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in the

Middle School Classroom

Amy Hopkins
Caddo Mills ISD
[email protected]
About Me

• 6th Grade Technology Teacher in the Caddo Mills


• Webmaster for District and Middle School websites

• Technology training for CMISD and other


Clipart from

My Family
• Implemented use of Google Accounts in my classroom 4
years ago with 8th graders

• District converted email to Google Apps 2 years ago

• Converted my classroom/middle school campus to Google

Apps this school year with news of full suite of products
being added in Fall 2010.

Flickr picture courtesy of Eric Begin

Google Apps AFTER
Google Apps BEFORE
• Email Original suite of
products PLUS
• Docs/Spreadsheets • Blogger
• Calendar • Reader
• Sites • Notebook
• Contacts • Picasa Web Albums
WHY Google Apps for
Because as much as
we might be

Steps to Implement
Step 1: Purchase A Domain

• I used
• $10.47 per year
• Our domain name is
Step 2: Register this domain for Google Apps
By going here to Google Apps for Education

• Completing this form will immediately launch a standard

edition of Google Apps while Google reviews the education
application. Continue setting up the domain in the

• Google will email requesting more information regarding

application. Reply to the message with the required
• If in 48 hours Google has not been upgraded, complete this

• Enable services for your domain and closely follow the

instructions on-screen.
Step 2: Verify Domain Ownership
• You must confirm that you own the domain you signed up

There are two verification methods:

1. Upload an HTML file to your site
2. Create special CNAME and MX records for your domain
• Must return to the website where domain was purchased and make
additions there
Step 2: Verify Domain Ownership

CNAME Records
Creating a CNAME record shows that you have access to your domain's
DNS settings, which proves to Google that you own the domain.

For help:
Step 2: Verify Domain Ownership

MX Records
An MX record identifies an email server available to the domain. Most
domains have multiple MX records, arranged in order of priority. When
someone sends an email message to the domain, the first available
server in the priority list handles the message.

For help:
• Step 3: Customize Google Apps

• Upload your logo on the control panel so it will appear on

the sign-in page and on applications

• Go into each product and customize

– enable/disable services and certain options
– relatively easy; some are very technical and may require help
from IT personnel
– choosing basic options is not difficult and will suffice unless
there is interest in more advanced services
Step 4: Create User Accounts

• Once signed up and customized, you can now create as

many user accounts as you need from the control panel.
There are two ways to add users:

1. Add users individually

2. Add users in bulk

• Our student usernames are: [email protected]

1. Add users individually
• To do this, click ‘User Accounts’ tab and then ‘Create a new user ‘.
• Enter each users’ full name, username and temporary password.
Then click ‘Create new user’ button.
• Repeat for as many users as you have.

2. Add users in bulk

• Recommended if you have 10+ users in your organization, as
adding each individually is tedious and time consuming.
• To create multiple accounts at once, upload a spreadsheet of users
accounts and usernames by click the ‘Upload’ link from the ‘User
Accounts’ tab.
CSV Bulk Upload Template
For more help with
implementation steps,
Google can help!
Google Apps Administrator Help

Clipart from

Caddo Mills 6th Graders Use:
• iGoogle
• Gmail
• Docs/Spreadsheets
• Bookmarks
• Reader
• Notebook
• Calendar
• Picnik New!
Clipart from
• iGoogle
• Customized homepage

• Students can pick themes and gadgets to add to page,

educational AND non-educational 
• Gives students an email address to make signing up for
educational websites EASY!
• Teachers communicate with students on issues such as:
– Test/quiz reminders
– Late work
– Sending of study sheets/handouts/assignments
Google Docs and Spreadsheets
• Ability to create documents – word processing,
spreadsheets and presentations
• Can also upload already-created documents and continue
• Access from anywhere the user has an Internet connection
• Allows users to collaborate with others on documents
• New features added often!
Google Bookmarks
• Students can save their favorite websites to access at any
• Create “labels” or folders/categories to keep them
• Share bookmarks with others
• No more having to remember website names
and addresses!!
Google Reader
• Constantly checks favorite news sites and blogs for new
• Shows all of your favorite sites in one convenient place

A great site for kids to learn about

Current Events that we subscribe to!
The Big Picture
Google Notebook

• Aids in compiling research – save only the information from

a website that is really wanted
• “Clip” information into notebooks for later access
• Makes creating citations for a Works Cited page a SNAP! –
saves all needed information
Google Calendar

• Full functioning calendar with LOTS of extra features

– Receive email or mobile text-message reminders
– Share calendars with others
– Print out your calendars, if needed.
– Access Google Calendar from a mobile phone
• Acquired by Google –
March 1, 2010

• Photo editor with lots of fun

features for students
– Edit: crop, resize, sharpen
– Create: effects, frames,
stickers, text

Works Cited
• 123jschwartz. "Why Google Apps for Education? ." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. .
N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Feb. 2011. <>.
• Begin, Eric. "Red fox pup ( wild ) | Flickr - Photo Sharing!." Welcome to Flickr - Photo
Sharing. Yahoo, n.d. Web. 4 Feb. 2011.
• "Google Apps." The Next Web. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Feb. 2011.
• "Icon with question mark - OpenClipArt." OpenClipArt. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Feb. 2011.
• "Joes Non Notebook Video." Music Videos, Politics, and Funny Videos at Vodpod. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2011. <>.
• "Laptop - OpenClipArt." OpenClipArt. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Feb. 2011.
in the
Middle School Classroom
Amy Hopkins
Caddo Mills ISD
[email protected]

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