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Faculty of Management and Commerce

Product and Brand Management


Dr. G Devakumar
Soubhagya L Mende

Contact info : 9972173755

Email Id – [email protected]
Consumer based brand equity

Four steps of brand building are :

• Brand relationship – what about you and me?
• Consumer response – what I feel about you?
• Brand meaning – what are you? Objectives
• Brand identification – who are you?
• Level Of relationship And identity With
the brand.
• Behaviour loyalty, attitudinal Attachment
Judgement: , Sense of community, Active
• Consumer opinion on engagement
• Brand quality, Feeling:
Creditability, • Emotional response towards
superiority, brand.
Consideration. • Feeling evoked by marketing
Performance: Imagery:
• Whether the product • The way consumer
meets the consumer thino about brand!
needs? • Depends on
• Price? Style ? experience.
Design? Durability?
Serviceability? Salience:
• Achieving the right identity.
• Measures the level of Brand awareness.
• How is the range of purchase.
• How likelihood to the mind.

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