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• National papers are widely available and

easily bought.
• It falls under two categories: the popular
paper and the heavy or quality paper.

• It is the version of the national newspaper

within an academic institution.
• It is a free newspaper of the students by
the students to circulate within academic
Campus Journalism serves as a
means to strengthen the ethical values
and to encourage the creative and
critical thinking of the Filipino youth. It
also helps developing the personal
discipline and moral character of the

What should Go into the

Campus Paper?
This history of campus journalism is penned by
Alixander Haban Escote (August 28,2008).
According to Jesus Valenzuela in the History of
Journalism in the Philippine Islands (1933) and John
Lent in the Philippine Mass Communication (1964),
the history of campus journalism in the Philippines
started when the University of Santo Tomas published
A BRIEF HISTORY El Liliputiense in 1890.
OF However, Oscar Manalo, Narciso Matienzo, and
CAMPUS JOURNALISM Virgilio Monteloyola in Ang Pamahayagan (1985)
argued that the history of campus journalism in the
country started when the University of the Philippines
published The Colegio Folio, now the Philippine
Colegian, 1910. They also added that The Torch of
the Philippine Normal University, The Guidon of the
Ateneo de Manila University, and The Varsitarian of
the University of Santo Tomas were also published
two years later.
Aid to Students

a. Provides opportunity for interesting wr

b. Gives students the opportunity to learn
to read the newspapers
c. Acts as stimulus to better work
d. Develops students power of observati
discrimination concerning relative mer
new articles.
e. Serves as outlet and motivation for
journalistic writing
f. Offers training in organizations, busine
methods, commercial arts, salesmans
bookkeeping and business managem
g. Develops qualities of cooperation, tact
accuracy, tolerance, responsibility and
Aid to S

a. Informs the community of

b. Publishes school news
c. Creates and expresses sc
d. Makes known the achieve
e. Helps unify the school
f. Encourages and stimulate
g. Develops right standard o
h. Provides an outlet for stud
i. Develops better interscho
j. Develops school spirit
k. Develops cooperation bet
 INFORMATION FUNCTION. This is the function of the news in the campus paper to inform.
Information dissemination is the main purpose of the campus paper and it gives the readers
information concerning the things around the community and within the school.

 OPINION FUNCTION. Through the editorials and editorial columns, editors have the chance to
post their opinion regarding current events inside the school and the community. The main purpose
for this is to persuade the reader toward a certain point of view.

 EDUCATION FUNCTION. This is one of the primodial functions of a campus paper. Since
students and teachers alike are expected to read the school paper, which showcases topics that
may be intensively and extensively discussed, the reading public may somehow be educated.

 WATCHDOG FUNCTION. The school paper serves as the harbinger of truth in the campus.

 LABORATORY FUNCTION. The school paper, as discussed previously, is a miniature version of

the daily newspaper where all rights and privileges, including the concepts and skills in journalism
are practiced.
 DOCUMENTATION FUNCTION. The paper also serves as posterity tool of worthy and must-be-remembered
occasions in the campus. This is why, many school publications practice submitting more than one copy to the
campus library and to the archive section so that the paper becomes an evidence of what transpired in such a
semester, a school year or a grading period.

 ENTERTAINMENT FUNCTION. As a mini version of the national newspapers, where entertainment section
exists, the school paper likewise showcases feature stories. It is used to stimulate the soul and to feed the brain
at the same time.

 DEVELOPMENTAL FUNCTION. In a developing country like the Philippines, scholastic and commercial
journalism have been given greater and nobler significance.

Here are the major sections of

campus paper:

1. Front page
2. News page
3. Editorial page
4. Features page
5. Community development page
6. Science and technology page
Parts of the FRONT PAGE

The sports section of a newspaper features

information on local sports events, like high
school sports teams. College level sports
are also covered in this section, both on a
regional and national level. Often, sports
page in the Philippine campus papers
accommodate stories about intramurals and
relevant national sports issues. Student
writers may consider writing sports analysis,
sports editorials, backgrounder, prophetic
sports news and the like.
Selection of the Publication Staff
There are common mind-boggling
questions for the publication head or
the moderator of the campus paper
like: How are the editors and the
s t a ff m e m b e r s c h o s e n ? H o w l o n g
should they serve? How big should
t h e s t a ff b e ? S h o u l d t h e y b e p a i d ?
To w h o m t h e y a r e r e s p o n s i b l e ?
Selection of the Publication Staff
First, there should be a moderator or an
adviser who must possess the following
1. W i t h a d e g r e e i n j o u r n a l i s m
2. W i t h e x p e r i e n c e i n n e w s p a p e r w o r k o r
one with more than ordinary
experience in journalism or school
paper work
Other schools consider one who teaches
social studies. This set up is the
traditional set up of picking the
a d v i s e r o r m o d e r a t o r.
Selection of the Publication Staff
For the traditional and beginning campus
paper system in the DepEd, the principal
or the head of the school, with the
recommendation of the adviser may
designate the members of the staff or
may pick them through competitive
examination. The candidates should
p o s s e s s w r i t i n g a b i l i t y, l e a d e r s h i p a n d
previous experiences in school
p u b l i c a t i o n i n s u c h o r d e r. W h a t e v e r t h e
criteria are in choosing the staff, the
method should be systematic, objective,
a n d f a i r.
Selection of the Publication Staff
Whether the editors and staff members
are chosen through recommendation or
competitive examination, the following
pointers are recommended;
1. T h e candidate should have at least
one year residence.
2. T h e c a n d i d a t e s h o u l d n o t b e i n t h e
probation list.
3. S / H e m u s t n o t h a v e a n y d i s c i p l i n a r y
case against him/her
The chief, associate, and managing
editors should not hold other major
positions in school organizations
How large should the
staff be?
A manageable staff should not be
more than ten, as follows;
1. C h i e f e d i t o r
2. A s s o c i a t e e d i t o r
3. M a n a g i n g e d i t o r
4. F e a t u r e e d i t o r
5. L i t e r a r y e d i t o r
6. S p o r t s e d i t o r
7. R e p o r t e r s ( o n e f r o m e a c h c l a s s –
s e n i o r, s o p h o m o r e , f r e s h m a n )
of the
Publication Staff
1. C h i e f E d i t o r
- supervises the editorial staff of the
- she writes the editorial of the organ
after consultation with the members of
the editorial staffs
- she edits all articles preparatory to
submission of the same to the adviser
for final editing and approval for
- she supervises the preparation of
the lay out, dummy of the paper and its
pagination in cooperation with the
managing editor and lay out artist
- she acts as the liaison officer
between the editorial staff and the
a d v i s e r, s / h e a l s o c a l l s m e e t i n g o f t h e
2. Associate Editor
- edits the articles in cooperation
with the chief editor

- she may be delegated to write

editorials of the organ, prepares
assignments of section editors in
consultation with the chief editor

- she cooperate in the preparation of

the lay out of the paper and paging of
the same with the chief editor and the
m a n a g i n g e d i t o r.
3. Circulation Manager
- he is assigned in ensuring the
release and the distribution of the

- he also guarantees the smooth

flow of the passing of the articles from
reporters to section editors

- he is assigned to oversee the flow

of processes in crafting the paper
4. Section Editors

a. N e w s E d i t o r
– assigned as the reporter to cover
events relevant to school activities,
s/he writes news articles on
assignment from the chief editor or
through his/her own initiative in
consultation with the latter

- his/her primordial job is to edit all

news articles submitted by the writers
preparatory to submission of the same
to the chief editor then to the adviser
b. Filipino Editor
- this is an optional staff function or
position; nonetheless, his/her prime
job is to write the editorial of the
Filipino section.

- also edits all articles preparatory to

submission of the same Filipino
a d v i s e r, for final editing and

- sometimes causes the submission of

all Filipino articles properly and timely
- act as a liaison officer between
Filipino staff and chief editor
c. Feature Editor

- gives out assignments to feature


- receives and edits feature articles

preparatory to the submission of the
same to the chief editor

- sometimes writes regular articles or

d. Exchange Editor

- an optional function, sometimes the

function of the exchange editor are
accomplished by the circulation
m a n a g e r.
- makes up a list of school papers sent
by other schools
- designated to mail copies of own
paper to these school as he/she also
files their papers on a bulletin board or
display them on a newspaper rack
- keeps files of school information,
such as class lists and lists of
homeroom advisers, faculty and staff
e. Layout Section Editors

- they are assigned to cause the

assignments of the school’s official
photographer to take pictures on
school activities for the
f. Layout Artists

- they take charge of designing and

formatting of all pages in the paper
g. The Reporters

- the life of the contents depends on

the skills of the reporters. They secure
the cold and raw facts of an assigned
event and write articles out of the

- they receive assignments from the

section editors or board of editors an
then accomplish the same properly and
t i m e l y.
A well-edited paper needs definite policies which may pertain to what it may print or
what the staff may conduct. Such policies may be posited on the conspicuous places
like the bulletin boards in the staff room or they may be printed and distributed to the

Policies are brief statements of the paper’s platform or are sometimes printed under
masthead, as in the following examples;

•To support all school projects and to give only constructive criticism of some projects
•To maintain a high standard of sportsmanship by avoiding personal enmity and jealousy
both within and outside the school
•To refrain from publishing articles which convey wrong impressions against the school,
•To avoid unkind personal jokes, criticism and caricatures

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