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Pioneering Advantage:

Fiction or Reality?

 The product innovation requires a higher investment in research and development

than does product imitation.

 The necessary marketplace education and testing forces the pioneer to spend heavily
on advertising and promotion. A second entrant enjoys the fruits of the pioneer's labor.

Consumer ROI % Industrial ROI %

Goods Business Goods Business
Market Pioneers 25 Market Pioneers 24
Early Followers 19 Early Followers 19
Late Entrants 16 Late Entrants 15

Q3: What are risk and Rewards for early and late movers?
Advantages of Being a First Mover

Companies that are first movers can often:

•Establish their service as the industry standard

•Be able to tap into consumers first and make a strong impression, which can lead to
brand recognition and brand loyalty

•May be able to control resources, such as basing themselves in a strategic location,

establishing a premium contract with key suppliers, or hiring talented employees

•Can gain an advantage when there is a high switching cost for consumers to switch to
later entrants


1. Technology leadership
2. Control of resources
3.Buyer switching costs
Disadvantages of Being a First Mover

•Being the first business in an industry may not always guarantee an advantage.

•The first mover may invest heavily in persuading consumers to try a new product. Later
entrants would benefit from these informed buyers and would not need to spend as
much on educating consumers.

•Later entrants can avoid mistakes made by the first mover.

•If the first mover is unable to capture consumers with their products, later entrants can
take advantage of this.

•Later entrants can reverse-engineer new products and make them better or cheaper.

•Later entrants can identify areas of improvement left by the first mover and take
advantage of them.
Early Mover Advantage??
Infact success is in Perfect Mover Advantage

It’s quite the opposite actually. 

Flipkart (2007)>Shopclues (2011)>Snapdeal (2012)> (2013).

Market Share now in terms of GMV (Redseer 2018)

Amazon > Flipkart > Snapdeal > Shopclues.

“The early bird gets the worm BUT the

second mouse gets the cheese”
Considering current shift in market,
Amazon should better focus on current markets as of now.

 The e-commerce giant has expanded into Turkey, Australia, Mexico, Brazil, India all within
last few years

 This 5 countries are crucial to Amazon`s International ambitions and has immense
potential to further explore and extending more services to these nation.

 According to RBC`s analysis sales in this 5 countries will potentiality to cross $25 billion in
year 2023 if it is been focused and extended by full fledge Amazon services.

 Four big Category Amazon should focus to add profit in its balance sheet rather only
continue growing its stock price

 It may not prove fruitful to enter small emerging market which has low internet users. Rest
all big emerging markets AMAZON has already entered in past few years

Advertising AI & Voice

Other Businesses Amazon can Focus on in current
market space
Financial Services
 Financial technology that could widen its reach. In India, the
company is offering thousands of loans to e-sellers so
suppliers can expand their operations and manage seasonal
 Amazon pay wallet has scope of widening its services to take
over its rival in respective countries like Alipay, Paytm etc.

Healthcare & Education Industry

 Healthcare and Education is more growing on Internet past
days and using AI and Cloud based resources amazon can
disrupt the market with its huge funding line and brand image.

 Amazon can eye on augmented and virtual reality
(AR/VR). In particular, Amazon’s Lumberyard, a
game development engine on AWS, could play a
role in the development of VR content.

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