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Census Evaluation In The Philippines

By: Benedicta A. Yabut

Outline of Presentation

I. 2000 Census Evaluation Survey (CES)

1. Objecives
2. Scope and Coverage
3. Sampling Design
4. Enumeration and Processing
5. Results

II. 2010 Census Evaluation Program

1. Progress Monitoring System
2. Census Evaluation Teams
3. Consultative Meeting/Feedbacking

2000 Census Evaluation Survey
1.1 Objectives

Aimed at evaluating the completeness of

enumeration, specifically:

a. obtain direct estimates of coverage errors for each of

the 15 regions and the provinces of Autonomous
Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) and Region XII.

b. quantify the components of coverage errors

(omissions and erroneous enumeration).
2000 Census Evaluation Survey
1.2 Scope and Coverage

• approximately 216,000 households in 480 Enumeration

Areas (EAs)

• it involved mapping, complete listing and interviewing

households in sample areas

• non-movers , in-movers and out-movers were identified

• data collected: household head and members,

relationship to household head, date of birth, age, sex
and presence of overseas workers as well as items
which identified non-mover, in-mover and out-mover

• 6 questionnaires were used

2000 Census Evaluation Survey
1.3 Sampling Design

• stratified two-stage sampling design with urban

and rural areas as strata

• Barangay was the primary sampling unit(PSU) and

sample EA as the secondary sampling unit (SSU)

• in the National Capital Region, 3-stage sampling design

was adopted since selection of segment was applied in
big EAs
• The domain was region except for ARMM and Region
XII, in which province served as the domain
2000 Census Evaluation Survey
1.3 Sampling Design (Cont’d)

Distribution of Sample EAs by Domain

Domain No. of EAs Domain No. of EAs

NCR 36 Region IX 21
CAR 25 Provinces of Region XII 20 each

Region III 36 ARMM

Region IV 50 Lanao del Sur and 18 each
Region V 22 Sulu and Tawi-tawi 18 each

Region VI 21 Other Regions 20 each

Region VIII 21
2000 Census Evaluation Survey
1.4 Enumeration and Processing

a. Main Survey – conducted for 17 days after a month of

2000 CPH enumeration

b. Follow-up Survey – follow-up visits conducted upon

completion of matching operation to determine final
match status of non-matched and possible matched
2000 Census Evaluation Survey
1.5 Results
Basically, the results were for internal use of NSO;

 Census Omission rate: 7.2 % for households

9.4 % for population

 Coverage error was poorer in urban areas than in

rural areas

 Census Erroneous Enumeration:

erroneously included –1.4% or about 214,000
households; for population it was 2.7% or 2M
2000 Census Evaluation Survey
1.5 Results

 Net Error Rate

• Net undercount of 5.8% for households and

6.7% for population

• All regions obtained a net undercount

• Net undercount for OCWs was 16.7% while for

non-OCWs it was 6.7%
2010 Census of Population and Housing

2.1 Progress Monitoring System (PMS)

The PMS is aimed to:

1. monitor the progress of field enumeration/operation.

2. check for over count of households and persons, or

undercount or omissions at the earliest stage.

3. evaluate the coverage of enumeration.

2010 Census of Population and Housing
Progress Monitoring Form

The CPH Form 10 or EN’s Accomplishment/Progress Monitoring Report

is the form that will be used to record the total number of households,
institutional living quarters (ILQ), male and female household members
and ILQ residents.
2010 Census of Population and Housing
Progress Monitoring System
1. Enumerator Accomplishes 2. Team Supervisor checks CPH 3. Assistant Census Area Supervisor
CPH Form 10 Form 10 for completeness and sends CPH Form 10 summary data to
consistency. C O through SMS.

EN CPH Form 10 TS

8. PO staff matches text

messages sent to CO vs
actual entries in CPH Form10 4. Central Office
using PPMS processes SMS messages

PO 7. CO transmits SMS PM data file to PO thru email cO

(every Friday)

9. PO transmits verified and updated SMS PM data file to CO

thru email
5. Stores SMS
RO instructs PO PO sends
Messages to database.
to investigate investigation,
CO transmits SMS PM
questionable justification
data file to RO thru email
counts report to RO
Provincial/Regional Office can view the 10. Synchronizes PO
Evaluation and Progress Reports in the file with CO database
website or generate the reports using
6. Generates Progress
Report and posts in the
2010 Census of Population and Housing
Progress Monitoring Through SMS

Registering the cell phone

To register the number of the cell phone type the following

PMREG Aaaaa Ppp Mmm NAME <Firstname Lastname>

Where aaaa - a unique four-digit access code

that will be given to each ACAS
during the training

Then send to 09209519297 / 09209454003

The system will reply with:


2010 Census of Population and Housing
Progress Monitoring Through SMS

Sending PM Report Summary Data thru Text Messaging

To send data:
PM Dmmdd Ppp Mmm Bbbb Eeeee Ts Ccccc
HHnnn HPnnn HMnnn HFnnn IPnnn IMnnn IFnnn
Send to 09209519297 / 09209454003

For valid text message, the system would reply with:

Rsssss Dmmdd Ppp Mmm Bbbb Eeeee Ts Ccccc
HHnnn HPnnnHMnnn HFnnn
IPnnn IMnnn IFnnn REM
Where sssss is a five (5) digit “sms receipt number”
2010 Census of Population and Housing
Progress Monitoring Through SMS

PM - Required keyword needed since the program

will filter out all messages that do not start with
_ - Space
Dmmdd - month (2 digits) and day (2 digits)
Ppp - province code (2 digits)
Mmm - municipal code (2 digits)
Bbbb - barangay code (3 digits)
Eeeee - enumeration area (3 digits)
Ts - status of enumeration (1 – on going 2 –
completed); 1 digit. If not supplied the default is ‘1’
Ccccc - Computer generated (4 digits) Check Number
2010 Census of Population and Housing
Progress Monitoring Through SMS

HHnnn - Number of household (no maximum digits)

HPnnn - household members (no maximum digits)
HMnnn - Male household members (no maximum
HFnnn - Female household members (no maximum
IPnnn - Optional ILQ residents (no maximum digits)
IMnnn - Optional Male ILQ residents (no maximum
IPnnn - Optional Female ILQ residents (no maximum
REM - Optional in sending remarks in the data
2010 Census of Population and Housing
Progress Monitoring Through SMS

The Three (3) Components of the System

1) PMS Central Office version

2) PMS Provincial/Regional Office version

3) Web-based progress monitoring system.

2010 Census of Population and Housing
Progress Monitoring Through SMS

Central Office version

a) Receive PM text messages
PM text messages are automatically checked if the geographic
area codes are in the EARF (EA reference file) and if the sender’s
phone number is consistent with the assigned EAs. The system also
verifies if the text message has already been received and accepted. When
errors are found the system automatically returns a text message
informing the sender about the problem.

b) Acknowledge valid received PM text messages

If received PM text message is valid, the system automatically
send an acknowledgement text message with unique SMS receipt
number. Data in valid PM text messages were added in the PM
2010 Census of Population and Housing
Progress Monitoring Through SMS

Central Office version

c) Generate required reports

Operational and management required reports can be generated.
The list of possible reports will be enumerated later in this presentation.

d) Send latest data files to PO/RO

The system automatically sends latest data files to PO/RO on a preset
date and time. Each PO is regularly furnished a copy of the data files.
Only those SMS transactions belonging to the province were transmitted.
For RO, all transactions belonging to the region were sent.
2010 Census of Population and Housing
Progress Monitoring Through SMS

Provincial/Regional Office version

a) Generate required reports
The system enables the provincial staff to generate the following reports:
- Enumeration Area Weekly Report
- SMS Transaction Record
- EA Progress Enumeration Report
- Barangay Coverage Report
- Data Evaluation Report

b) Browse/Update SMS transaction file

This module is used to reflect the corrections for erroneous PM
text messages sent.

c) Send updated SMS transaction file to CO

To eliminate the error in sending wrong files, the system is designed
such that transmittal of updated file would be automatic. The system
automatically prepares the data file and e-mail it to the central office.
2010 Census of Population and Housing
Progress Monitoring Through SMS

Web-based progress monitoring system

Progress monitoring reports will be posted at the restricted

NSO website to allow management and field offices to
monitor the progress of the field operation in their area and
for the whole country. These reports will be refreshed every
two hours.
Progress of 2010 CPH can be viewed at:

PMS data files download site -

2010 Census of Population and Housing
Progress Monitoring Data Quality Check

Possible sources of errors

1. Recording of summary counts of male and female in
each questionnaire.
2. Transcription of male/female counts from the
questionnaire to the Listing Form.
3. Addition of counts in the Listing Form. That is,
details do not add up to the page totals.
4. Transcription of Listing Form page totals to
CPH Form 10.
5. Addition of counts in the CPH Form 10.
6. Sending CPH Form 10 data (text messages) to CO.
- sending wrong data (error in typing)
- some reports are not sent
- some reports are sent more than once
2010 Census of Population and Housing
Progress Monitoring Data Quality Check

The PO should match page totals of CPH Form 10 with data

sent (PM text messages) and received at the Central

For errors due to mistakes in sending (texting) data in PM

reports (CPH Form 10), entries in each PM report should be
matched with what were received at the CO. If there are
differences, data files should be updated accordingly.
2010 Census of Population and Housing
Progress Monitoring Evaluation of Result

Provincial Office
Verify the computed demographic indicators
at the city/municipality level whether they fall under
the set acceptable range and compare the generated
counts with result from previous censuses.

Central Office
When the PM generated population counts for the entire
province have been evaluated, the PO will transmit the
latest updated data file to CO. Tables generated using
this file will be used for further evaluation and in-depth
analysis to detect anomalies in the resulting
demographic indicators.
2010 Census of Population and Housing
Progress Monitoring Reports Generated from PMS

a. PM Report 1 – Enumeration Area Weekly Report

This report shows the number of households covered by

EN’s per week (CPH Form 10 report).

b. PM Report 2 - SMS Transaction Record

This report shows the PM text messages accepted at the CO.

c. PM Report 3 – EA Progress Enumeration Report

This report shows the status of enumeration in all EA’s.
2010 Census of Population and Housing
Progress Monitoring
Monitoring Reports
Reports Generated from PMS

d. PM Report 4 – Barangay Coverage Report

This report shows the progress of enumeration in all barangays
and municipalities in the province. It can also be used for
evaluation of population growth rate at the barangay level.

e. PM Report 5 – Data Evaluation Report

This report will be used to evaluate the acceptability
of reported counts in the area.
2010 Census of Population and Housing
Progress Monitoring (for public use)

Additional Information:
The public can inform the Central Office about census non-coverage
through SMS or text messaging system.

Text Messaging Format:



NOCENSUS – keyword
NAME – name of sender
HOUSE NUMBER AND STREET – house number and street
BARANGAY – barangay name
MUNICIPALITY – municipality name
PROVINCE – province name
LANDMARKS – landmarks (near Jollibug, in front of the Church)
2010 Census of Population and Housing

2.2 Census Evaluation Teams

NSO officials and employees who have demography
background at the national, regional and provincial offices

Two levels (Central Office and Regional Offices)
2010 Census of Population and Housing
Census Evaluation Indicators

Indicators Acceptable/Condition For Verification/consultation

Pop’n Growth Prov/Mun: Prov/Mun: negative and higher than

Rate (PGR) 0%-3% irrespective of 1995- 3%
2000 PGR
Barangay: Barangay:
-0.9% to 2% if PGR 1995-2000 <- higher than 2% and PGR1995-2000
1.0% <-0.9%
-0.9% to 3.5% if PGR 1995-2000 Not within the range –0.9% to 3.5%
-.9% and up
Sex Ratio Prov/Mun: 91-109 Prov/Mun: below 91 and above 109
(SR) Barangay: 88-114 Barangay: below 88 and above 114

Average Prov/Mun/Bgy: 4.0 to 6.0 Prov/Mun/Bgy:lower than 4 and

household Inc./Dec. higher than 6
Size (AHS) DIFF are beyond ranges
2010 Census of Population and Housing
Census Evaluation Indicators

Indicators Acceptable/Condition For Verification/consultation

Percent Prov/Mun/Bgy:
Change of If %changeTP and %changeHP+/-
Total 25%, expect explanations
(% changeTP)
Household -25%<%changeHP<+25%
Percent Prov/Mun/Bgy: If %changeNH+/- 25%, expect
Change of explanations
Number of
Increase in Prov/Mun/Bgy: 4.0 to 6.0 Prov/Mun/Bgy:
institutional Increase/Decrease
population (DIFF=Inst.Pop’nT2- DIFF are beyond ranges
2010 Census of Population and Housing

2.3 Consultative Meetings

Prior to the release of official population counts results will be

presented to the concerned Regional and Provincial Directors
for their concurrence


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