The Passage To Adulthood

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Physical Development
◦ Most girls have completed the physical changes
related to puberty by age 15.
◦ Boys are still maturing and gaining strength,
muscle mass, and height and are completing the
development of sexual traits
Emotional Development
◦ May stress over school and test scores.
◦ Is self-involved (may have high expectations and
low self-concept).
◦ Seeks privacy and time alone.
◦ Is concerned about physical and sexual
Emotional Development
◦ May complain that parents prevent him or her
from doing things independently.
◦ Starts to want both physical and emotional
intimacy in relationships.
◦ The experience of intimate partnerships.
Social Development
◦ Shifts in relationship with parents from
dependency and subordination to one that
reflects the adolescent’s increasing maturity and
responsibilities in the family and the community,
◦ Is more and more aware of social behaviors of
◦ Seeks friends that share the same beliefs, values,
and interests.
◦ Friends become more important.
Social Development
◦ Starts to have more intellectual interests.
◦ Explores romantic and sexual behaviors with
◦ May be influenced by peers to risky behaviors
(alcohol, tobacco, sex).
Mental Development
◦ Becomes better able to set goals and think
in terms of the future.
◦ Has a better understanding of complex
problems and issues.
◦ Starts to develop moral ideals and to
select role models.
At the end of the session, the learners will be able to
discuss that facing the challenges during adolescence may bale to
clarify and manage the demands of teen years.
1. Examples of choices that can have a long-term consequences:
a. Sex c. Drugs and alcohol
b. Body piercings d. Trouble with the law
e. A,C, and D

2. Define Identity:
A. When you look at someone else c. A sense of someone else
b. a sense of oneself as a unique persond. Your buddy

3. Define Adolescence:
A. Process or state of growing to maturity c. When you get old
b. Process of growing from adulthood to old age d. When you are a child

4. What is the range of adolescence?

A. 31-39 c. 11-19
b. 51-59 d. 21-29
5. Who matures faster?
a. Boys b. Girls

6. Peer pressure is
a. Always negative c. Increases throughout adolescence
b. Means conforming to your friends d. Has not effect on adults

7. Which of the tasks that teens are dealing with?

A. Overcoming insecurities with the changing body
b. Adjusting to new intellectual abilities
c. Achieving new and more mature relations with age-mates of both sexes
d. All of the above

8. New cognitive (mental) abilities lead teens to:

a. Argue so they try out their new thinking abilities
b. Give up completely on schoolwork
c. Have difficulty in reversing a situation
d. Believing everything they see
9. An example of a serious rebellion is:
A. Tattoo c. Purple hair color
b. Trouble with law d. Gothic dress

10. Some teenagers rebel because of internal family problems that are caused by
conflict, permissive parenting and addictions.
A. true b. False

11. Teens need independence from their parents, but the majority of teens still want
their parents involved in their lives.
A. true b. False

12. When choosing friends, which of the following are good guidelines?
A. Popularity c. ones who inspire you to be a better person
b. Similar values and goals d. Both B and C
13. As the adolescence moves towards independence, the wise parents:
A. Read the teen’s email
b. Keep firm control for the teen’s well being
c. Give the teen the opportunity to make more choices and decisions and acts
as a resource
d. Restrict the teen clothing styles and dress

14. Emotional fluctuations in adolescence are caused by:

a. Hormonal changes and brain in development
b. Hormonal imbalances
c. Lead to a need for professional counselling
d. Environmental factors

15. Texting nude photos of yourself, if you are a minor, is considered child
a. True b. false

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