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by: Role of SMEs in Economic Growth

Table of Contents
• What is SME
• Characteristic of SME
• Global Role of SME in Economy
• SME in Pakistan
• Benefits of SMEs to Economy
• Critical Issue with SME in Pakistan
• Suggestions & Recommendation
What is SME?

SMEs make up the majority of the businesses operating around the

world. Generally, they are independent firms with less than 50
 the maximum number of employees is different from one country to
the next. For most companies, the upper range sits around 250.
Characteristics of SME’s
• Privately held small business (manage and work by its own)
• large scale (proprietor and workers)
• No or few management lawyers
• Limited liability
• Independence in decision
• Scale of operation (limited market share)
• Few and unskilled labor
• Can easily adopt the changes (in developing market)
Global Role of SME in Economy
• Driving Force behind economic growth as witness in 1980s and
• Major economic growth and Employment took place in early 1990s
which came from SME
• In Asia- Pacific major economic
Growth comes form SME
SME & China SME & USA

• They make up over 99 % of all • Small businesses are critical to

enterprises in China today U.S. economic growth. They
• accounts for at least 60 % of the contribute 65% of all new jobs.
country's gross domestic Without small businesses, the
product, economy won't grow.
• generating more than 82 % of
employment opportunities
SME IN Pakistan

In Pakistan SME’s are consider

to be the major, contribution

40% economic growth

Share of 25% in Pakistan’s total


Produce 5 times as much

Benefits of SMEs to Economy
Increasing the Tax Base
Support growth of large
Job Creation Increased Export Industry

when local residents shop

at small businesses within
their communities, their
tax dollars stay within the
local economy, helping to
small businesses Support the growth of improve their community
. as a result. Likewise, local
employ locals. The large industries by
impact is that people SME contribute to providing, small businesses tend to
get an income that about 25% Pakistan components, buy locally as well,
enables them to Total Export. accessories and semi pumping more of the
purchase different finished goods profits from their
commodities such as required by them economic activity back
food and clothing. into the community than
their chain store
counterparts, sparking
economic development.
Critical Issue with SME in Pakistan

Emphasized Appear
more on the deficient in
large sector accounting and Trade restrictions. Currency Exchange
financial Rate Changes

Suggestions & Recommendation

Building a Conducive Environment

 Proposing and facilitating changes in Policy and Regulatory Environment
Reducing the Cost of Doing Business
Facilitating Government-SME Interface

Developing Sectors and Clusters

 Sector Studies, Strategies and Implementation
Cluster Development
Common Facility Centers (CFCs)

Provision and Facilitation of Services

Investment Facilitation
 Technology, Training, Finance, Business Information, Marketing, and legal support
Productivity and Competitiveness Improvement

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