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video - uncountables
 They are things that we can count them.
 they have SINGULAR or PLURAL
one dog - two dogs – three dogs….
one man - two men - three men….
one box - two boxes - three boxes
 When a countable noun is singular, It´s necessary to
use a/an /my/ this/the in SINGULAR.
I have A red car. I have red car.
I have AN orange car. I have orange car.
Where is my car? Where is car?
This is my car.
When a countable noun is plural, we can use some and any.
 There is A book on the table.
 There isn´t A book on the table.
 Is there A book on the table?
 There are some books on the table.
 There aren´t any books on the table.
 Are there any books on the table?
Yes, there are.
No, there aren´t.

We can`t "count" them. Their meaning is in general.

they don´t have plural and singular.

There is some milk. (a milk, one milk, two milks)
There is some tea. ( a tea, two teas,…)

There isn´t any milk.
There isn´t any tea.


Is there any milk?

Is there any tea?
 We do not usually use the indefinite article  a/an  with
uncountable nouns. We can´t say “a milk" or “a tea". But
we can say a something of: (container)

There is A carton (can) of milk.

There are TWO boxes of milk.
There are two boxes of milks.

I need A cup of tea.

I need TWO cups of tea.
I need two cups of teas.
Nouns that can be Countable and
Sometimes, the same noun can be countable and uncountable ,
but the meaning is different.
1. There are two hairs in my coffee!
I don't have much hair. (in general)

2. There are two lights in my bedroom.

Close the curtain. There's too much light.(in general)

3.I want an ice cream.

I like ice cream. ( in general)
We can use SOME in question? To ask for(pedir) and
offer (ofrecer) things.

It`s usually used in a restaurant.

Can I have some coffee? (ask for)

Would you like some cookies?(offer)
Countable Uncountable
dollar money
song music
suitcase luggage
table furniture
battery electricity
bottle wine
report information
tip advice
journey travel
job work
view scenery
a banana   ,     a glass of whisky  ,     orange juice    ,    tea      ,  chocolate
cake, mushrooms     ,   an omelette     ,   cheese ,    red wine     ,  a tomato,
biscuits   ,     chicken soup   ,  chips  ,   fruit     ,  a cup of coffee.    , beer
A banana
Countable Uncountable

a banana tea
a tomato chocolate cake 
an omelette cheese
chips fruit
a glass of whisky   orange juice
biscuits red wine
mushrooms chicken soup
a cup of coffee beer
Some – any- a- an-

1. I need ____ bread. 
2. I need _____ biscuits.
3. I don't need ______ milk.
4. I need _____ dollar. I have____money.
5. I need____  melon and _____ oranges.
6. I don't need______ bananas and I don't
need _____ apples.
7. I need _____ cigarettes
and_____  newspaper. 8. I
need_____  bottle of wine
and ______ beer. 

 We use how much with uncountable nouns.

How much water do you drink a day?

I drink a lot of water. // A lot.
I don´t drink much water. // Not much.
I don´t drink any water. // None(nothing)
full answers short answers

(Specific) I drink 8 glasses of water.

 We use how many with countable nouns.

How many bananas do you eat a day?

I eat a lot of bananas. // A lot.
I don´t eat many bananas r. // Not many.
I don´t eat any bananas. // None(nothing)
full answers short answers

(Specific) I eat 9 bananas.

How much water do you drink a day?
A LOT OF A lot.
MUCH Not much.
ANY None

How many bananas do you eat a day?

A LOT OF A lot.
MANY Not many.
ANY None
We can use A LOT OF with negative and

I eat a lot of bananas in a day.

I don´t eat a lot of bananas in a day.
Do you eat a lot of bananas in a day?
How much – how many
1. _________ birds are there? 
There are two birds.
2. _________money is there? 
There are three thousand dollars.

 3._________dolphins are there? 

There are two dolphins.

4.__________ pencils are there? 

There are thirteen pencils.

 5. __________milk is there? 

There are four liters of milk.
1. She doesn´t eat none / any meat.
2. My sister eats a lot of / much fruit.
3. My sister doesn´t eat many / much fruit.
4. How much milk do you drink a day?
No much / not much.
5. I didn´t eat much / many bananas.
6. How many books do you read a month?
A lot of / A lot.

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