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Presented by
(Team Members)
• Main aim in developing College management system is
to provide an easy way not only to automate all
functionalities of a college, but also to provide full
functional reports to top management of college with the
finest of details about any aspect of college
• It is to manage the task related to the college
students/employees and to reduce time to searching of
appropriate candidates in college view.
• This system brings an easy way communication between
students and employees to the top management
Problem Description
• As in earlier all the systems are manual, it brings
tedious and long process to maintain records of student,
employees with management activities
• All the time manual process takes long time to
complete the work
• It is not possible to make communication among all
• It is difficult to maintain huge volume of data
• Data privacy may not possible manually, since it needs
some system to secure data
• The main objective of the system is to provide a user-
friendly interface.
• The system now computerizes all the details that are
maintained manually.
• Once the details are fed into the computer there is no
need for various persons to deal with separate sections.
• Only a single person is enough to maintain all the
• The security can also be given as per the requirement of
the user
Data Flow Diagram-Zero level
Course Management

Student Faculty Employee

Management Management

n System

Faculty Management
System User

Login Management

Zero Level DFD- College Management System

Use Case Diagram
Class Diagram
Role class Permission class Library class

Role-id:int Permission-id:int Class-id:int

Role-title:string Permission-title:string Class-title:string
Role -description Permission -description Class -description
Insert role() Insert Permission() Insert class()
Add role() Add Permission() Add class()
Search role() Search Permission() Search class()
Edit role() Edit Permission () Edit class ()

User class Branch class Student class

User-id:int Feedback-id:int Student-id:int

User-title:string feedback-title:string Student-title:string
User -description Feedback -description Student -description
Insert user() Insert Feedback() Student user()
Add user() Add Feedback() Student user()
Search user() Search feedback() Student user()
Edit user() Edit feedback() Student user()
• The college management system is created to support
E-data maintaining and processing with security system
• It is developed with modeling use case, class and data
flow diagram at each level
• The main concern about this project is security and
easy communication among the campus
• Maintenance of records are also simplified and it
reduce the multiple work on single record
• JAVA book by Rohit (TMH publications).
• Beginning PHP5 by WROX.
• Informatics practices by Sumita Arora.
• Head First PHP & MySQL by Lynn Beighley and
Michael Morrison(O’Reilly)
Thank You

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