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Course Code:19MMT503A

Course Title : Consumer Behaviour

Course Leader: V. Nagendra

Presented by

Faculty of Management and Commerce ©Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Part A of the Assignment

Faculty of Management and Commerce ©Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Background of the case study
• Volvo - a subsidiary of the Ford Motor Company, and the Swedish carmakers
insistence on practicality and safety is diffusing in concept and production
models in all of Ford’s divisions.
• Volvo research indicates that in the United States, about 65% of car purchases
are done by women in the whole 80% of car sales.
• Still men have made most of the decisions in the design, development and
production of cars.
• In june 2002 an all- female team of project managers and automobile designers
were assembled,
• After preliminary studies the project - given given go ahead sign in December
• The final product of the project studies was unveiled on March 2, 2004 at
Geneva International Motor Show.

Faculty of Management and Commerce ©Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
• Know the needs and demands of the consumers- to understand how women
actually use their car, tapped the consumption patterns of over four hundred
female Volvo employees.
• Designed a car called Your concept car YCC for the customers.
• Never went for production but many ideas developed by the female think tank.
• Still may appear in more conventional Volvos as well as the models of the other
car manufacturers.
• Women customers in the premium segment - want everything that men want in
term of performance, prestige and style, even more than that a smart storage
solutions, a car that is easy to get in and out of, good visibility, a car that can be
personalized, minimal maintenance, a car that is easy to park.
• Your concept car (YCC) was designed to provide what women want in their
primary vehicle.
• Adapted the head restraint - accommodate a ponytail for increased comfort and
safety of the driver.

Faculty of Management and Commerce ©Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
• YCC’s backseats are designed like movie theater seats
• The gull wing doors so that customer never has to climb over a dirty surface to
get into the back seat, the sill of the door drops down to expose a clean interior.
• Improved storage involved moving the gear lever and handbrake.
• The center now has a shallow compartments for keys, mobile phones, and so
forth, with a sliding back compartment capable of storing a purse out of sight.
• There is also a space for a notebook computer, a “cool box” and a wastepaper
• The appearance of the interior is customizable with eight interchangeable
upholstery options ranging from leather, linen, and wool bouncle and a
shimmering embroidered seat pad, all matching carpeting.
• The interior is light, open and uses materials associated with fine home interiors.
• An “Ergovision“ system at the dealership scans drivers bodies and configures
optimum driving positions based on the data.

Faculty of Management and Commerce ©Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Faculty of Management and Commerce ©Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Marketing Communication
• Understand Your Target Audience
• Define your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
• Determine your Marketing Communications Mix
• Define Branding Elements
• Define Success Metrics
A marketing communication plan for getting press has three steps:
• Creating a story that works on your target channel (press) and aligns with your
brand image. The story should address the interests of your ideal customers.
• Finding press targets that have interest in your product and the same audience
as your target market
• Building relationships with press targets and pitching them your ideas

Faculty of Management and Commerce ©Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Part B of the Assignment

Faculty of Management and Commerce ©Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Recent trends

• Increased Use of Chatbots

• Customer experience rather than product increases conversion
• Data enhances personalization and customization
• Digital and in-store convergence strengthens
• Direct to Consumer brands create long-term showroom models
• Even More AR-Powered Shopping Experiences

Faculty of Management and Commerce ©Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Maslow’s pyramid of Needs

Faculty of Management and Commerce ©Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Millennial’s needs

Faculty of Management and Commerce ©Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Brand Personality
• Brand personality - a framework that helps a company or organization shape the
way people feel about its product, service, or mission.
• A company's brand personality elicits an emotional response in a specific
consumer segment, with the intention of inciting positive actions that benefit the

Faculty of Management and Commerce ©Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
There are five main types of brand personalities with common traits:
• Excitement: carefree, spirited, and youthful
• Sincerity: kindness, thoughtfulness, and an orientation toward family values
• Ruggedness: rough, tough, outdoorsy, and athletic
• Competence: successful, accomplished and influential, highlighted by leadership
• Sophistication: elegant, prestigious, and sometimes even pretentious.
Examples are apple, Tesla, microsoft, chanel, REI etc.

Faculty of Management and Commerce ©Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Part C of the Assignment

Faculty of Management and Commerce ©Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Background Study of Cognitive Dissonance
• Online shopping has become a common practice in our contemporary societies
due to technological advances and widespread Internet usage.
• In spite of the fact that online shopping is preferred by many for the advantages
it provides in terms of customer convenience,
• it is also a fact that customers may have negative feelings about their shopping
processes or purchases for various reasons.
• Consumers’ worries about or hesitation on their own purchase decisions are
referred to as ‘cognitive dissonance
• Cognitive dissonance in online shopping may be affected by many factors such as
the trustworthiness and esthetics of the web page etc.

Faculty of Management and Commerce ©Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Literature Review
• Cognitive dissonance theory developed by Festinger (1957) states that people
experience conflict when deciding between alternatives.
• They seek to reduce dissonance by increasing the perceived attractiveness of the
chosen alternative and devaluing the nonchosen item, seeking out information
to confirm the decision, or changing attitudes to conform to the decision
(Tanford & Montgomery, 2014).
• The theory’s main context is individual and social psychology. Management and
marketing scientists have adopted the theory as well (Telci et al., 2011).
• However dissonance may also be developed in the pre-decisional phase in the
consumer’s decision making process due to the various forgone competitor’s
product features against the purchased ones (Koller & Salzberger, 2007).
• The consumer experiences cognitive dissonance not only in the case of products
and services but also when (s)he has to decide between buying a product/service
online or offline (from a store) (Aydın & Yılmaz, 2018).

Faculty of Management and Commerce ©Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
• In fact, whenever we make a decision, we often have some degree of cognitive
dissonance (Gautam, 2015). If the buying decision is critical for the consumer, if
the costs to bear for that product or service are too high, if that product or
service is a must-have or there is no alternative and the product/service doesn’t
perform at the expected level, then cognitive dissonance gets higher (Korgaonkar
& Moschis, 1982, Mowen, 1995, Ranjbarian et al., 2014 in Aydın & Yılmaz, 2018).

• Recent advertisements which addresses post purchase anxiety are Dove, Buffer
and Zappos.

Faculty of Management and Commerce ©Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Difference between institutional and consumer
• Business Needs vs. Consumer Wants
• Smaller & Highly Specialized Markets
• Individual Business Buyers Represent Higher Value

Faculty of Management and Commerce ©Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Faculty of Management and Commerce ©Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences

Faculty of Management and Commerce ©Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
• Bhandari, S., 2021. Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs: The Millennial Perspective.
[online] Available at: <
hierarchy-of-needs-redefined-for-millenial> [Accessed 5 January 2021].
• Endeavor Creative | Brand Strategy for Service-Based Entrepreneurs.
2021. Brand Personality Definition, Frameworks & Examples To Inspire You ~ PLUS
Free Exercise + Quiz!. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 5 January 2021].
• Investopedia. 2021. Why Some Brands Are More Attractive Than Others. [online]
Available at: <>
[Accessed 5 January 2021].
• 2021. Home » Dergipark. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 5 January 2021].
• 2021. Battle Post-Purchase Anxiety With A Trust Building
Automation Sequence. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 5
January 2021].
Faculty of Management and Commerce ©Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences

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