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Parvathy Das
3rd DC Physics

• Pole Vaulting is a sport in which an athlete jumps over an obstacle with the help of a
flexible pole.
• The principle used is conversion of energy, that is kinetic energy of the runner is
converted into elastic potential energy and gravitational potential energy while the player
plants the pole on ground. Greater poential energy greater the height reached and
higher potential energy depends on the running speed. Again the pole provides energy
to the jumper by restoring the elastic potential energy and transferring it to the
athlete. The greater the flexibility of the pole better it is for the pole vaulter.
• ½ mv2 =mgh , using this maximum height of pole vaulting can be determined.
• Where m is the mass of pole-vaulter with the pole, v is the velocity with which he
runs; g is the acceleration due to gravity. So corresponding height can be calculated.
• Skating involves two movements,gliding over the ice and pushing off the ice with the edge.
• The low friction of the skate blade with ice allows to skater to glide over the surface and
inorder to move forward the skater applies a force F perpendicular to the rear skate blade .At
the same time the other skate is raised or gliding on the ice.
• To increase speed the skater needs to increase the angle alpha as shown in fig.
• The skaters crouch forward in the direction of motion to maitain balance as the center of
mass of the skater acts as a counter torque to the forward component of F .Crouching also
reduces air resistance.
• Backward skating can also be done using a gliding pattern in the shape of “S”.
• In the sport of speed skating, skaters use clapskates which hinge at the front which allows
the blade to remain flattened against the ice when the skater raises his heel. This increases
the time that the skater can push off against the ice, which enables him to accelerate faster.
• The FIFA World Cup ball has undergone through incredible changes since 2002. An
epoch-making design change of Adidas made FIFA World Cup football is illustrated in Fig
•FIFA World Cup balls were made of 32 panels from 1970 to 2002.
•2002 – traditional leather panel to synthetic panel
•2006 – 14 panel ‘teamgeist’ ball
•2010 – 8 panel ‘jabulani’ ball
•2014 – 6 panel ‘brazuca’ ball
•2018 – 6 panel ‘telstar 18’ ball
• Sports Aerodynamics Research Group at RMIT University undertook an aerodynamic
study of Telstar 18 ball along with Brazuca, Jabulani, Teamgiest and Fevernova balls
using RMIT Industrial Wind Tunnel.
• Variation of drag coefficient between the two sides of Telstar 18 ball is less than
2% compared to Brazuca (3%), Jabulani (9%), Teamgeist (5%) and Fevernova
• Telstar 18 is expected to have more predictable flight in calm wind and non-spinning
conditions as its sideway aerodynamic behaviour is very close to fevernova ball used in
2002 FIFA World cup in korea and Japan.
• Telstar 18 needs harder kick as its aerodynamic drag is higher at low speeds than
Brazuca ball and for mid-range distance, it needs to be kicked softer due to its lower
drag. For goalkeeper, Telstar 18 will be slightly hard to grip compared to Brazuca ball due
to its orderly square flat pimples in contrast to Brazuca’s prominent wavy patterned
rectangular pimples. Telstar 18 has longer seam length and shorter seam depth and
width than Brazuca ball.
• The horizontal distance travelled by a tennis or cricket ball can be calculated using the
formula , distance = speed x time.
• The use of ‘hawk eye’ in cricket and tennis to predict the trajectory of a ball and to inform
lbw decisions in cricket and line calls in tennis.
• During squat jumps, broad jumps, and box jumps to add more resistance athletes do
these jumps wearing a weighted vest.
• Biomechanics is used to analyse a sprinter and his running is improved by avoiding
unnecessary sideways movements.
• Use of running chute during trainig increases the resistance which inturn increases their
sprinting speed.

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