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Evolution of PHN in the

History of PHN in the

• 1577 – Franciscan Friar Juan Clemente opened a medical

dispensary in Intramuros for the indigent.
• 1690 – Dominican Fr. Juan de Pergero worked toward installing a
water system in San Juan del Monte and Manila.
• 1805 – Dr. Francisco Balmis introduced smallpox vaccination
• 1876 – Appointed the first Medicos Titulares ( same as PHO)
• 1888 – A 2 year course consisting of fundamental medical and
dental subjects offered in UST.
- Graduates were known as cirujanos ministrantes served as male
nurses and sanitation inspectors
History of PHN in the
• 1901
- Act 157 the United States Philippine Commission created the Board of Health in
the Philippines evolved now as DOH
• 1912
- The Fajardo Act (Act no. 2156 ) created Sanitary Divisions made up of one to four
- Each division has a president who had to be physician
- If no physician available male nurses were assigned to perform the duties of the
- PGH under the Bureau of Health sent 4 nurses to Cebu to take care of mothers and
their babies
- St. Paul Hospital school of Nursing in Intramuros assigned two nurses to do
homevisit in Manila to give nursing care to mothers and newborn babies from the
outpatient OB of PGH
History of PHN in the
• 1914
- School nursing was rendered by a nurse employed by the Bureau of Health in
Tacloban, Leyte.
- Reorganization Act. No. 2462 created the Office of General Inspection.
- The office of District Nursing was organized under this office.
- Dr. Rosario Pastor a lady physician and also a nurse
- Two graduate Filipino nurses Mrs. Casilang Eustaquio and Mrs. Matilde Azurin were
employed for Maternal and Child and Sanitation in Manila under an american nurse
Mrs. G.D. Schudder.
History of PHN in the

• August 2,1916
- Jones Law “ Philippine Autonomy Act” provided the highlight in
the struggle of the Filipinos for Independence from American
- Established Philippine Senate completed an all Filipino Assembly
that formed a Bicameral system of government ushered a major
reorganization which culminated in Administrative Code of 1917
(Act 2711) which included the Public Health Law of 1917
History of PHN in the
• 1916 – 1918
- Miss Perlita Clark took charge of PHN work.
- Staff composed of one american supervisor, one American dietician , 36 Filipino
nurses working in the provinces and one nurse and one dietician assigned in two
Sanitary Divisions.

• 1917
- Four graduate nurses paid by the City of Manila were employed to work in City

• 1918
- The office of Ms. Clark was abolished due to lack for funds
History of PHN in the

• 1919
- Miss Carmen del Rosario the first Filipino nurse supervisor
under the Bureau of Health was appointed and was succeeded
Miss Mabel Dabbs.
- 84 public health nurses assigned in five health stations.
History of PHN in the
• 1923
- Two government hospital were established to train non-
christian women and prepare them to render service among
their people:
1. Zamboanga School of Nursing in Mindanao
2. Baguio General Hospital
- Another 4 government schools were established one in Luzon,
Cebu, Bohol and Leyte
History of PHN in the
• July 1, 1926
– Ms. Carmen Leogrado resigned and Ms. Genara S.
Manongdo a ranking supervisor of the American Red Cross,
Philippine Chapter.
• 1927
- The office of district nursing under the office of general
inspection ,Philippine health service was abolished
- Mrs. Genara de Guzman acted as consultant to the Director of
Health on nursing matters.
History of PHN in the
• 1928
- First convention of nurses was held followed by yearly
convention until the advent of WWII.
• 1930
- PHN was converted into Section of Nursing
- The section of Nursing was transferred from the Office of
General Services to the Division of Administration which
supervises and guides nurses in the provincial hospitals and 2
govt. schools
History of PHN in the
• 1933
- Reorganization Act no. 4007 transferred the Division of Maternal
and Child Health of the Office of Public Welfare Commission to
the Bureau of Health .
- Mrs. Soledad A. Buenafe former assistant Superintendent of
Nurses of the Public Welfare Commission was appointed as
Assistant Chief Nurse of the Section of Nursing , Bureau of Health
History of PHN in the
• 1941
- public health members of the Metropolitan Division, Bureau of
Health were transferred to the new department .
- Dr. Mariano Icasiano became the first City Health Officer of
- Mrs. Vicenta C. Ponce as the chief nurse
- Mrs. Rosario A. Ordiz as assistant Chief Nurse
History of PHN in the
• December 8, 1941
- PHN were attended to the sick and wounded during the WWII

• 1942
- PHN, Physicians and administrators from Manila Health Dept.
went to the interment camp in Capas, Tarlac to receive sick
prisoners of war by the Japanese Army
- They were confined in San Lazaro Hospital and 68 PHN were
History of PHN in the
• July 1942
- 31 Nurses were taken as prisoners by Japanese army in Bilibid
Prison in Manila and was released by Dr. Eusebio Aguilar.
- Many PHN joined the guerillas during the WWII
• February 1946
- 308 PHN and 38 supervisors post war record
- Mrs. Genrra M. de Guzman , Technical assistant in nursing of the
DOH snd the concurrent President of the Filipino Nurses
Association recommended the creation of a Nursing Office in the
History of PHN in the
• October 7, 1947
- EO no. 94 reorganized the government offices and created the
Division of Nursing

• December 16, 1947

-Mrs. Genara de Guzman was appointed as Chief of Division
3 assistants: Ms. Annie Sand- Nursing Education
Mrs. Magdalena C. Valenzuela – PHN
Mrs. Patrocinio J. Montellano – Staff Education
History of PHN in the
• Bureau of Health , the Section of Nursing Supervision took over
the functions of the former Section of Nursing
- Mrs. Soledad Buenafe Chief
- Mrs. Marcela Gabatin, Assistant Chief
- The new Puericulture Center of the Bureau of Hospitals had Mrs.
Teresa Malgabo as chief.
History of PHN in the
• 1948
- First training Center of the Bureau of Health in cooperation with
Pasay City Health Dept.
- This was housed in Tabon Health Center
- It was later renamed as Dona Marta Health Center
- Dr. Trinidad Gomez Physician
- Ms. Marcela Gabatin Nurse Supervisor
- Ms. Constancia Tuazon , Mrs. Burgarin and Ms. Ramos as Nurse
- Zenaida Panlilio PHN
History of PHN in the
• 1950
- The Rural Health Demonstartion and Training Center was
established by the DOH and was assisted by WHO and UNICEF
- Dr. Hilario Lara – Dean
- Dr. Amansia Mangay - Chief of RHDTC
- Dr. Antonio N. Acosta – Medical Training Officer
History of PHN in the
• 1953
- The office of Health education and Personnel Training were
- Dr. Trinidad Gomez- Chief
- 4 instructors : mrs. Cabanos, Mrs. Torrejon, Ms. Panlilio and Ms.
- The first BSN graduates from UPCN joined the Bureau of Health
History of PHN in the
• 1953
- RA no. 1082 Rural Health Law
- Created first 81 RHUs
- First PHN to undergo pre-service training are :
Ms. Florinda Ramos
Ms. Lydia Amurao
History of PHN in the
• 1957
-RA 1891 was approved amending RA 1082 “ Strengthening Health and
Dental Services in the Rural Areas and Providing Funds

• 1958 -1965
- RA 977 passed by Congress in 1954 was implemented and the
Division of Nursing was abolished
- Ms. Annie Sand was appointed as Nursing Consultant under the
Office of the Secretary of Health
- 1961 Ms. Annie Sand founded the Department of Health National
League of Nurses Inc. , became President and Adviser.
History of PHN in the
• 1967
- Bureau of Disease Control Mrs. Zenaida Panlilio was appointed as
Nursing Program Supervisor on 5 special diseases:
( TB, Leprosy, Venereal Diseases, Cancer, Filariasis and Mental
History of PHN in the
• 1971
- Mrs. Josefina A. Mendoza – Supervising Nurse Instructor Office of
Health Education and Training
• 1974
- The Project Management Staff was organized as part of
Population Loan II of the Philippine Government with Dr.
Francisco Aguilar as Project Manager
History of PHN in the

• 1975
- Restructuring of the HCDS based on the findings of the
Operations research (WHO assisted)
- MHO, PHN, RHM and Sanitary Inspector were redefined.
- The roles of Public Health Nurse and the midwife were expanded
- 2 thousand midwives recruited
History of PHN in the

• 1976 -1986
- Medical and nursing graduates required to serve two months in
the rural areas before they can get their PRC license.
- When the nursing graduates reached over 12,000 per year the
program was stopped
- Pres. Ferdinand Marcos and Mrs. Josefina Mendoza repeatedly
recommend the Bureau of Nursing but it was not materialized
History of PHN in the

• 1986
- Reorganization of DOH
- Mrs. Zenaida Nisce as Nursing Program Supervisor of the
Secretary of Health and Medical Services and secretary . Task
Force for Mental Health
- National Family Planning Service (NFPS) :
Liwanag, Orais, Paner, Austria and Daga and Hizon
History of PHN in the
• 1987- 1989
- EO reorganized the DOH created several offices and services
• 1990-1992
- Maternal Health Services
- Expanded Program on Immunization
- Control of Diarrheal Diseases
- Control of Acute Respiratory Infections
- Non-Communicable Disease Control Service
- Cardiovascular and Cancer Control Programs
- Diabetes and Disabilities
- Blindness and Deafness
- Osteoporosis, Asthma and Smoking Control
- Communicable Disease Control
History of PHN in the

• April 13, 1987

- EO no. 119 “Reorganizing the Ministry of Health by Pres. Corazon
- Named MOH back to DOH
- Clustered agencies and programs under the Office for Public
Health Services, Office for Hospital Facilities, Services, Office for
Standards and Regulations and Office of Management Services

History of PHN in the
- Field Offices:
a. Regional Health Offices and
b. National Health Facilities (National Medical
Centers, Special Research Centers and Hospital)

History of PHN in the
-Sentrong Sigla (Center for Vitality)
- Quality assurance program certifies PHC facilities
to comply with quality standards
History of PHN in the
• May 24, 1999
- EO no. 102 “Redirecting the functions and operations
of DOH by Pres. Estrada
- Granted DOH to proceed with its Rationalization and
Streaming Plan
- EO no. 102 mandates DOH to provide assistance to
LGU, people’s organization, and other members of civic
society in implementing programs, projects and
services to promote health among Filipinos.
History of PHN in the

• 1999 – 2004
-Development of the Health Sector Reform Agenda which describes
the major strategies, organizational and policy changes and public
investments needed to improve health care delivery , regulated
and financed.
-Develop HSRA and F1 ensuring all Filipino especially the poor
receive the benefits of health reform
History of PHN in the

• 2005- 2006
- Development of a plan to rationalize the bureaucracy in an attempt
to scale down including DOH.
History of PHN in the

• 2010-2016
-Aquino Health Agenda (AHA)
-June 19, 2013 (RA 10606) An Act of Amending the Health Insurance
Act of 1995
• 2016- 2020
-Universal Health Care Act on March 14, 2019 by President Duterte
- Automatically enrolled all Filipinos in the PHIC

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