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• Conclusion Part of the communication process

(and being a good communicator) is recognizing

that people may need to receive information in
different ways in order to be successful. If the
goal of this activity was really to have everyone’s
snowflakes look exactly the same, what changes
could have been made to the directions?
Executive Development
What is your opinion
about Leadership ?
This exercise is designed to help you develop a personal
definition of leadership and clarify your assumptions and
expectations about leadership and effectiveness.
Describe Your Ideal Leader
Individually list five desirable and five undesirable
characteristics of your ideal leader.
Develop Group Definition
In groups, discuss your list and your reasons and draw up
a common definition.
Someone who can
influence others
and who has
managerial authority.
It is a process of influencing
others toward the
achievement of goals.
Leadership Process
Setting organizational direction
Aligning people
Direction via communication
Motivating people to action

Leader –
an advocate for change and new
approaches to problems
“Leaders are learners.
Good leaders are hungry
for learning, all the way to
the grave.”
“The moment you stop
you stop leading.”
Good Leader
Leaders design new world
Good Leader
Leaders design new world
from the words and works (PQ)
from the ideas / thoughts (IQ)
from the feelings / caring (EQ)
from the soul / spirit (SQ)
Why Studying
Leadership is Important ?
Why Studying Leadership is Important?
• The mission of an organizational leader is to achieve the company's goals.
Companies either meet or fail to achieve goals depending upon the
effectiveness of its leaders.
• It is the organization's people who do the work, no matter how difficult,
no matter how boring, no matter how exhausting. They should expect no
less than competent leadership in return. Leaders owe it to those they lead
to enable them to contribute meaningfully, perform to the best of their
ability, know how they are performing and how to develop to their full
• They learn what gives people the motivation to perform and be more
• Helps individuals understand their work environment better.
Behavioral Dimension
of Leadership
 Autocratic Leader
 Democratic Leader
Autocratic Leader
A leader who
tended to
authority, dictate
work methods,
make unilateral
decision and limit
A leader who tended to
involve employees in
decision making, delegate
authority, encourage
participation in deciding
work methods and goals,
and use feedback as an
opportunity for coaching
Leadership Grid
9 1,9 9,9
Country club Team
management management
for 6

People 5 5,5
Middle of the road
3 Authority-
Impoverished obedience
2 management management
1,1 9,1
Low 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 High
Concern for production
Cutting – Edge
Approaches to
Transactional Leader
Leader who guide or
motivate their followers
in the direction of
established goals by
clarifying role and
task requirements.
Leaders inspire
followers to
transcend their own
self-interests for the
good of the
Path-goal Theory of Leadership
A leadership theory that says it’s the leader’s
job to assist his or her followers in attaining
their goals and to provide the direction or
support needed to ensure that their goals are
compatible with the overall objectives of the
group or organization.
Leadership Behavior
Four Leadership Behavior
1. Directive Leader
Lets subordinates know what’s expected of
them, schedules work to be done, and gives
specific guidance on how to accomplish tasks.
When to use this style
 Unstructured tasks
 Inexperienced workers
 Workers with low perceived ability
 Workers with external locus of control
 Unclear formal authority system
Four Leadership Behavior
2. Supportive Leader
Is friendly and shows concern for the needs of

When to use this style

 Stressful, frustrating tasks
 When workers lack confidence
 Clear formal authority system
Four Leadership Behavior
3. Participative Leader
Consults with group members uses their suggestions
before making a decision.

When to use this style

 Experienced workers
 Workers with high perceived ability
 Workers with internal locus of control
 Complex tasks
Four Leadership Behavior
4. Achievement-oriented Leader
Sets challenges goals and expects followers to
perform at their highest level.

When to use this style

 Unchallenging tasks


Class Activity
1. Think of the different organizations to which you
belong. Note the different styles / behaviors of
leadership used by the leaders in these organizations.
Describing these individual’s style of leading
(no names, please) and evaluate the styles being used.
2.Think about the times you have had to lead. Describe
your own personal leadership style / behavior. What
could you do to improve your leadership style? Come
up with an action plan of steps you can take. Put all
this information into a brief paper.
Biggest Challenge of Leader !
Most of us know the phrase, ‘people don’t leave
bad companies they leave bad bosses’.
Followers want consistent guidance, direction
and support, as well as an element of
independence to show what they can do. And
ultimately, it’s up to seasoned leaders to show
them that leadership in itself is a
lifelong learning process.
Self Awareness

Self Management

Engaging Others

Achieving Business

Challenges for Leaders

Biggest Challenge of Leader
Personality Test
It’s a time to !!!!!
Why Leadership Development
Isn’t Developing Leaders?
• Corporations are victims of the great training robbery.
American companies spend enormous amounts of
money on employee training and education—$160
billion in the US and close to $356 billion globally in
2015 alone—but they are not getting a good return on
their investment. For the most part, the learning
doesn’t lead to better organizational performance,
because people soon revert to their old ways of doing
• HR invest in management training is to
make their leaders and organizations
more effective, and results on that front
have been disappointing.
Think !
Can we learn / develop leadership

H o w?
“I Lead, They’ll follow”

How can we learn?

I nsight
I nitiative
7 ‘I’s of I nspiration
I nvolvement
I mprovisation
I ndividuality
I mplementation
Insight is your ability to accurately
see events, circumstances and
people, making sense of them.
Leaders are strong on insight.
Insight uses both sides of your brain.
There is the part that thinks logically,
and another part that is more intuitive.
If you are primarily a logical,
systematic person,
you can practice tapping into the part
of your brain that relies on instinct,
feeling and emotion.
Sometimes you perform at your best while at

other times you feel sluggish. WHY?

The people in your team are behaving in a
peculiar way. WHY?
A previously strong market position
suddenly appears under threat. WHY?
Customers who used to love the service no
longer seem enamored with it. WHY?
Insight is essential for interpreting apparently
chaotic information. Because it allows us to
‘read’ the environment and where necessary
relate it to a plan or action.
This ability to interpret stems from developing your:
1. Self-awareness (Intra-personal)
2. Understanding of others (Inter-personal)
3. Seeing the Situation (Perception)
1- Self-awareness
 How you see yourself
 Understanding your personality
 Your strengths and weaknesses
 Knowing the difference b/w how you see
yourself and how others see you.
You become more self-aware by consciously
What is driving you?
What are your current feelings?
What are your present attitudes?
How others around you are feeling and reacting?
Increase your self-awareness through:
Being willing to accept new information about
yourself, and your impact on people around
Where would you find such information?
Obviously, you do not have it right now.
It means you ask for feedback.
Asking yourself
They keep pursuing questions such as:
 Why did I do that?
 How could I do that better?
 What went wrong with what I did?
 How did they react to what I said or did?
 How am I feeling right now?
Internal Cast
Exploring your ‘internal cast of character’.
We each have many different ‘people’
inside us;
the achiever, the looser, the lover, the joker,
the doer, the enthusiast, the painter and so on.
These influence how we behave and respond
to the world.
Who you are? Really Matters
1. Be true to yourself
2. Accept yourself with all your strengths & weakness
3. Be your own best teacher
4. Realize that you can learn anything you want to
5. Be distinctive === stand out from the crowd
6. Stay aware of your journey
7. Identify yourself by your style and values
Genuine self-awareness comes gradually,
rather than suddenly like switching on a light.

Growing self-awareness comes from an
ongoing process of investing in your own
personal development.
After all, if you are not interested in
developing you, who else will be?
2. Understanding Others
Interpersonal Network
Leader is not in isolation (Invictus clip)
He succeeds because of personal contacts
Because of team building
Building network should not mean -------
 To extract business from them
 To advance your career
A leader do not act in vacuum

 Observe them
 Explore them and
 Test them
3. Seeing the Situations
Put yourself in other’s shoes and
see it from their point of view i.e.
What is Perception?
A process by which individuals
organize and interpret their
sensory impressions in order to
give meaning to their environment.
Factors that influence perception
1. The Perceiver
2. The Target
3. The Situation
Everything to do with leadership insight
takes practice. Certainly some people may
have been born more intuitive than others.
Yet by practicing observation, trying to
understand other people, attempting to see
reality and imagining the future you can
develop your insight.
Spend some time each day just looking.
Value this time as essential to the business.
In these periods of reflection you may well
gain an insight that could save or make
your organization huge profits.
First step; ability or willingness to take the
lead; capacity for acting independently.
An ability to originate new ideas or methods.
To think or act without guidance from others.
Use initiative by:
1. Taking Responsibility
2. Risk
3. Direct Action
4. Vitality
1. Taking Responsibility
is when you keep saying ‘YES’
whenever a job needs doing, or a
problem needs someone to solve it.
1. Taking Responsibility
your willingness to join a task
force, a project group, a committee,
a team activity, is an important sign
of leadership in an organization.
1. Taking Responsibility
Being Accountable-
When a serious mistake occurs
don’t try to pass the buck to
someone else. Instead,
be willing to shoulder some or all
of the blame.
You make statements such as:
1. ‘ leave that to me’
2. ‘ That was my fault’
3. ‘I will solve that
4. ‘I take responsibility for that’
2. Risk
Stepping out of your comfort zone-
Happens by attempting something
unfamiliar, where you are unsure about the
outcome. It is when you:
 Disagree
 Try new things
 Deliberately put yourself in a learning
3. Direct Action
Use your instinct and observational
powers to decide when to stop the
talking and start the action.
Effective leader recognize these
situations and have a bias for action, a
tendency to say ‘enough talking, we
are going to do’.
(Lead, Follow or get out of the way)
4. Vitality
You cannot expect to have vitality
unless you are healthy, which means
paying attention to the needs of your.
 Body
 Mind
 Spirit
(PIEFS Energy)
4. Vitality
Gaining the support of others is another
important source of vitality. People love
to be asked for their help. You can only
create supporters by making room for
people’s contribution.
o Don’t be your own worse enemy!
o Don’t get rough, get tough!
o Take Aim, go for the bull’s eye, but shoot very
very seldom!
Leaders inspire ---------- Managers motivate
you may survive as a manager without ever
inspiring anyone ---------- BUT you cannot
be a leader without an ability to inspire.
What is Inspiration?
It’s a feeling;
People are willing to do unusual
things, go beyond their limits, show
courage, cope with impossible
It’s an experience;
In business, inspiration ---------------
usually emerges as;
 Enabling people to perform beyond
their normal limits
 Produce outstanding results
You can learn to inspire other people,
not once but often. The unavoidable
starting point is:
To inspire others, first inspire yourself
Inspiration’s Elements are:
1. Vision
2. Communication
3. Trust
Every one has that potential, leader just do
it often.
1. Vision
A leader creates & realizes a vision
Take the supporters to a new place!
A clear idea of what you want to future to look
like ------------------
Create a picture of yourself ---------
 Identify the vision
 Translate it into a message, that
everyone can understand
Federal Express’s famous 3-word vision;
People ----- Service ------ Profit
Try making a list of few most important
values in your life -------- use these to
help you begin building a picture of
your vision of the future you want to
When a vision begins to form, every
thing changes, including the air
around you.
2. Communication
A vision that stays locked inside your head is
useless. Share it with others. It will inspire
and excite you.
Refine your communication skills by;
 Thinking visually
 Keeping your messages short
 Showing personal commitment
 Listening carefully
 Using specific, practical examples
If you do not care, why should they?
Communication is a two-way process!
Let people play devil’s advocate with
your idea.
This will help you to clarify it and
make you even more loud and clear.

(Communication Activity)
3. Trust
When you trust yourself, you are willing to:
 Listen to inner voice
 Use your natural instincts

The only way to make a man trustworthy is to trust


When you are reliable, people will naturally tend to

ask your opinions, seek help, follow your advice.
How to make people feel, genuinely part of
your vision & fully committed -------?
Various ways to begin involving people in
what YOU (the Leader) ------- to achieve-----
Involvement Include:
1. Empowerment
2. Personal Investment
3. Feedback
4. Identifying Stakeholders
1. Empowerment
When the best leader’s work is done, the
people say, “We did it ourselves”.
Leadership by just issuing orders and
attempting to control everything has
never really worked well in business
21st century leadership is about sharing
power & giving support to others.
1. Empowerment
It means giving people responsibility,
the right to make decisions and take more
By releasing some of your leadership
authority, you actually enhance;
 Increased moral
 Increased productivity
 Improved quality
 Lower staff turnover
Successful ways of empowerment;
 Show people they are not separate from
 Show that good ideas are implemented
 Appreciated & reward suggestions even if they
are not implemented
 Trust people with responsibility
 Respect people’s ideas judgment
2. Personal Investment
Empowerment is easier when people have
their personal investment in the vision
or the purpose.
It is not the financial investment ++++++
It is putting some important aspects of
themselves into the work, such as -----
 Time
 Energy
 Creativity
 Ideas
 Know-how
 Personal resource such as contacts
3. Feedback
The best leaders are hungry to hear what
people have to say !
Leaders are no different. They too need
continual feedback on how they are
4. Identifying Stakeholders
Which people ?
To whom should a leader listen !
There are many different sorts of people
with a stake in our success -----
stakeholders. More you actively
involve them, more energy you have
available to get the job done !
Create a working partnership.
Making do / creativeness / invention
When leaders improvise they use:
1. Creativity
2. Flexibility
1. Creativity
Leadership creativity is much wider includes many
different aspects of doing things differently. It
requires you to:
Innovation often means making something from
nothing. Leaders take limited resources and weld
them into new combinations, so that something
original or different can occur.
It is even more important that you enable others to
innovate on your behalf.
Stimulate others
Everyone can do it.
They may just need a stimulus.
Leaders provide the stimulus.
Discover how best can they do it.
Communicate with them that you have faith in
their innate ability to achieve breakthroughs.
A ‘Try it’ Environment
Freedom to experiment and make mistakes.
Let’s try it and see response.
Punishing people for mistakes is a great way to kill
off ideas.
Use the mistakes as an opportunity to encourage
yet more learning, to get it right next.
2. Flexibility
Water is a great symbol of flexible power.
People have a habit persistently pursuing actions
even when they are patently not getting anywhere.
Not only may there by many routes to your
destination, you may even invent ones that never
before existed.
Being able to adjust and adapt to situations is one
of our prime abilities as human beings.
When a leader shows flexibility this helps avoid a
worried/nervous reaction to any obstacle, and
promote a creative response.
Successful leaders are implementation experts.
Achieving action is every leader’s dream.
Modern leadership requires high credibility
because the old style approach of using power and
position to get what you want no longer really
works. If you resort to these devices you are not
leading, you are dictating.
Action Minded
Leaders seldom waste time on justifying why
things have not happened. They are much more
concerned with the future, with making
something happen. Being action-minded means
 Prefer deeds above words
 Make decisions
 Identify practical tasks
 Ask for help
It is important to pat yourself on the back when
things are going well, not just when you achieve
your final goal. By regularly celebrating small
achievements that add up to a big one. So treat
It is equally vital to celebrate others people’s
successes. Sometimes simply turning up and
showing that you care about what they have
achieved is sufficient to make an impact.
You will find your own appropriate style to
encourage celebrations. People do need to know
what success feels like. It makes them hungry
for more.
Leaders don’t do it alone.
They do it with supporters.
The seven I’s of leadership can help
you to achieve your vision.
Leadership is not an easy burden
although it is a vital one.
-- The world needs leaders.
-- You personally can make
a difference.
-- There are a lot of people
out there waiting for you.
Thank you

Happy Creating
Good bye ...
Five Common Barriers of Organization’s

1- Unclear direction on strategy and values, which often leads to

conflicting priorities.
2- Senior executives who don’t work as a team and haven’t
committed to a new direction or acknowledged necessary changes
in their own behavior.
3- A lack of coordination across businesses, functions, or regions due
to poor organizational design.
4- Inadequate leadership time and attention given to talent issues.
5- Employees’ fear of telling the senior team about obstacles to the
organization’s effectiveness.

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