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Boundary concept

 Boundary can be defined in different ways; some of the definitions are as follows:
 Line of demarcation between adjoining tracts of land
 Any line or thing marking a limit
 Line or object indicating the limits or further extent of a tract of land or territory.
 A separating or dividing line between countries, states ,districts of territory or a
tract of land
Functions of Boundaries:

 Boundaries serve as lines of division form international and state boundaries to

simple lot line in urban areas. Property boundaries are needed to define the areas.
Property boundaries are needed to define the area extent of state rights and its

 They are essential in maintenance of good will and cordial relations in community
life. Hence, these boundaries should be reliably delineated, indefinite property
lines can lead to disputes and controversy.
 Poorly defined boundaries and conflicting descriptions of properties leads to
troubles which are further compounded by frequent subdivision.
Land Surveying in boundary
 Land Surveying Comprises of determination of the location of land boundaries
and drawing of plats portraying the subdivision of tracts of land in to smaller
parcels. It deals with land boundaries. If the term boundary surveying is employed
its usage is frequently restricted of surveys of boundaries.
 A land survey boundary is a line of demarcation between adjoining tracts of land.
A boundary land between privately owned parcels of land is called property line.
Hence, property surveying can be said to be synonymous to land surveying,
Function of land surveying

land surveys are made for one of the following purposes:

 To reestablish the boundaries of a section of land that has been previously
 To subdivide a tract of land in to smaller parts.
 To obtain the data needed for writing the legal description of a parcel of land
 Locating described boundaries on the ground,
 Obtaining data for deed description, Calculating areas,
 Securing information for wills, mortgages, Tax assessment, Condemnation for
public use

 The term corner has two meanings

Corner refers to a fixed point on the ground by
measurement along a line form another established
point by the intersection of established lines.

It refers to a physical object or marker, which

serves as a more or less permanent monument at a
given point

 Corner can also be defined as: a point established on the ground or a point
established by a surveyor or by an agreement between adjacent property owners
and refers to the physical object or marker

 The “corners” of the public land surveys are those points that determine the
boundaries of the various subdivisions represented on the official plat
Kinds of Corners

The term corner can be defined in different ways and has different purposes.
Depending up on their purposes of location corners can be categorized in to the
following kinds.
 Marking corner
 Witness corner
 Meander corner

 When there is a chance of loosing the monuments un deliberately, witness corners

are used to describe them
 Witness corners may be iron pipes (others) placed at a convenient distance in
more protected locations & described in surveyor’s note book. Witness corners
explains the actual corner with a known distance or direction from it.

 The terms “corner” and “monument” are not interchangeable. A corner designates
a point established by a survey or by agreements between adjacent property
owners where as the term monument indicates the object placed to mark the
corner point on the surface of the earth

 Monuments of public land survey have included the

deposit of some durable memorial, a marked wooden
stake or post, a marked stone, an iron post having an
inscribed cap, a marked tablet set in sold rock or in a
concrete block, a marked tree, a rock in place marked
with a cross (X) at the exact corner point, and other
special types of markers, some of which are more
substantial; any of these is termed as “monument”

Monuments are classified as Natural, Artificial, Record or Legal.

 Natural monuments can be natural Features such as: rocks, trees, springs and so

 Artificial monument are artificial objects such as iron pipes driven on the ground,
posts of concrete or stone, mounds of stone, wooden stakes with some more
permanent material such as charcoal or glass

 Record monuments exist because of a reference in deed or description. Example –

The phrase in a deed: “to the side line of the street” is a call for a record
monument (the street).A legal monument is controlling in the description. “To a
concrete post” is a call to legal monument “To Johnson’s property line” is a call to
a legal record monument. Natural monuments control over artificial monuments
and record monuments

 While establishing property monuments/

monuments the surveyor should establish them so
carefully that their obliteration is unlikely. They
should be referenced in such a manner that they
may be replaced easily and economically if they
are obliterated.
Terms related to monuments

 If the property line/ corner can be established without any difficulty / doubts,
monuments are said to be exist
 If the position of a monument is lost but can be re-established with the help of
other information (like witness corners or description given) monument is said to
be obliterated.
 If the position can not be found it is called lost

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