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Four language Skills

By Ashish Kulkarni
Learning Outcomes

 By the end of this session C.Ps could be able to :

 Share the importance of four language skills in
teaching and learning.
 Discuss the ways to teach four language skills.
 Demonstrate some activities related to four skills.
Road Map
 Four language skills
 Listening skill
 How to teach listening skill
 Speaking skill
 How to teach speaking skill
 Reading Skill
 How to teach Reading skill
 Writing skill
 How to teach writing skill
 Activities
 Conclusion
Four Language Skills

 Listening
 Speaking
 Reading
 Writing

I Receptive Productive O
P Listening Speaking T
T Reading Writing U
Listening Skill

 Listening comprehension is the receptive skill.

 Listening means to understand what we hear.
 Two types of listening
 Interactive ( we chance to speak)
 Calls, discussion and face to face conversation
 Non-interactive ( we don’t have a chance to
 Watching TV and sermons.
How to Teach Listening

 Beginners should be given more chances for listening.

 Speak slowly and as close to natural speed as possible.
 Using shorter sentences, and the number and length
of pauses in your speech
 Reduce distractions and noise.
 Use equipments like TV, radio, tap recorder.
 Repeat or play the text twice or thrice.
 Give them a listening task as home task listening
Speaking Skill
 Speaking is the productive skill.
 There are three kinds of speaking
 interactive, ( discussion, dialogue)
 partially interactive ( Lecture )
 non-interactive (Sermons and Speeches)
How to teach Speaking
 Communicative teaching
 Mistakes should be welcome
 Actions with Speaking
 Activities imitating, answering verbal cues, interactive
conversation, oral presentation
 Content of speaking should be practical and useable in real
 Provide appropriate feedback, but don't interrupt
 Address both interactive fluency and accuracy.
 Encourage strategies like asking for clarification,
paraphrasing, gestures, and initiating ('hey,' 'so,' 'by the way')
Reading Skill

 Reading is the receptive skill in the written mode.

 It can develop independently of listening and
speaking skills
 Reading can help build vocabulary that helps
listening comprehension.
How to Teaching Reading
 For beginners reading text should be simple in
terms of grammar and vocabulary.
 The text should be relevant to the context, real life
and background knowledge of reader.
 Use reading strategies prediction, Guessing from
the context, skimming and scanning.
 Silent Reading vs. Reading Aloud
 Reading aloud improve pronunciation and silent reading
focus comprehension.
Writing Skill

 Writing is the productive skill in the written mode.

 It, too, is more complicated , seems to be the
hardest of the skills.
 It involves not just a graphic representation of
speech, but the development and presentation of
thoughts in a structured way.
 Good writing conveys a meaningful message .
 Free writing Vs process writing
 Free for collecting ideas and process for polishing writing
How to Teach Writing

 Copying text word for word

 Writing what you dictate
 Imitating a model
 Filling in blanks in sentences or paragraphs
 Taking a paragraph and transforming certain
language, for example changing all verbs and time
references to past tense
 Summarizing a story text, video, or listening clip.
 Group No 1 Reading

 Group No 2 Listening

 Group No 3 writing

 Group No 4 Speaking

 All four skills support each other since, they are

interconnected therefore, cannot be taught
independently Listening and reading both rely on
input from an outside source and require
knowledge of the language, background
knowledge, and comprehension skills.
 The productive skills of writing and speaking are
more complex as they necessitate taking
knowledge of a language a step further to actually
produce new language.
Food for thought

 All four skills facilitate language learning. Language

learning is like learning swimming. You cannot teach
swimming to someone by sitting at the bank of river
and giving lecture. For this purpose you will have
jump in the river. In the same way, language cannot
be learned by just cramming the rules of grammar
or lecture. It can be learn through conversation and

Thank You

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