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Unit 15, Lessons 1-3

Sagar and His Family

A. Look, listen and say.
• Hi! I’m Sagar. I’m in Class Four. I’m
nine years old.

• I have a little sister. Her name is

Keya. She’s only three years old.
My father is a doctor and my mother
is a housewife.

My grandfather was a school teacher,

but he doesn’t work now. My
grandfather helps me with my
homework. He is very smart!
My grandmother works at home. She
makes the best ‘pithas’ in the world!
She helps my mother in the garden.

My mother has a wonderful garden.

I’m very proud of it. She grows the
best tomatoes and cucumbers in the
neighbourhood. They are delicious!
B. In Column A, there are some words and, in Column B, there are
the meanings of the words. Form five pairs from the columns where
one will be the given word and the other its meaning.
Column A

i) pitha = d) a type of sweet made from rice flour, sugar,
syrup etc. 
ii) proud = b) feeling pride
iii) delicious = a) tasteful
iv) smart = e) showing intelligence
v) doctor = c) a person whose job is treating patients
C. First guess the answer to each question. Then see the answer.

i) How many years older is Sagar than Keya?

Ans: Sagar is six years older than Keya.
ii) What work does Sagar's grandmother help his mother in?
Ans: Sagar's grandmother helps his mother in gardening.
iii) What vegetables are special in mother's garden?
Ans: Tomatoes and cucumbers are special in mother's garden.
iv) Who is good at making 'pithas'?
Ans: Sagar's grandmother is good at making 'pithas'.
v) How do the tomatoes and cucumbers of mother's garden taste?
Ans: The tomatoes and cucumbers of mother's garden taste delicious.

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