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Jieliang Phone

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● Precision Electro-Tek was a large contract ● One day, he saw that a “Yellow Hat” line
manufacturer who had converted to a lean manager was yelling at a line employee named
manufacturing model few years ago Jieliang for not following the TQC
● Marty Cole was the head of ● Cole on enquiring found that Jieliang was
manufacturing processes and technology chided because she scanned the bar codes first
at the mobile handset unit of Precision and them applied them whereas the reverse
● His manufacturing unit visits have been should have been done
extraordinarily treasured for figuring out ● Jieliang had not followed TQC which is a step
thoughts and opportunities. by step instruction sheet which stated the
sequence in which the particular production
task had to be done

Problem Statements

Jieliang was aware that her Whether or not the TQC

method was more efficient instructions be revised by
than TQC instructions. Even taking feedback from line staff
then she didn’t put a if there were more efficient
suggestion in the suggestion techniques present than
box. Why? current one?

TQC & Visual Factory

● The TQC was a step-by-step instruction ● The term Visual Factory is used to
sheet posted at each workstation describe how data and information
are conveyed and utilized in a lean
● It indicated how and in what order the
manufacturing environment.
process engineers and management ● The objective is not to introduce a
team wanted the particular production system of visual communication, but
step completed to create a visual mode of
● TQC used the shapes to depict three Organization
steps of production ● Equipment and work are arranged to
promote easy communication
Check the work of previous worker ● Automated production tools having
red-yellow- green lights on posts
Conduct the work

Check own work

Precision Operations in Dongguan

● Precision’s largest facility Dongguan

● Cole’s met with factory management team, key customer representatives to Dongguan
● TQC Charts were available in english and chinese in clear plastic sleeve in front of each
● PCB lines occupied less space of central floor as compared to assembly and package cells
● Kanban System To minimize waste and increase efficiency
● Status and hourly output rate monitoring system at the front of each line.
● Suggestion box for workers
● Indirect labour and engineers had an office area with facility of desk and computers
● IDLS too had cubicles on the factory floor with a computer in each

Lean Manufacturing Principles:

Elimination Zero
Zero Just-In-Time
of waste
waste Defects

Kaizen or
Pull instead
of push
push improvement


● Mobile phones are fast moving commodity with very short product lifetimes

● Focus on:

Managing Precise
Managing Precise Waste
complex inbound
complex inbound materials Waste
materials minimisation
supply chain management minimisation
supply chain management


Precision can resolve the internal issues by inculcating the following:

• The employees should be rewarded for their

Reward system performance which will incentivise them to improve
their performance

• A culture that promotes openness, teamwork,

Open Culture
collaboration and friendship should be promoted

• The employees have a monotonous job which should be

Job design made more interesting and challenging
• Outsourcing some work to consultants can also be done

Performance management & • Fair, transparent and trustworthy processes help to meet
resource allocation processes people’s drive to defend

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