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Auditing Computer-Based Information

Chapter 11

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

Learning Objectives
• Describe the nature, scope, and objectives of audit work, and identify the major steps
in the audit process.

• Identify the six objectives of an information system audit, and describe how the risk-
based audit approach can be used to accomplish these objectives.

• Describe the different tools and techniques auditors use to test software programs
and program logic.

• Describe computer audit software, and explain how it is used in the audit of an AIS.

• Describe the nature and scope of an operational audit.

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• The process of obtaining and evaluating evidence regarding

assertions about economic actions and events in order to
determine how well they correspond with established criteria

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Major Steps in the Auditing Process

• Audit planning
▫ Why, how, when, and who
▫ Establish scope and objectives of the audit; identify risk
• Collection of audit evidence
• Evaluation of evidence
• Communication of results

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Risk-Based Framework

• Identify fraud and errors (threats) that can occur that threaten
each objective
• Identify control procedures (prevent, detect, correct the threats)
• Evaluate control procedures
▫ Review to see if control exists and is in place
▫ Test controls to see if they work as intended
• Determine effect of control weaknesses
▫ Compensating controls

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Information Systems Audit
• Using the risk-based framework for an information systems audit
allows the auditor to review and evaluate internal controls that
protect the system to meet each of the following objectives:
▫ Protect overall system security (includes computer equipment,
programs, and data)
▫ Program development and acquisition occur under management
▫ Program modifications occur under management authorization
▫ Accurate and complete processing of transactions, records, files, and
▫ Prevent, detect, or correct inaccurate or unauthorized source data
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Pearson Education,complete,
Inc. and confidential data files 11-6
1. Protect Overall System Security
Threats Controls
• Theft of hardware • Limit physical access to computer
• Damage of hardware (accidental and equipment
intentional) • Use authentication and authorization
• Loss, theft, unauthorized access to controls
▫ Programs • Data storage and transmission controls
▫ Data • Virus protection and firewalls
• Unauthorized modification or use of • File backup and recovery procedures
programs and data files • Disaster recovery plan
• Unauthorized disclosure of confidential • Preventive maintenance
data • Insurance
• Interruption of crucial business activities

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2. Program Development and Acquisition Occur
under Management Authorization
Threat Controls
• Inadvertent programming errors • Review software license agreements
• Unauthorized program code • Management authorization for:
▫ Program development
▫ Software acquisition
• Management and user approval of
programming specifications
• Testing and user acceptance of new
• Systems documentation

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3. Program Development and Acquisition Occur
under Management Authorization
Threat Controls
• Inadvertent programming errors • List program components to be modified
• Unauthorized program code • Management authorization and approval
for modifications
• User approval for modifications
• Test changes to program
• System documentation of changes
• Logical access controls

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4. Accurate and Complete Processing of Transactions,
Records, Files, and Reports

Threats Controls
• Failure to detect incorrect, incomplete, or • Data editing routines
unauthorized input data • Reconciliation of batch totals
• Failure to correct errors identified from • Error correction procedures
data editing procedures • Understandable documentation
• Errors in files or databases during • Competent supervision
• Improper distribution of output
• Inaccuracies in reporting

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5. Prevent, Detect, or Correct Inaccurate or Unauthorized Source Data

Threat Controls
• Inaccurate source data • User authorization of source data input
• Unauthorized source data • Batch control totals
• Log receipt, movement, and disposition of
source data input
• Turnaround documents
• Check digit and key verification
• Data editing routines

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6. Accurate, Complete, and Confidential Data Files

Threats Controls
• Destruction of stored data from • Secure storage of data and restrict physical
▫ Errors access
▫ Hardware and software malfunctions • Logical access controls
▫ Sabotage • Write-protection and proper file labels
• Unauthorized modification or disclosure of • Concurrent update controls
stored data • Data encryption
• Virus protection
• Backup of data files (offsite)
• System recovery procedures

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Audit Techniques Used to Test Programs
• Integrated Test Facility
▫ Uses fictitious inputs
• Snapshot Technique
▫ Master files before and after update are stored for specially marked
• System Control Audit Review File (SCARF)
▫ Continuous monitoring and storing of transactions that meet pre-
• Audit Hooks
▫ Notify auditors of questionable transactions
• Continuous and Intermittent Simulation
▫ Similar to SCARF for DBMS
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Software Tools Used to Test Program Logic
• Automated flowcharting program
▫ Interprets source code and generates flowchart
• Automated decision table program
▫ Interprets source code and generates a decision table
• Scanning routines
▫ Searches program for specified items
• Mapping programs
▫ Identifies unexecuted code
• Program tracing
▫ Prints program steps with regular output to observe sequence of
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Pearson Education, Inc. events 11-14
Computer Audit Software
• Computer assisted audit software that can perform audit tasks on
a copy of a company’s data. Can be used to:
▫ Query data files and retrieve records based upon specified criteria
▫ Create, update, compare, download, and merge files
▫ Summarize, sort, and filter data
▫ Access data in different formats and convert to common format
▫ Select records using statistical sampling techniques
▫ Perform analytical tests
▫ Perform calculations and statistical tests
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Operational Audits
• Purpose is to evaluate effectiveness, efficiency, and goal
achievement. Although the basic audit steps are the same, the
specific activities of evidence collection are focused toward
operations such as:
▫ Review operating policies and documentation
▫ Confirm procedures with management and operating personnel
▫ Observe operating functions and activities
▫ Examine financial and operating plans and reports
▫ Test accuracy of operating information
▫ Test operational controls
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Key Terms
• Auditing • Materiality
• Internal auditing • Reasonable assurance
• Financial audit • Systems review
• Information systems audit • Test of controls
• Operational audit • Compensating controls
• Compliance audit • Source code comparison program
• Investigative audit • Reprocessing
• Inherent risk • Parallel simulation
• Control risk • Test data generator
• Detection risk • Concurrent audit techniques
• Confirmation • Embedded audit modules
• Reperformance • Integrated test facility (ITF)
• Vouching • Snapshot technique
• Analytical review • System control audit review file (SCARF)
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Key Terms (continued)

• Audit hooks • Input controls matrix

• Continuous and intermittent simulation • Computer-assisted audit techniques
• Automated flowcharting program • Generalized audit software (GAS)
• Automated decision table program
• Scanning routines
• Mapping programs
• Program tracing

Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.


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