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College Of Medicine And

Health Science
Department of Health Informatics
Course Title :- Introduction To Computer

Prepared by :-Ayana. A
(Bsc in Health Informatics)
October, 2018
Chapter one
Introduction to Computer

Prepared by :-A.A
(Bsc in Health Informatics)
October, 2018
At the end of this chapter students should be able to:-

 Define computer

 Know the history of computer

 Identify and understand important characteristics of


 Identify different types of computer

 Know components of computer

Computer Definition

Among the number of definitions of a computer, we

can use either of the definitions given below:-
Is electronic device that can store, retrieve, and
process data.
 Computer can also be defined by its ability to
accept input data, process data, store data and
produce output according to set of instructions
from a computer program.
Computer History
A Computer history timeline
Counting aids  Manual calculators 
Mechanical calculators  Programmable
calculators  Programmable computers

Counting aids
 The history of computers starts out about 2000
years ago in Babylonia (Mesopotamia), at the birth
of the abacus, a wooden rack holding two
horizontal wires with beads strung on them.

 Manual Calculators
Blaise Pascal is usually credited for building
the first digital computer in 1642.
This first mechanical calculator, called the
 Programmable calculators
 Computers for World War II for the military aircraft design and
fire control.
 In 1942, John P. Eckert, John W. Mauchly, and their associates
at the Moore school of Electrical Engineering of University of
Pennsylvania decided to build a high - speed electronic
computer to do the job.
Characteristics of Computer

1. Speed: The speed o f a computer in processing

information is increasing from time to time
and computers can calculate at very high speed.

2. Accuracy: The accuracy of a computer system

is very high provided that the data and the
program given to it are accurate.
 Error in computer data processing is mostly human
factor. The program may be wrongly coded or the
data may be wrongly entered.
3. Storage: Computers can store large amount
of data using their memory unit

4. Versatility: Computers can be programmed

and applied for different purposes. People
can use computers for different applications.

5. Diligence: The computer does the same

thing repeatedly without saying “I am tired
or I am bored”.
What can’t computers do?

 lack of intelligent thinking.

 lack of independent thought.

 How Many Types Of Computer
Are There?

There are two types of computer

According to Work (3).
According to Size (4).
Types Of Computer According to
work :-
1. Analog computer
2. Digital computer
3. Hybrid computer
1. Analog computer

 Computers that process analog data are called

analog computers. (Analog data is continuous
like:- height, weight, age )
 Computers that accept analog input and provide
analog output.
 Deal with variables.
 It is used for measuring physical quantities.
 Are Special purpose computers which used for:-
Engineering ,Scientific Work ,for control process,
Chemical industries.
 Examples of analog computer are:-

A. Speedometer
B. Weight machine
C. Thermometer
D. Analog watch
Advantage & Disadvantages Of
Analog Computer

Advantage Analog Computers

 Analog computers are easy and fast.
Disadvantages Of Analog Computers
 Analog computers are not accurate (may
not give accurate result for your input).
2. Digital Computers

Computers that process digital data are called

digital computers.
Digital data is discrete (can’t increase continuously
 Computers that accepts digital input and provide
digital output.
 Measure digital quantities.
Used for General purpose like:- Scientific research,
Business Education, Factories and Market.
 Examples of digital computer are:-

 Calculators
 Accounting machines
Advantage & Disadvantages Of
digital Computer

Advantages Of Digital Computers

Digital computers are accurate.
Store information.
Disadvantages Of Digital Computers
Digital computers are slow as compared to
Analog computers.
3. Hybrid Computers
Computers that process analog as well as
digital data are called hybrid computers.
Are used for Special purpose mostly in
hospitals and Air Defense system.
Advantages Of Hybrid Computers
 It combines the best features of both
digital and analog.
 Hybrid computers have the accuracy of
analog and the speed of digital computers.
Types of computer according to
their size

Main frame Mini Super Micro

computer computer computer computer
1. Main frame computer
Large in size.
Fill a large room
Number of devices are attached with it.
 Large in memory
 It requires high power
 Used in large organizations
 Perform multiple jobs
 Support hundred of users
 Need air conditioned rooms
2. Mini computer
 As compared to mainframe,
 mini computers are:
 Small in size.
 Occupy small room.
 Less peripheral devices.
 Less Expensive
Small in memory
 Less Powerful
 Used in small organizations
 Perform multiple jobs
 Support fewer users
3. Super computer
Complex machines
 Use advance techniques
 High speed
 Large in size
 High computing capacities (number crunchers)
 Require air-conditioned rooms
 Perform calculations
Super computers are mostly used in the
applications of Weather forecasting, Nuclear
research, during Designing complex machines.
4. Micro computers
As compared to mainframe and mini
computers, microcomputers are:-
 Smallest in size
 Placed on the top of desk that’s why called
desktop computers.
 Laptop is microcomputer
 Personal Computers (PCs)
Least Expensive
 Smallest in memory
 Least Powerful
A Used in small business, schools, homes
 Support one users
1. Micro/Personal computers


 PDA (Personal Digital Assistant)
(The smallest classification of computers)

 Palmtop
Computer Components
General Components
General Components of desktop computer

“The system unit”

CRT Display CD-ROM Drive



Computer Hardware

Prepared by :-A.A
(Bsc in Health Informatics)
October, 2018
At the end of this lesson students should be able to :-
 Define computer hardware

 Identify types of hardware in a computer system

 List input, output, and storage devices of computer

 Know the function of CPU

 Know the function of ALU

 Know the function of control unit

Computer System
Computer consists of two parts:
1. Computer Hardware
A generic name for the various devices that
make up a computer system
2. Computer Software
Set of instructions that direct the computer
hardware to perform a particular task
 Any visible part of a computer which can be seen and touch is
known as hardware.
 Hardware are involved in the data processing cycle as an
input, output or as both.
 On data processing cycle, there are hardware used to enter
data which are known as input devices
 and other hardware used to display the information are
known as output device but there are also devices used as
both input and output device.
 Moreover others are involved in the processing cycle such as
Hardware Components
1. Input Unit – feeds data & instruction to the computer
2. Output Unit – displays / prints the results of the
3. CPU – is the brain of the computer that caries out the
processing of the data as per the instructions
4. Memory – stores data and programs within and/or
outside the computer system
Input Devices
Input devices gather and translate data into a
form the computer understands.
Input is all information put into a computer.
Primary input device:
 Keyboard - Most common input device; used to type
in commands and data.
 Mouse or trackball: enhances user’s ability to input
commands, manipulate text, images.
 Joystick: useful in education as an adaptive or
assistive input device.
Input Devices
Scanners: are peripheral input devices
which allow users to import:
Specialized software aids in translating
information into a format the computer can
understand and manipulate.
Input Devices
Digital Cameras: are peripheral input
devices that allow users to create pictures
and/or movies in a digital format.
Some require specialized software to import
images into the computer.
Some record digital images directly to a disk that
can be read by the computer.
Some input devices
 Mouse
 Keyboard
 Scanner
 Touch pad
 Light pen
 Joysticks
 Microphones
 Digital Cameras
 Touch Screen
 Bar Code Reader
 Trackball
2.Output Devices
Use to display processed information to the user
either in softcopy or hardcopy

Soft copy – output displayed on a computer

screen. It is the primary output medium.
E.g. Monitor

Hard copy – output produced on paper or micro

E.g. Printers, plotters, …
Output Devices
1.Monitors: are the most commonly used
output device.
Most monitors use a bitmap display.
Allows user to resize the display.
Divides the screen into a matrix of tiny square
“dots” called pixels.
The more “dots” a screen can display, the higher
the resolution of the monitor.
Output Devices
2.Printer:- Most widely used output devices to
prepare printed paper documents
 There are Impact and Non-impact printers
 Impact printers
 Form characters by striking an inked ribbon with
hammers against paper
 E.g. Dot matrix printers & ink printers
Output Devices
 Non-impact printers
Form characters without physical contact
between a printer and paper
E.g. Laser jet printers

capable of drawing complex shapes with
multiple colors
Output Devices
VDU (video display)
Flat screen monitors
3.Central Processing Unit
 It is the place where data processing takes place

 The system's memory also plays a crucial role in

processing data.

 Both the CPU and memory are attached to the

system's motherboard, which connects all the
computer's devices together, enabling them to
 Types of CPU
CPU or microprocessor is often described
as the brain of a computer.
CPU is an integrated circuit or “chip” which
processes instructions and data.
CPU types.
Intel Pentium II, III, IV
Intel Celeron
AMD Athlon
 CPU types
CPU speed is measured by the number of
completed instruction cycles per second
Always check new software’s requirements
for CPU type and speed before purchasing.
Main parts of CPU
 Arithmetic and Logical Unit (ALU)
 The control unit
The Arithmetic Logic Unit
 The actual manipulation of data takes place in
the ALU.
 Performs the arithmetic operations and the
logical comparisons
 Controls the speed of calculations;
 Larger & powerful computers speed are measured in:
Pico seconds
Nano seconds, etc.
ALU Operations List

Arithmetic Logical
Operations Operations
+ Add ,  equal to, not equal to
 Subtract > greater than
x Multiply < less than
 Divide  greater than or equal to
^ Raise by a power  less than or equal to
The Control Unit
 Controls the entire operation of the computer.

 Directs the flow of data through the CPU, and to

and from other devices.

 The control unit stores the CPU's microcode,

which contains the instructions for all the tasks
the CPU can perform.
 A special storage location within CPU which
temporarily hold data and program instructions
while they are being processed

 Both the ALU and control units are connected to

registers — such that to execute an instruction
the control units retrieves data from main
memory and places it into a register and after
processing the results are stored in register.
 Refers to an electronic highway through which
information are transmitted between the various

 A bus is a path between the components of a

computer. Data and instructions travel along
these paths.
Cache Memory
 Cache memory is high-speed memory that holds
the most recent data and instructions that have
been loaded by the CPU.

 Cache is located directly on the CPU or between

the CPU and RAM, making it faster than normal

 The amount of cache memory has a tremendous

impact on the computer's speed.
Prepared by :-A.A
(Bsc in Health Informatics)
October, 2018
At the end of this lesson students should be able to :-
 Define computer memory

 Know how computer memory is measured

 List different memories available in computer system

 Identify the difference between RAM and ROM

 Know the internal components of computer

Computer Memory

 Computer memory refers to devices that are used to store

data or programs (sequence of instructions) on
temporary or permanent basis.
 You can store data on your hard disk, that used to store
data permanently, while data which is being processed
is stored in RAM (Random Access Memory)

 Data stored in RAM is temporary, because it is available as

far as there is power. Normally when people talk about
memory in relation to a PC, they are talking about RAM.
How computer memory is measured?

 Bit:1 or 0 level of storage

 Byte: A byte consists of eight bits.
 Kilobyte: A kilobyte (KB) consists of 1024 bytes.
 Megabyte: A megabyte (MB) consists of 1024
kilobytes, approximately 1,000,000 bytes.
 Gigabyte: A gigabyte (GB) consists of 1024
megabytes, approximately 1,000,000,000 bytes.
 Terabyte: A terabyte (TB) consists of
approximately 1,000,000,000,000 bytes.
Types of Memory
There are Two types of computer memory
 Main memory
 The main working area of the computer
 The CPU can utilize only those
instructions and data that are stored in
main memory
 Secondary storage unit
 Stores data and programs for later use
Main memory

 Volatile  Non-volatile

 Working area of computer  Permanently stored

(stores data and program programs

code needed by the CPU)  Allows read only

 Allows both read and write

 The amount of RAM in a PC has a direct impact on the
system's speed.
 Read Only Memory (ROM) as the name suggests
is a special type of memory chip which holds
software which can be read but not written to.

 A good example is the ROM-BIOS chip, which

contains read-only software.

 Often network cards and video cards also contain

ROM chips.

 The more RAM a PC has, the more program instructions

and data can be held in memory, which is faster than
storage on disk.

 If a PC does not have enough memory to run a program,

it must move data between RAM and the hard disk
frequently. This process, called swapping, can greatly
slow a PC's performance.
 Secondary Storage Devices
 Storage devices are both input and output devices in one.
A storage device is a place to keep data that has been
already processed so that it can be retrieved at a later
time to be used again.
 Any storage device designed to retain data and instruction
in a more permanent form
 Non-volatile storage media
 Currently used ones
A. hard disks,
B. floppy disk,
C. optical disk (CD-ROM)
D. Flash disk
 Capacity and speed are important considerations when
selecting a new storage device for a PC.
Types of secondary Storage Device’s

 Magnetic storage devices store

data by magnetizing particles on a
disk or tape. They have a limited
life-span of 1 to 5 years, depending
on the device.

 Optical storage devices store

data as light and dark spots on the
disk surface. They have an
unlimited life-span.
Storage Devices
A. Hard Disk Drives
 Capacity is measured in gigabytes (GB or billions of

 Typically permanently installed.

 Used to store operating system, application software,

utilities and data.

 Magnetic storage device.

Storage Devices
B. Internal hard disks
 The hard drive is what stores all your data. It houses the hard
disk, where all your files and folders are physically located.
 Speed:- Very fast. The speed of a hard disk is often quoted
as “average access time” speed.
 Capacity: Enormous, Measured in Gigabytes. A Gigabyte is
equivalent to 1024 Megabytes.

 Cost: Hard disks costs are falling rapidly and normally

represent the cheapest way of storing data.
Storage Devices
External hard disks
 Another type of hard drive is an external hard drive that is placed
outside the computer.
 This is helpful for computers that have no space inside the
cabinet for installing extra hard drive.

 A big advantage of this type of drive is that backup of data is

 Speed: Normally slower than internal disks, but more expensive
versions offer the same performance as internal hard disks.
 Capacity: Same as internal disks.
 Cost: More expensive than internal disks.
Storage Devices
Floppy Disk Drives
 Capacity is 1.44 to 2.0 megabytes
(MB or millions of bytes).
 Storage device with the smallest
 Most portable storage media
– Not currently used.
 Magnetic storage device.
 CD-ROM Drives
 Typically installed on all new computer systems.
(Were add-on device until the mid 1990’s).

 Capacity is 600 to 750 megabytes (MB or millions

of bytes).

 Most mass-produced commercial software is

packaged on a CD.
Prepared by :-A.A
(Bsc in Health Informatics)
October, 2018
 objectives
At the end of this lesson students should be able
 Define Software
 Identify types of software in a computer system
 Know the use of operating system
 Know utility software available in computer system
 List the types of application software
 Know the importance & use of application software
Computer Software
What is software?

Consists of a series
of instructions that
Also called a
tells the computer
what to do and program
how to do it
Instructions and associated data, stored in
electronic format, that direct the computer
to accomplish a particular task.
Computer programmers write the
codes/instructions that make-up software
Two Types of Software

1. System Software's

2. Application Software
1. System Software
What is system software?
 Programs that control or maintain the operations
of the computer and its devices

programs Utility Programs:- allow
UtilityPrograms:- allowthe
all perform
among usually
hardware computer,
System Software
1. An Operating System (OS) is the master
controller within a computer.
 EX: Windows, MacOS, DOS, UNIX, Linux

An operating system interacts with:

 All hardware installed in or connected to a
computer system.
 All software installed or running from a storage
device on a computer system.
Operating System Software
 Directs all the activities and sets all the rules for
how the hardware and software will work together.
Examples would be:
DOS, Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, XP
Unix, Linux,
MAC system OS 6,7,8,9,10
System Software
2. Microsoft Windows
– Most popular operating system.
– Supports a vast array of application software
and peripheral devices.
3. Mac OS
– For Macintosh computers
– Proprietary system
– Does not have same functionality and support
for software and peripheral devices
System Software
4. Network operating system (NOS)
Manages network resources.
Maintains security.
Tracks user accounts.
Handles communication between workstations
and servers.
Popular network operating systems
Windows NT, Novell Netware, UNIX
Types of Operating System
1. Command line operating system
2. Graphical user Interface operating system
 Command Line Operating Systems

 DOS is an example of a command line operating

On the next slide, Notice that there are no:
 Icons (pictures)
 Colors
 Mouse Pointer
 Buttons
 You have to memorize commands in order to use
this text based operating system.
Operating Systems: GUI
What is a graphical user interface (GUI)?
 Allows you to interact
with the software using
text, graphics, and visual
images such as icons
 Uses pictures (icons) to
represent files, folders,
disk drives, modems,
printers, etc.
 Controls how you enter
data and instructions
and how the screen
displays information
 System Software
 Utilities augment functionality of operating
 Utilities includes device drivers and
Troubleshooting capabilities.

 Utilities provide file management capabilities

such as copying, moving or renaming a file.
2. Application Software
What is application software?
 Programs designed to make users more
 Programs that work with operating system
software to help the computer to do specific types
of work.

Application Software
There are six basic types of application
1. Business and document preparation
software: word processors, spreadsheets,
and database programs.
2. Communication software: allows computers to
communicate with other computers
– E.g. fax software, Novell NetWare, AOL, Modem
Application Software

3. Graphics software: software that allows users

to create and manipulate graphics.
– E.g. Photoshop (adobe), Print Shop, etc.
4. Education and Reference software: Programs that
help teach new material and ideas, and programs that
can be used to find information
– E.g.: Encarta, World book Encyclopedia, Jumpstart
Kindergarten, Micro Type.
5. Entertainment and Leisure software: -
– E.g.: War craft, Age of Empires, Barbie Design
Center, Mrs. Pac man, Solitaire
6. Integrated software:- Combines several types of
software into one program or package, Quicken
(Spreadsheet /data base /communications /reference)
or Print Shop (Graphics /Word processor).
Computer Software

What is a programmer?
 Someone who develops
application or system
 Programmer writes
the instructions to
direct the
computer to
process data into

Web application

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