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Karina Lewerissa
◦ Vitamins are defined as relatively low-molecular weight compounds which humans, and for that matter,
any living organism that depends on organic matter as a source of nutrients, require small quantities for
normal metabolism

◦ Human cannot synthesize most vitamins and therefore need to obtain them from food and supplements.
Importance of analysis:
◦ determining animal and human nutritional requirements
◦ accurate food composition information is required to determine dietary intakes to assess diet adequacy
and improve human nutrition worldwide
◦ reliable assay methods are required to ensure accuracy of food labeling

◦ Methods describe on bioassay, microbiological, and chemical methods are not comprehensive, but rather
just give examples of each type of analysis
Vitamin Units
◦ When vitamins are expressed in units of mg or per tablet or food serving, it is very easy to grasp how
much is present.
◦ can also be expressed as international units (IU), United States Pharmacopeia (USP) units, and %
Daily Value (DV).

◦ The IU is a unit of measurement for the amount of a substance, based on measured biological activity or
effect. It is used for vitamins, hormones, vaccines, and similar biologically active substances.
◦ differs from substance to substance
◦ There is no equivalence among different substances; that is, 1 IU or USP unit of vitamin E does not
contain the same number of micrograms as 1 IU or USP unit of vitamin A.
◦ The % Daily Value (DV) is a newer dietary reference value designed to help consumers to use label
information to plan a healthy overall diet.

◦ The DVs are reference numbers based on Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) established by
the Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine.

◦ On food labels, the numbers tell you the % DV that one serving of this food provided as a percentage of
established standards.
◦ In fact, DVs actually comprise two sets of reference values for nutrients:
◦ Daily Reference Values, or DRVs,
◦ Reference Daily Intakes, or RDIs.
◦ The % DV is based on a 2000-Calorie
◦ Bioassays involving humans and animals.
◦ Microbiological assays making use of protozoan organisms, bacteria, and yeast.
◦ Physicochemical assays that include spectrophotometric, fluorometric, chromatographic, enzymatic,
immunological, and radiometric methods.

◦ In terms of ease of performance, but not necessarily with regard to accuracy and precision, the three
systems follow the reverse order.
◦ The selection criteria for a particular assay depend on a number of factors, including accuracy and
precision, but also economic factors and the sample load to be handled.
◦ Applicability of certain methods for a particular matrix also must be considered. It is important to bear in
mind that many official methods presented by regulatory agencies are limited in their applicability
to certain matrices, such as vitamin concentrates, milk, or cereals, and thus cannot be applied to other
matrices without some procedural modifications.
◦ On account of the sensitivity of certain vitamins to adverse conditions such as light, oxygen, pH, and
heat, proper precautions need to be taken to prevent any deterioration throughout the analytical process,
◦ Table 11.2 Commonly Used Regulatory Methods for Vitamin Analysis
Extraction methods:
◦ heat, acid, alkali, solvents, and enzymes
◦ Ascorbic acid: Cold extraction with meta phosphoric acid/acetic acid.
◦ Vitamin B1 and B2: Boiling or autoclaving in acid plus enzyme treatment.
◦ Niacin: Autoclaving in acid (non cereal products) or alkali (cereal products).
◦ Folate: Enzyme extraction with α-amylase, protease and γ-glutamyl hydrolase(conjugase)
◦ Vitamins A, E, or D: Organic solvent extraction, saponification, and re-extraction with organic solvents.
For unstable vitamins such as these, antioxidants are routinely added to inhibit oxidation.
Bioassay methods:
◦ Outside of vitamin bioavailability studies, bioassays at the present are used only for the analysis of
vitamins B12 and D.
◦ Microbiological Assays
◦ Microbiological assays are limited to the analysis of water-soluble vitamins. The methods are very
sensitive and specific for each vitamin. The methods are somewhat time consuming, and strict adherence
to the analytical protocol is critical for accurate results.
◦ All microbiological assays can use microtiter plates (96-well) in place of test tubes. Microplate usage
results in significant savings in media and glassware, as well as labor
◦ The growth of microorganisms is proportional to their requirement for a specific vitamin. Thus, in
microbiological assays the growth of a certain microorganism in an extract of a vitamin-containing sample is
compared against the growth of this microorganism in the presence of known quantities of that vitamin.

◦ The growth of microorganisms is proportional to their requirement for a specific vitamin

◦ in microbiological assays the growth of a certain microorganism in an extract of a vitamin-containing sample

is compared against the growth of this microorganism in the presence of known quantities of that vitamin.

◦ Bacteria, yeast, or protozoans are used as test organisms. Growth can be measured in terms of turbidity, acid
production, gravimetry, or by respiration. With bacteria and yeast, turbidimetry is the most commonly
employed system. If turbidity measurements are involved, clear sample and standard extracts vs.turbid ones,
are essential. With regard to incubation time, turbidity measurement is also a less time consuming method.

◦ The procedural sequence for the microbiological analysis of niacin is outlined in Fig. 11-3 (AOAC
Method 944.13, 45.2.04) (2,14). Lactobacillus plantarum ATCCTM8014 is the test organism.
◦ A stock culture needs to be prepared and maintained by inoculating the freeze dried culture on Bacto
Lactobacilli agar followed by incubation at 37◦C for 24 h prior to sample and standard inoculation.
◦ A second transfer may be advisable in the case of poor growth of the inoculum culture. In general,
growth is measured by turbidity. If lactobacilli are employed as the test organism, acidimetric
measurements can be used as well.
◦ Folate is the general term including folic acid (pteroylglutamate, PteGln) and poly-γ-glutamyl conjugates
with the biological activity of folic acid. Folates present a diverse array of compounds that vary by
oxidation state of the pteridine ring structure, one-carbon moieties carried by the specific folate, and the
number of conjugated glutamate residues on the folate.

◦ Folates are labile to oxidation, light, thermal losses, and leaching when foods are processed. Because of
the presence of multiple forms in food products and its instability, folate presents a rather difficult
analytical problem.

◦ To account for differences in biological availability of synthetic folic acid used for food fortification and
food folate, the Institute of Medicine Panel on Folate, Other B Vitamins and Choline established the
dietary folate equivalent (DFE) value (5).
◦ Principle Folate in the sample is extracted with a buffer at 100◦C (boiling water bath). The
extract is then digested with α-amylase and protease (i.e., to free macromolecularly bound folates) and
conjugase (i.e., to cleave poly-γ-glutamyl folates to PteGln3 or lower.) Growth response of the assay
microorganism is measured by percent transmittance. Transmittance depends on folate concentration.
Chemical Methods:
Vitamin A:
◦ Vitamin A is sensitive to ultraviolet (UV) light, air(and any pro oxidants, for that matter), high
temperatures, and moisture. Therefore, steps must be taken to avoid any adverse changes in this vitamin
due to such effects. Steps include using low actinic glassware, nitrogen, and/or vacuum, as well as
avoiding excessively high temperatures. The addition of an antioxidant at the onset of the procedure is
highly recommended.
High-performance liquid chromatographic
HPLC) methods are considered the only acceptable methods to provide accurate food measurements of
vitamin A activity
◦ Principle The test sample is saponified with ethanolic KOH, vitamin A (retinol) is extracted into organic
solvent and then concentrated. Vitamin A isomers – all-trans-retinol and 13-cis-retinol – levels are
determined by HPLC on a silica column.

◦ Critical Points All work must be performed in subdued artificial light. Care must be taken to avoid
oxidation of the retinol throughout the entire procedure. Solvent evaporation should be completed under
nitrogen, and hexadecane is added to prevent destruction during and after solvent evaporation.
Vitamin E
◦ Vitamin E is present in foods as eight different compounds: all are 6-hydroxychromans. The vitamin E
family is comprisedof α-, β-, γ-, and δ-tocopherol, characterized by a saturated side chain of three
isoprenoid units and the corresponding unsaturated tocotrienols (α-, β-, γ-, and δ-).

◦ All homologs in nature are (R, R, R)-isomers. Recently, the Institute of Medicine Panel on Dietary
Antioxidants and Related Compounds recommended that human requirements for vitamin E include only
the 2R-stereoisomeric forms of α-tocopherol for establishment of recommended intakes

◦ Vitamin E is subject to oxidation. Therefore, saponification is completed under reflux, in the presence of
the antioxidant, pyrogallol, with the reaction vessel protected from light
Vitamin C
◦ The vitamin (L-ascorbic acid and L-dehydroascorbic acid) is very susceptible to oxidative
deterioration, which is enhanced by high pH and the presence of ferric and cupric ions. For these reasons,
the entire analytical procedure needs to be performed at low pH and, if necessary, in the presence of a
chelating agent.

◦ Principle. L-ascorbic acid is oxidized to L-dehydroascorbic acid by the oxidation–reduction indicator

dye, 2,6-dichloroindophenol. At the endpoint, excess unreduced dye appears rose pink in acid solution
Vitamin B
◦ fluorometric
Comparison method
◦ 1. Method accuracy and precision.
◦ 2. The need for bioavailability information.
◦ 3. Time and instrumentation requirements.
◦ 4. Personnel requirements.
◦ 5. The type of biological matrix to be analyzed.
◦ 6. The number of samples to be analyzed.
◦ 7. Regulatory requirements – Must official AOAC International methods be used?
Bioassays are extremely time consuming. Their employment is generally limited to those instances in which no
suitable alternate method is available, or for cases in which bioavailability of the analyte is desired, especially if
other methods have not been demonstrated to provide this information.

Bioassays have the advantage that they sometimes do not require the preparation of an extract, thus eliminating the
potential of undesirable changes of the analyte during the extract preparation. On the other hand, in the case of
deficiency development requirements prior to analysis, bioassays are limited to animals rather than humans.
◦ Both microbiological and physicochemical methods require vitamin extraction (i.e., solubilization prior
to analysis). In general, the results obtained through these methods represent the total content of a
particular vitamin in a certain biological matrix, such as food, and not necessarily its bioavailability to
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