National Education Policy 2020: Presented by Nithyalakshmi

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National Education

Policy 2020
Presented by
 Education should bring out the full human
 Sustainable development goals No 4 (SDG4) which
was set by UN assembly on 2015 stated that
“ensure inclusive and equitable quality education
and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”
as 2030 agenda.
 #Sustainable development – Sustainable
development is the organizing principle for meeting
human development goals while simultaneously
sustaining the ability of natural systems
Fields that will have growth in
Upcoming years- Multidisciplinary learning
 Artificial intelligence
 Machine learning
 Multidisciplinary abilities
 Mathematics
 Computer science
 Data science
 biology
 chemistry
 Physics
 Agriculture
 Climate science
 Vaccine development and research
Pedagogy must make education as
 Holistic
 Integrated
 Inquiry driven

 Discovery oriented
 Learner centred
 Discussion based
 Flexible

 Enjoyable

#Pedagogy –practising teaching/applying real

life situations
 Education must build character, enable
learners to be ethical, rational,
compassionate, and caring, while at the same
time prepare them for gainful, fulfilling
 The gap between the current state of learning

outcomes and what is required must be

bridged through undertaking major reforms
that bring the highest quality, equity, and
integrity into the system.
 Education Policy lays particular emphasis on
the development of the creative potential of
each individual. It is based on the principle
that education must develop not only
cognitive capacities - both the ‘foundational
capacities ’of literacy and numeracy and
‘higher-order’ cognitive capacities, such as
critical thinking and problem solving – but
also social, ethical, and emotional capacities
and dispositions.
Teacher- centre
Students- inclusive
 The teacher must be at the centre of the
fundamental reforms in the education system.
 The new education policy must provide to all
students, irrespective of their place of
residence, a quality education system, with
particular focus on historically marginalized,
disadvantaged, and underrepresented groups.
 Education is a great leveler and is the best tool
for achieving economic and social mobility,
inclusion, and equality.
Principles of this policy
 The purpose of the education system is to
develop good human beings capable of rational
thought and action, possessing compassion
and empathy, courage and resilience, scientific
temper and creative imagination, with sound
ethical moorings and values
 #resilience – Recover from difficulties
 #Scientific temper- application of scientific
 #ethical mooring – Strong ethical beliefs
Educational Institute Principles
 Identifying unique abilities of students
 Literacy and numeracy by grade3
 Flexible- Choosing their own programmes
 No separation between curricular and extra
 Multi disciplinary and holistic development
 Conceptual learning(Not exam oriented)
 Creativity and critical thinking
 Ethics and human values
 Promoting multi lingualism
 Life skills – team work resilience
 Formative assessment
 Extensive use of technology
 Respect fordiversity and l;ocal context
 Equity and inclusion
 Synergy in curriculum across the level
 R
 Teacher in the heart of education system
 ‘Light but tight’ regulatory framework
 Outstanding research opportunities
 Continuous review of progress
 Rootedness and pride of India
 Education as a public service
 Sustainable investment
Vision of this policy- Global citizen
 The Policy envisages that the curriculum and
pedagogy of our institutions must develop
among the students a deep sense of respect
towards the Fundamental Duties and
Constitutional values, bonding with one’s
country, and a conscious awareness of one’s
roles and responsibilities in a changing world.
Education structure
3 years angavadi + Classes 1,2 – Foundational

Classes 3 to 5- Preparatory

Classes 6 to 8- Middle

Classes 9 to 12-Secondary
3. Curtailing Dropout Rates and Ensuring
Universal Access to Education at All Levels

 3.1- Most drop outs after grade 3

 3.2-To avoid drop out by providing proper

infrastructure and constructing more govt

 3.3-Counsellors and social workers team up

with teachers to ensure no drop outs.

 3.4-High skilled teachers to create interesting

learning environment

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