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Oracle/PeopleSoft EPM and OBIEE Overview

Greater Philly RUG

May 15, 2008

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OBIEE and PeopleSoft EPM

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 Introductions and Definition of Data Warehouse

 :00 – :10 Introductions and Definitions of Data Warehouse
 Oracle’s offerings in the BI and Data Warehouse space
 :10 – :15 Analytic Applications
 :15 - :20 Business Intelligence Architecture – ETL, Administration, Metadata
 Dashboards, Reporting and other OBIEE Plus Features
 :20 - :25 11g Database Latest Features for Business Intelligence
 BI as a component of Service Oriented Architecture
 BI Appliances
 PeopleSoft EPM
 :25 - :35 How does EPM work and why do we want it?
 Q&A
 :35 – :40 Q&A

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 Gain a better understanding of functionality of EPM and OBIEE

 Answer questions regarding EPM functionality and uses

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Data Warehouse

• A data warehouse is the main repository of the organization's

historical data.
• Per Bill Inmon, “Data Warehouse is a subject-oriented, integrated,
time-variant and non-volatile collection of data in support of
management's decision making process”

 Subject Oriented Data that gives information about a particular subject instead of about a
company's ongoing operations.
 Integrated Data that is gathered into the data warehouse from a variety of sources and
merged into a coherent whole.
 Time-variant All data in the data warehouse is identified with a particular time period.
 Non-volatile Data is stable in a data warehouse. More data is added but data is never
removed. This enables management to gain a consistent picture of the business.

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Evolution of DW/BI

 Legacy Mainframe outputs – Decades ago, BI actually began with the early mainframe reports, called
system outputs.
 Custom reports – Developed by skilled programmers
 Ad-hoc queries - Developed by skilled manager
 Emergence of Data Warehouse – DW is centralized (enterprise) data store – Big boost to BI
 Data marts - Specialized data store
 Online Report and Query tools – Advent of easy to use graphical interface
 OLAP and multi-dimensional analytic tools – Ability to slice and dice the data.
 Business Analytic applications – Custom built applications to track pre-defined KPIs
 BI today now typically encompasses BA as well as conventional BI.
 Centralized Data Warehouse versus Distributed Data Warehouse

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Need for a Data Warehouse ?

• Why Data Warehouse ?

• There are many reasons, but the most important ones are
 Reliable Reporting -The need for reliable, accurate and timely report
based on data from disparate data sources
 Better Performance - The critical factor leading to the use of a data
warehouse is that a data analyst can perform complex queries and
analysis on the information without slowing down the operational
 Intuitive - Keep the data model simple and intuitive for end users to build

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Simple DW/BI Architecture

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DW/BI Basic components

End User
Source Data Data Marts Data
Systems Staging Access

Services: Services: Ad Hoc Query

Clean OLAP & Tools
Combine User Query
Standardize Services OLAP multi-
People dimensional
Extract Conform- Load Data Store:
Soft analysis tools
dimensions Dimensional
ERP Prepare to Atomic and/or
End User
Load to Summary Applications
data marts Business process
Oriented Modeling tools:
Data Store:
Peoples Flat files
Extract Forecasting
oft Relational DW Bus: Balance
HR Tables conforme scorecard
XML d facts Data mining
are Extract
Data Mart #2
source/ Load

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Business Intelligence

• Business intelligence (BI) is a business management term which refers to applications and
technologies which are used to gather, provide access to, and analyze data and information
about their company operations.
• Why Business Intelligence ?
 BI systems can help companies develop a more consistent, data-based decision
making process for business decisions (avoid "guesswork" )
 BI systems can enhance communication among departments, coordinate activities,
and enable companies to respond more quickly to changes (e.g., in financial
conditions, customer preferences, supply chain operations, etc.).
 BI system that are well-designed and properly integrated into a company's
processes can improve company's overall performance.

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Business Intelligence/Business Analytics
• Business intelligence software and applications includes a range of tools.
• Some BI applications are used to
• Analyze Performance, projects, or internal operations, such as Scorecarding; Business
activity monitoring; Business Performance Management and Performance Measurement;
• User/End-user Query and Reporting; Enterprise Management systems; Executive
Information Systems (EIS); Supply Chain Management; and Finance and Budgeting tools.
• Other BI applications (aka Business Analytics) are used to store and analyze data, such as,
• Data mining; Forecasting; Document Management; Knowledge Management; and
Dashboarding; Geographic Information Systems (GIS); Trend Analysis; Online Analytical
Processing (OLAP) and multidimensional analysis; (based on the "hypercube" or "cube");

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Oracle’s offerings in the BI and Data Warehouse space

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Oracle’s Biggest Differentiator: Many Analytic
Applications from Many Sources

Aggressive Acquisitions
strategy led to a large
number of Analytics from
many sources

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Business Intelligence Architecture

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Business Intelligence Architecture cont.

ETL (Extract,
Transform, Load): Client
Informatica Client DAC Client

Load and Refresh Tools

Warehouse, Manage DAC (Data Admin

the ETL Repository, Informatica DAC
and Store Metadata
Repository Repository
related to ETL Monitor, Control
Workflows/Maps Data Warehouse
May be Informatica, Server Processes
Ascential, Oracle Data
Integrator and/or Oracle Informatica Server
DAC Server

Warehouse Builder Native DB


Tier Data

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Architecture cont.

Oracle BI Applications Warehouse







Siebel PeopleSoft Oracle EBS SAP

CTI,ACD,IVR Syndicated Universal

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OBIEE Dashboards, Answers, Delivers

Guide users to a decision supported by the analytics

Personalized function-specific and role-based data
OBIEE Answers: Ad-hoc data exploration with ability
to create, modify and author analyses, pivot
tables and dashboards
OBIEE Delivers: Dynamic problem/opportunity
detection and notification, using automated
analytic workflows and processes to tailor
delivery to mobile devices
BI Publisher with advanced distribution capabilities
creates XML and integrates with programs such
as Microsoft Office to create pixel perfect output.
Disconnected Analytics: Not connected to the Server

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OBI Suite EE Design Principles

 Unified Enterprise view of information

 Unified Semantic view of information – model the complex information sources as a simple,
understandable and logical business model
 Real-time information access – Allow users to combine historical and real-time information
to get up-to-the minute view of the business
 Proactive Intelligence facilities – Send alerts in response to business event
 Pre-built Analytic applications
 Hot-Pluggable – into any existing data sources, any pre-packaged applications, any security
infrastructure without having to replace existing investment
 Business process integration – Integration between OBI and Workflow manager to help
integrate business insight to drive Business process optimization.

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OBIEE Contains:

Maps Models Metrics

Logical Table Diagram Physical, Business, and Dashboards with Alerts, Reports,
Presentation semantic Layers Metrics

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Case Study: Ohio State University Medical Center

- Ohio State University Medical Center deployed:

 19 dashboards via Oracle Dashboards
 70+ iBots (iBots are software-based agents driven by schedule or events that can access, filter,
and perform analytics on data based upon defined criteria. iBots provide proactive delivery of
real-time, personalized and actionable intelligence throughout the business network.) available
for subscription via Oracle Delivers with graphic delivery via Blackberries and text delivery via
 support of “what if” scenarios via Oracle BI for Microsoft Office
 BI Publisher reports delivered via email
 User activity monitoring and reporting
 Advanced KPI alerting and notifications
 Metadata dictionary via Oracle Answers
 Integration with Oracle Single Sign On
 Custom financial reporting from PeopleSoft
 Oracle Answer integration with Oracle Portal via JSR-168
 OBIEE Answers as primary ad hoc reporting tool.[1]

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Reporting and EPM Solutions

To simplify the development of

dashboards, Hyperion Dashboards
offer direct access to relational,
multidimensional data without having to
maintain the Semantic Layer

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Oracle Database and the Oracle 11g “BI Database

The Analytic Workspace manager manages OLAP Cubes in the 11g

Increased its capabilities in automated partitioning of tables
Parallel processing for all operations
Compression Flashback capabilities for continuous availability data
requirements of Business Intelligence applications.
Security: Virtual Private Database and Fine Grained Auditing.
Resource management enabling different updates to be given different
priority, and different queries to be given different priority.
Advanced indexing that can be function based or aggregate-field based.
Change capture and data integration is enhanced in Oracle 11g using
streams, CDC (Change Data Capture), replication, and messaging

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Business Intelligence as a Component of Service
Oriented Architecture (SOA)

A call to the data warehouse
that runs and returns
data from a report that
gives much more
analytic information
about the customer.
Built using Fusion
Would run a BPEL process
on Fusion Middleware.

Embedded Business

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BI Appliance – The Oracle Optimized Warehouse

“Data warehouse in a box ”

Pre-install and pre-configure scalable systems that
use partitioning and RAC technology for
Easy to buy and maintain, provide high
performance, are fast to implement, and are
competitively priced.
Database, storage, and servers are validated and
tested to deliver optimal performance, and the
warehouse is supported as a single product, with
a single support contact.
Dell/EMC, IBM and Sun all offer solutions.

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PeopleSoft EPM:

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EPM Data Warehouse Contains:


6000 + pre-built ETL maps Rationalized data models Analytic depth and breadth
ETL tool - Ascential DataStageTM Surrogate key support Open BI Tool strategy
Conforming Dimensions Content in BI partners and Oracle
BI Tools

Financials HCM

• ESA • Compensation
• GL & Profitability • Fulfillment &
• Learning &
• Accounts Payable Billing
• Inventory
• Accounts • Recruiting
Receivable • Spend
• Workforce
• Commitment Profile

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EPM Applications Contain:

Maps Models Metrics

Engines for Transforming Data Rationalized data models to support Internet Pages to analyze, act on
Based on configured Models Analytic Applications data, post data to other

Create Baseline Budget Budget Ledger Budget, Approve, Post

Consolidate Ledgers Consolidation Ledger Review, Post, Report

Ledger to ABM Activity Cost Detail Review, Report, Budget

Job to Workforce Workforce Analytic Facts Review, Report, Budget

Multiple Sources to KPI KPI and Scorecard Facts Act, Review, Strategize

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Hyperion SQR 9.3.1 and Beyond

Best Practice

Trusted Advisor

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