racks -3

the tires should be stored in a cool ,dry area , out of direct sunlight -4
and away from any electrical machinery

? Q.15:What are the three methods to counter balance of the wheel

some of weight brackets mounted under the head of wheel bolts-1
some fasten to wheel rim by cotter pin-2
others are an adhesive lead strip-3
?Q.16:What are the Types of tires treads (pattern)
plain tread-1
all weather treads-2
.rib-all weather tread-3
rib tread-4

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