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National Vital Records Center



Who We Are
 Leadership General is a concept born out of many years of IT
management experience with unique solutions from a team
of certified professionals.

 Our core interest is to provide businesses with proactive

cutting edge ICT solutions and outstanding client service at a
reasonable price, enabling them to realize their business
goals and objectives in an efficient manner.
What we do
Our areas of expertise include:

 ICT Services (Databases, Data Networks & Virtual Private Networks)

 Software & App design
 Cloud Storage
 Customized ICT Solutions
 Secure communications and IT networks
 ICT Training
Why The Ministry of Information &
The duty of the Ministry of Information is not just
to liaise with media houses and issue
communiqués for and on behalf of Government.

It is infact to act as a one stop shop for important

and vital Government records especially
declassified records that are specifically meant
for public consumption.
Why The Ministry of Information &
• For example, Countries that are currently
operating Vital Record Centers such as:

US National Information Center

The Indian Public Records Center
South Africa’s Central information Center
UK’s National Archives & Records Center
Ghana’s Public Information Department
Reasons for setting up NVR
 The National Vital Records Center (NVRC) would be Nigeria’s official
information archive and retrieval system, containing over 10 different

 It will serve as a central repository of vital and essential records that would
be accessed by Government agencies, Public Sector Bodies, Embassies,
Researchers and other duly authorized persons.

 It will be designed to be a conduit of information for government and

public sector bodies, helping them to manage and use information
more effectively.

 Our objective is to lead and transform information management as well as

to guarantee the survival of today's information for tomorrow.
Benefits of the National Vital Records
 To be a One-Stop-Shop for the inter-exchange of authentic &
accurate information between Government agencies

 To provide a veritable & verifiable means of conducting

criminal & civilian background checks

 To help check Identity Fraud in large scale Government &

Civilian Programmes

 To check examination malpractices, impersonation & cultism

in Educational Institutions
Benefits of the National Vital Records

 To check ATM & financial fraud.

 To develop a single data source that can be used to track


 To secure logical access to secure applications

 To provide conclusive and accurate statistics to relevant

International & Government Agencies
Enrollment Criterion

Biometric identification, verification and

authorization using:

Fingerprint Biometrics
Biometric facial recognition systems
BioData etc
Components of the National Vital Records

National Criminal Records

Marriage Registry Database
Professional Practitioners Database
Media/Media Practitioners Database
Traditional Stool Database
Registered Cab Database
Components of the National Vital Records

Property Ownership Database

National Firearms Database
National Students Database
National Employee Database
Tourist & Hotel Records
Missing Persons Database
How The National Vital Records Works

 Our technologies enable us to capture and enroll data in real

time as well as remotely.

 Enrollment & verification for the National Criminal Records

database will be done at our secure office locations which are
all networked.

 All the remaining databases at the National Vital records

Center are web-based (Registration &Verification can be
securely done online wherever there is an internet
Network Topology for Abuja NVR Office
Network Topology for Lagos NVR Office
Network Topology for other NVR Offices in all
the States of the Federation
Network Topology of NVR Nation-Wide
Revenue Projections
(National Criminal Records as Case Study)
Every person or groups seeking to access the
vital records, will pay a nominal fee depending
on the information sought.

However Governmental Agencies, Ministries

& Departments will access this information
without cost.
Technical Partners:
The Khrome Company
Galaxy Backbone Plc
Huawei Technologies Co. Nig. Ltd

Also partnering Government Ministries,

Departments & Agencies.

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