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Questions 3 to 5
Q3.Explain the importance of focusing operational audits on
managements business objectives. What should be done if
business objectives have not been identified or are inadequate
(e.g. unclear, unrealistic and completion cannot be verified).
Q4.Prepare an “elevator pitch” to explain to someone that internal
controls are not obstacles to business success but rather enablers.
Q5.How are Lean and Six sigma methodologies related to the
work of internal auditors?
Question #3
Explain the importance of focusing operational audits on
managements business objectives. What should be done
if business objectives have not been identified or are
inadequate (e.g. unclear, unrealistic and completion
cannot be verified).
Business objectives

 are the specific and measurable results

companies hope to maintain as their
organization grows.
Objectives includes these questions:
 Where do we want to go?

 Where are we now?

 How do we get to where we want to be?

 How do we know if we are making

Operational Audits

 Are audits that focus on the

effectiveness, productivity
and cost efficiency of the
operations of the business
Question #4
Prepare an “elevator pitch” to explain to someone that
internal controls are not obstacles to business success but
rather enablers.
Elevator pitch

 Is a brief, persuasive speech that you use to speak interest in what your organization does
and it should be no longer than 30 minutes.
It has 8 components:
1) Greeting
2) Industry,field,job title or company
3) Accomplishments, background qualifications and skills
4) What you want to do and why
5) Why you enjoy what you do
6) What interests you about the listener’s company or business
7) What sets you apart from others
8) Tagline or mission statement
Hi,I’m Janeth.I’m currently working as an internal
auditor in Kronos Company. With a wide breadth of
experience in internal auditing especially in consulting
Example and monitoring the financial statements, I must say that
internal controls are not obstacles to business but rather
of enablers.
Elevator I enjoy what I do because I love summarizing and
Pitch analyzing things that involves a number, maybe if I have
at time in the future. I want to work with a challenging
environment that still involved consulting other people
and helping them in their businesses.
With my passion in auditing, I think I am helpful to the companies
by double checking the risks and providing them with reasonable
assurance regarding the achievement of objectives for their
My goal is to help organizations by helping them minimize the risks
or threats that can jeopardize the achievement of their purpose.
Question #5
How are Lean and Six sigma methodologies related to
the work of internal auditors?
Lean and Six sigma


 It was developed with a

 Is entirely focused on
very specific goal ,it eliminating waste,
reduce variation and defect providing maximum value
rates in production to customers with the
processes through statistical lowest possible amount of
analysis.  investment. 


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