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Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

Ministry of Finance and Economic Cooperation

IBEX/IFMIS Project Office

Training on
User Management Tool
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

IFMIS for PFM Efficiency, Effectiveness and Transparency

What is User Management Tool?
What Does it Do?
User Request and Creation
Password Reset
Add/Remove Responsibility
User Name Update/Change
User Activate/Deactivate
Questions / Thoughts / Suggestions
IFMIS for PFM Efficiency, Effectiveness and Transparency 2
What is User Management Tool?
User Management Module is a customized module to register,
manage, maintain and disable users. The custom developed Module
also have user password change feature.

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What Does User Management Do?
1. User Name Request and Creation,

2. Forgot Password Reset,

3. User Name Update/Change,

4. Add/Remove Responsibility and

5. Activate/ Deactivate User.

6. Reports
• IFMIS User Management Report (have 5 report types under Single Report)

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1. User Name Request and Creation
Register User: User Name Request and Creation functionality can be
used by the end users (Pubic Body Users) to request to get access to

Users can only raise a new user creation request if they have not been
already created in IFMIS and they have their IFMIS ID (Employee No
from HR department) and IFMIS login URL.

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1. User Name Request and Creation
a) New User Creation request by end user:
 Click login assistance link
 It redirects to the services request inquiry page
 Click New to IFMIS button
 Tab
 Select At least one responsibility (*)
 Submit the request. Remember the case id
 Follow up the request using case id/IFMIS ID
 Remark:
 Duplicate request is not allowed before the first request is completed
 Duplicate responsibility is not allowed
 At least one responsibly is mandatory
 Rember your
IFMIS for case
Efficiency, ID to follow
Effectiveness up the request
and Transparency 6
1. User Name Request and Creation
b) Consolidate and submit a request by Supervisor:
User Request and Creation
Query(All open request/submitted and rejected/ is populated)
Select/Check users
Validate(It validate and displays confirmation message if no error)
Use default Approver/Select Approver
Submit for Approval
 The request is submitted to IFMIS/IBEX office
 Confirmation message is displayed showing batch id
 The batch id is used to follow up the request by approver and supervisor
 When submitted approval status changed from request to submitted.

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1. User Name Request and Creation
C) Approval Action by Approver:
Select the batch from the notification list
Approve/Reject/Reassign/Request Information
 Approve : to approve
 Reject: to reject
 Reassign: to assign the request to another approver
 Request Information: To request additional information fro the supervisor
Both the Supervisor and the requester/end user are notified
 The end user gets username and the first half password
 The supervisor also gets the username and second half password of the end user

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1. User Name Request and Creation
d) Action by end user and Supervisor:
i. End User
 Login assistance link
 Search by case id or IFMISID: get username and first half temporary password
 Asks the second half temporary password from his/her supervisor
ii. Supervisor
 Open Supervisor service request inquiry form
 Search by employee id and gets username and second half password of the end
iii. End user
 Login into the system by using username, and the combination of the first and
the second half temporary passwords
 At first login the system requests to change the temporary password
 Remark: The Password is at least 9 characters. Changed at least once in three months
IFMIS for PFM Efficiency, Effectiveness and Transparency 9
2. Forgot Password Reset
User Password Reset: Forgot Password Reset functionality can be used
by end users to request for Forgot Password Reset.

This functionality is only available for Active IFMIS users.

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2. Forgot Password Reset
a) Forgot Password Reset by End user:
 Login Assistance link
 It redirects to the services request inquiry page
 Forgot Password button
 Enter IFMISID then search
 Submit the request: Don’t forget your case id
 Follow up the request using case id/IFMIS ID
 Remark:
 Don’t forget your case id

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2. Forgot Password Reset
b) Consolidate and submit the request by supervisor:
 Password Rest
 Query
 Select/Check user/s
 Validate
 Use default approver or Select approver
 Submit for Approval:
 Remark:
 Remember the batch id

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2. Forgot Password Reset
C) Action by Approver:
 Select the batch from the notification lists
 Approve/reject/Reassign/Request Information
 Both the Supervisor and the requester/end user Notified
 The end user gets username and the first half password
 The supervisor also gets the username and second half password

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2. Forgot Password Reset
d) Action by End User and Supervisor:
i. End User
 Login assistance link
 Search by case id or IFMISID: get username and first half temporary password
 Asks the second half temporary password from his/her supervisor
ii. Supervisor
 Open Supervisor service request inquiry form
 Search by employee id and gets username and second half password of the end
iii. End user
 Login into the system by using username, and the combination of the first and
the second half temporary passwords
 At first login the system requests to change the temporary password

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3. User Name Update/Change
User Name Update By Supervisor: User Name Update/Change
functionality can be used by User Management Supervisors to change
or update the IFMIS user names in case their names have been
wrongly created or HR department has updated/corrected their

This functionality is only available for Active IFMIS users.

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3. User Name Update/Change
a) Request by Supervisor:
 Open User Name Update form
 Enter Employee Number > Tab
 It allows to enter proposed name
 Validate:
 If the name is not changed in hr it displays error message
 Select approver/or use default approver
 Submit for approval
 Remark:
 First initiator is the supervisor
 Please, don’t forget the batch id
 It is a rare case
 User must be active user
IFMIS for PFM Efficiency, Effectiveness and Transparency 16
3. User Name Update/Change
b) Approval action by approver:
 Open the request/batch from the notification list under the worklist label
 For further information:
 Open user update request link
o It shows how many users request
o Further evidences like legal cases
 Approve/reject/Reassign/Request Information
 Both the Supervisor and the requester/end user Notified
 The end user gets username and the first half temporary password
 The supervisor also gets the username and second half temporary password

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3. User Name Update/Change
c) Action by End User and Supervisor:
i. End User
 Login assistance link
 Search by IFMISID: get username and first half temporary password
 Asks the second half temporary password from his/her supervisor
ii. Supervisor
 Open Supervisor service request inquiry page
 Search by employee id and gets username and second half password of the end
iii. End user
 Login into the system by using username, and the combination of the first and
the second half temporary passwords
 At first login the system requests to change the temporary password

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4. Add/Remove Responsibility
Add/Remove Responsibility: Add/Remove Responsibility functionality
can be used to add or revoke roles to IFMIS users existing

This functionality is only available for Active IFMIS users.

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4. Add/Remove Responsibility
a) Add/Remove Responsibility Request by supervisor:
 Open Add/Remove Responsibility form
 Enter employee number > Tab
 Select Add or Remove under flag column
 Select Responsibility
 Only the organization’s responsibilities are listed
 Validate
 Select approver/or Use the Default
 Submit for approval
 Displays a conformation message. It includes batch id
 Approval status changes from open to submitted
 Remember the batch id

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4. Add/Remove Responsibility
b) Approval action by Approver:
 Select the batch from the notification list
 For further detail information open add or remove responsibilities link
 Approve/reject/Reassign/Request Information
 The Supervisor Notified
 The end user responsibility is updated

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4. Add/Remove Responsibility
C) Action by end user and supervisor:
 Check the change by the end user and the supervisor
 Remark
 To change the password by the end user is not required

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5. Activate/ Deactivate User
Activate/Deactivate User: Activate/ Deactivate user functionality can
be used to make the IFMIS users In-Active for employees who have
retired or resigned from their services. And, can also be used to
activate the IFMIS users who are rejoining the services.

IFMIS for PFM Efficiency, Effectiveness and Transparency 23

5. Activate/ Deactivate User
a) Activate/ Deactivate User request by Supervisor:
 Select Activate/Deactivate form
 Enter employee number > tab
 Select activate or deactivate flag
 Validate
 Select approver/or Use the Default
 Submit for approval
 Generates batch id
 Approval status changed from open to submitted
 The end user notified

IFMIS for PFM Efficiency, Effectiveness and Transparency 24

5. Activate/ Deactivate User
b) Activate/ Deactivate User By Approver:
 Open the batch from the notification list
 For further information: open Active/Deactive request link
 Approve/reject/Reassign/Request Information
 Both the Supervisor and the requester/end user Notified
 The end user gets username and the first half temporary password(If it is
 The supervisor also gets the username and second half password(If it is
 If it is deactivation both receives notification message

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5. Activate/ Deactivate User
c) Action by End User and Supervisor:
i. End User
 If it is activation
o Login assistance link
o Search by IFMISID:
o Gets username and first half temporary password
o Asks the second half temporary password from his/her supervisor
ii. Supervisor
 Open Supervisor service request inquiry page and search by employee id
 If it is activation: gets username and second half password of the end user
iii. End user
 Login into the system by using username, and the combination of the first and
the second half temporary passwords.
 At first login , it is required to change the temporary password
IFMIS for PFM Efficiency, Effectiveness and Transparency 26
It has single report but with different parameters.
The report type parameter lists the activities included in the user
management module we have seen. It has five report types

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Activate/ Deactivate User
To Run Reports by Supervisor or Approver:
 Login > Run any form application
 View > Request > Submit a new request > Select > Ok
 Select Request Name: “IFMIS User Management”
 Select parameters > Ok > Submit > Select no/yes
 Refresh Data until phase is completed
 View output if completed normal
 View log/ view detail if it is not completed normal
 To run another report >submit a new request>copy/select

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Questions / Thoughts / Suggestions

IFMIS for PFM Efficiency, Effectiveness and Transparency 29


Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Ministry of Finance and Economic Cooperation
IBEX/IFMIS Project Office
Telephone: +251- 111-40-20-00/Ext.1747
Email: [email protected]

IFMIS for PFM Efficiency, Effectiveness and Transparency 30

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