Unit-III: Process To Compel Production of Things

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The main processes for compelling
production of things/documents are:-

 Summon issued by court

 Written order by police
 Search/Seizure with/without warrant
But Why These Processes?
What is the Object?
Article 20(3) and Production of things?
 M.P. Sharma v. Satish Chandra, 1954 Cr LJ 865
 State of Bombay v. Kathi Kalu (1961)
Exceptions of
general rule under Penal Provisions
S. 91
 Privileged document  S.175 IPC
 Postal authority  S.349 CrPC

(a) Search of Person to be arrested/search of Arrested Person [ Sections 47 and

51 respectively ]
(b) Search of things/documents
(i) Search with Warrant
(ii) Search without Warrant
Search with Warrant (S.93, 94, 95, 96,
 Section 93- when court can issue search warrant
 Where person will not produce it
 When document/thing not known to be in possession of any person
 Where general search/inspection is necessary
 Search may be-
 General under section 93(1)
 Particular under section 93(2)
 Section 93 (3) is to be read with Section 461 (b)

 SECTION 94- Search of place suspected to contain stolen property

 Consequences S.460 (a) that is if the order of magistrate is in good faith then
his order will not be set aside.
 Section 95 and 96 is to be read with Article 19 (1)(a)
 Lalai Singh v. State of U.P. 1971 Cr LJ 1519
 Sangraj Damodar Roopwati v. Nitin Godare 2007 CrLJ 3860
 State of Maharastra v. Sangraj 2010Cr LJ 4290
 Section 96
 Remedy aggrieved by the order under section 95.
 Section 101
Search without Warrant (S.103, 153,
165, 166)

 Section 103-Magistrate may direct search in his presence

 Section 153-inspection of weight and measures
 Section 165- search by police officer
 Section 166- when officer in charge of a police station may require another to
issue search warrant
 Ronny v. State of Maharashtra 1998 CrLJ 163
General Provisions
 Section 99, 100
 Why there is a need of Section 100?
 Object of S.100?
 Consequences of S.100-S.100(8)
 Ommission to assist-S. 187 IPC
 Subbayya v. State of Karnataka AIR 1979 SC 711
 Tej Bahadur Singh v. State of U.P. (1970) Cr LJ 528 (SC)
 Hazara Singh v. State of Punjab 1971 (1), S.C.C., 529
 Section 102 read with S. 457,458 and 459
 Anwar Ahmad v. State of UP 1976 CrLJ 620
 Suresh Nanda v. CBI 2008 CrLJ 1599 (SC)

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