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KHRI Webinar Series

Organised by
Kerala Highway Research Institute (KHRI)
Public Works Department (PWD), Govt. of Kerala
in association with
IIT Madras, Chennai

Lecture Schedule : 25th May 2020 – 29th May 2020

Topic Presenter Time
Er. Shelly Fernandez,
Site Mix Concrete vs
44 Ready Mix Concrete Managing Director, Qcrete 25.05.2020,
Ready Mix( India) 07:00 PM IST
Distress Diagnosis of Dr. Lakshmy
45 Parameswaran, Chief 26.05.2020,
Concrete Bridges
Scientist, CSIR-CRRI 07:00 PM IST
Need to Seed the Dr. Surendra Manjrekar,
"Responsibility Concept"in Honorary Member, 27.05.2020,
the Largest Repair Industry American Concrete 07:00 PM IST
- India Pepective. Institute
Structural Integrity & Er. Ravikiran Vaidya,
Capacity of Pile 28.05.2020,
47 Principal Engineer, Geo
Foundations by NDT 07:00 PM IST
Methods - Part1 Dynamics, Mumbai
Pervious Concrete Dr. Krishna P Biligiri, 29.05.2020,
48 Pavement Systems : Associate Professor, IIT 07:00 PM IST
Sustainable Construction Tirupati
Ground Improvement and Er. Minimol Korulla, Head
Pavement Stabilization 30.05.2020,
49 -Strategic Projects &
Techniques for Road Initiatives, Maccaferri 07:00 PM IST
Embankments on Soft Soil

Registration: Email: [email protected]

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