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Testing strategies

Why is testing done?
• To ensure that the created system works according to set
• How is testing done?
Two strategies:
1. test each module that makeup the whole system
2. Test whether all modules functioning together

• NB: Even though each individual module may work satisfactorily, when
they are all put together there may be data clashes, incompatibility
and memory issues, etc.
What can be used for testing?
• Testing uses many different types of data, which will fall into one of
three categories:
1. normal,
2. extreme
3. abnormal.
To illustrate:
• Suppose one of the fields in a database is the date and this must be in the
form dd/mm/yyyy, where each element of the date must be numeric:

1. Normal: data which is acceptable/valid and has an expected (known)

outcome, e.g. the month can be any whole number in the range 1 to 12.
2. Extreme: data at the limits of acceptability/validity, e.g. the month can be
either of the two end values i.e. 1 or 12.
3. Abnormal: data outside the limits of acceptability/validity and should be
rejected or cause an error message. For example, all the following values
are not allowed as inputs for the month:
 negative numbers (e.g. –1, –15)
 any value greater than 12 (e.g. 32, 45)
 letters or other non-numeric data (e.g. July)
 non-integer values (e.g. 3.5, 10.75).
Test phases of product
• Alpha test VS beta test
Testing the product
• The following people test the product:
1. Technical expert
2. Client
3. End users.
• What the Technical expert does:
a) compatibility – technical experts test to see if product conflicts with other software or
hardware devices
b) integration – technical experts test to see if the product integrates with all other system
c) load – technical experts test to see if product loads properly.
d) performance – technical experts test to see if product performs properly

Testing the product …
• Client
a) appearance – client tests to see if product meets the design
b) ease of use (user friendly) – client tests to see if product is easy to
use/navigate, technical requirements
c) functionality – client checks against the requirements specification
to check if the system does everything it was set out to do in the

Testing the product …
• End-user
a) ease of use – end-user tests to see if the product makes work easier
and if any improvements can be made.
b) ease of use (user friendly)– end-user tests how easy it is to use and
if the system is appropriate for their situation
c) effectiveness – end-user tests to see if the product works effectively
d) functionality – end-user tests to see if the product is usable

• Once the system is fully tested, the next stage is to fully implement it.

• There are four common methods used for change over from old to
new System.
• Each one has advantages and disadvantages,
• See in Table 8.3 (next slide), which need to be weighed up before the
most appropriate method is chosen for a particular application.
ICT IGCSE Theory – Revision Presentation
The Systems Life Cycle
7.4 Implementation
Advantages Disadvantages

Direct Changeover The existing system is • The benefits of new system are • Requires a lot of planning - all
Chapter 7: The Systems Life Cycle

stopped and replaced by immediate. required data must be ready to

the new system use with the new system
immediately. • The whole system would have been • If the new system fails then old
fully tested before it is system is not available to fall back
The data that was implemented so less chance of to.
inputted into existing errors. • The organisation may lose
system is now inputted business or even have to close
into the new system. • Costs are reduced as only one until the new system can be fixed
system is being used. Tasks are not • There may not be enough time to
duplicated. provide training to employees.

Parallel Running The existing and new • If the new system does not meet • Tasks will be duplicated as data is
system work together for the requirements then old system inputted into both systems.
a period of time until the is still available; can fall back to old.
new system fully takes • Employees can be trained gradually • This will require more employees
over. how to used the new system. which will result in more costs
• output of the new system can be (paying salaries) for the
Data is inputted into both verified against the old system employers.
systems whilst they are
running at the same time.
ICT IGCSE Theory – Revision Presentation
Systems Life Cycle
Advantages Disadvantages

Phased Implementation The new system is gradually • at least part of the business • Time consuming as every
introduced. When parts of the new can still function even when part of the system which is
system are working at a satisfactory new system fails. implemented needs to be
Chapter 7: The Systems Life Cycle

level then more elements of the • If a part of the new system evaluated.
system are phased in. does not meet the • can be complex, especially if
requirements then you can there is a lot of interaction
Eventually the old system will be always go back to point of between depart­ments who
phased out over a period of time. system which was working. have changed and those
who have not.

Pilot Running The new system is piloted (trialled) • If the new system does not • It could take a while for the
in one part (department) of an meet the requirements then whole system to be
organisation. If the pilot is successful only one department is implemented across all
then it will be implemented across affected. departments.
all departments. • Training can take place in one • If the system fails in one
Example: If a new system is department at a time. Then department then
introduced in book store which is employees could be used in modifications and further
part of a chain. Then eventually if other departments to help training would be required
the system is successful it will be with training. (cost effective) resulting in delays.
introduced to all of the books stores • Causes minimum disruptions • Departmental interactions
in that chain (WHS). in production are difficult, old system and
new system
Table compares the costs, input requirements and risk
of failure for all four changeover methods.

1. Which of the above change over methods is most risky? Give reasons
2. Which of the methods is least risky? Give reasons
3. Which method is least costly? Give reasons
4. Which method is most costly? Give reasons
Exercise: what method would you recommend
Scenario Method
A gym
International food company
Banking system
• Objectives:
What is documentation?
Why is there a need for user documentation?
Why is their a need for technical documentation?
What are examples of technical documentation?
What are examples of user documentation?

What is documentation?
Consists of a considerable amount of documents to be produced:
a) for the end user, and
b) for people who may need to modify or develop the system further at some
later stage

Question: (i) What is documentation?
(ii) Who use documentation categorized as user documentation?
(iii) Technical documentation is created for who?
(iv) Categorize the following: a document how to operate a system; document fine tune the speed
processing a transaction.
User documentation
• the purpose of the system/ program/ • sample runs (with test data and
software package results)
• how to log in/log out • how to do a search
• how to load/run the software • how to sort data
• how to do printouts • print layouts (output)
• how to add, delete or amend records • hardware requirements
• software requirements • how to save files
• troubleshooting guide/help lines/FAQs • tutorials
• error handling/meaning of errors • screen layouts (input)
Technical documentation

• purpose of the system/program/software • list of variables used (and their

meaning/ description)
• flowchart/algorithm • programming language used
• input formats • hardware requirements
• minimum memory requirements • software requirements
• known bugs in the system • program listing/coding
• sample runs (with test data and results) • output formats
• validation rules • meaning of error messages.
• file structures
1. What is the purpose of evaluation?
Determine if system is:
i. doing job it was designed for,
ii. works well with minimum errors,
iii. users can use the system properly.
2. What are the things evaluated?
3. Evaluations leads back to what stage in SDLC?
4. How does Analysis and evaluation compare?
What the analyst needs to do:
1. compare final solution with the original requirement
2. identify any limitations in the system
3. identify any necessary improvements that need to be made
4. evaluate the user’s responses to using the new system
5. compare test results from the new system with results from the old
6. compare the performance of the new system with the performance of the
old system
7. observe users performing set tasks, comparing old with new
8. measure the time taken to complete tasks, comparing old with new
9. interview users to gather responses about how well the new system works
10. give out questionnaires to gather responses about the ease of use of the
new system.
Need for Hardware and software updates

Hardware may need to be updated because:

1. of feedback from end users
2. new hardware comes on the market, making change necessary
3. there are changes within the company which require new devices to be added or
Software may need to be updated because:
4. of feedback from end users
5. changes to the company structure or how the company works may need
modifications to the software
6. changes in legislation may need modifications to the software.
Data analysis

• https://

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