Blood Safety & Blood Donor Motivation: Personality Pillars

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Blood Safety

Blood Donor Motivation

“Show your blood donation slip & Get
Attractive discounts on classes of
Ms Mandeep Chugh”

 Blood flows everywhere

through the human body.
 We cannot live without it.
 The heart pumps blood to all
our body cells, supplying them
with oxygen and food.
 Blood also carries proteins and
cell fragments called platelets
that let blood clot where there
has been an injury.
Did You Know?

 450ml of blood can save as many as three lives.

 Every two seconds, someone in India needs blood.
 One out of every three of us will need blood in our
life time.
 Even with all of today’s technology, there is no
substitute for blood.

Someone has to give blood

in order for someone to receive blood.
Fact Sheet -1
 Hospitals predict that the need for blood will increase 5%
each year.

 Approximately only 4% of the eligible population in

India donates blood.

 75% of donors donate only ONCE per year.

If they donated just two times per year there would

never be any shortages.
Fact sheet -2
 A person has 5 - 6 litres of blood in their body.

 A person can donate blood every 90 days (3 months).

 Body recovers the Blood very quickly:

 Blood plasma volume– within 24 - 48 hours
 Red Blood Cells – in about 3 weeks
 Platelets & White Blood Cells – within minutes
Some Reasons to Donate Blood

Blood is always needed for,

 accidentvictims
 cancer patients
 blood disorder patients
 surgery patients
 Pre-mature, pre term babies
 and many others…….

 1 of out 10 hospital patients needs

a blood transfusion
 4.5 million Indians lives are saved
by blood transfusions each year
Blood Bank’s Primary Concern

 Safety of Blood Donor & Blood Recipient

(patient) because “Safe Blood” gives life,
“Unsafe blood” gives infections
 To ensure “Blood Safety”,
 Strict “Donor Screening” at the Camp
 “Testing” of collected blood to WHO specified
 Strict “cross-matching” of blood samples to
ensure safe transfusion to patient
Pre-Donation information
• Blood is taken ONLY from Voluntary Donors
• Using sterile, disposable blood bags &
• Donated Blood is tested and separated into
components benefiting 3-4 patients
• It is safe to donate every 3 months

• It is quick and safe.

• It doesn’t hurt.
• It saves 3 to 4 lives.
Procedure for
Voluntary Blood Donation
1. Donor Screening
2. Donor Eligibility criteria
3. Deferral Criteria (Donor Consent Form)
4. Medical examination
Blood Donation:
5. Blood donation procedure
Post donation
6. Rest, advice & refreshment
7. Donor Certificate, Donor ID card
1. Donor Screening
 Safe Donor selection involves –
1. Identification of low risk populations
2. Donor education and recruitment
3. Encouraging self deferral based on
“Deferral Criteria”
4. Medical Examination before donation

 Voluntary Non-remunerated Repeat Donor

(VNRD) is safest
2. Donor Eligibility Criteria

Wt > 45 Kg
 Who can donate?

• Age: 18 - 60 years
• Weight : > 45 kgs
• Hemoglobin level: >12 gms/dl for men
and 12.5 gms/dl for women
• In good health
3. Deferral Criteria
Who CANNOT donate?
Life long 1 year 6 Months
х Abnormal bleeding disorder o Surgery o Tattooing or body
х Heart, Kidney, Liver
Disorder o Typhoid
o Dental extraction
х Thyroid disorder
o Dog bite
х Epilepsy, Mental disorders o Root canal
х Tuberculosis, Leprosy, o Unexplained treatment

х Asthma weight loss

o Malaria
х Cancer o Continuous
low grade fever o Vaccination
х Insulin dependent diabetics
х Uncontrolled High BP
3. Deferral Criteria…
(Donor Consent Form)
Postpone donation for 6 months if you have
risk factors for HIV/AIDS , such as..

 Having sex with more than one partner

without using condom
for vaginal, anal or oral sex
 Intravenous drug abuse
 Having sex with a person who could have
the above risk factors
3. Deferral Criteria…
(Donor Consent Form)
Female donors cannot donate blood……
 During pregnancy
 After delivery for one year
 When lactating
 During menstrual period and for 7 days
Male donors cannot donate blood……
 If cosumed Alcohol in the previous 24
4. Medical Examination at
 Blood test for:
 Blood grouping
 Hemoglobin

 Blood pressure
 Pulse
 General physical examination
5. Blood Donation Procedure
The Donor Must ….

 have had good rest /


 have had light meal

 be mentally prepared
5. Blood Donation Procedure
Volume of blood collection

Donor Blood Amount Used for

Weight collected
45 kgs 350ml Single Whole Blood
-55 kgs bag
> 55 kgs 450 ml Double / Blood
Triple Components
Post Donation Advice
 Drink lots of fluids for next 24 hours
 Avoid smoking for one hour & alcohol till after a meal
 Don’t use elevator to go up immediately after donation as it will
make blood rush to your feet & make you dizzy!
 Avoid highly strenuous exercises & games for a day
 If you feel dizzy, lie down & put your feet up. You will be alright in
10-20 mins.
 Remove band-aid after 4 hours. If it bleeds, apply pressure &
reapply band-aid. If bruised and painful, apply cold-pack 4 to 5 times
for 5 mins each. The bruise is due to blood seeping into the
surrounding tissue. It will take a few days to get reabsorbed.

6. Testing at Blood Bank for
Transfusion Transmissible Infections (TTIs)

Blood collected at the BDC is screened using

highest quality screening tests for 6 TTIs

 HIV 1
 HIV 2

 Hepatitis B
 Hepatitis C
 VDRL (syphilis)
 Malaria
Counselling for “Reactive” donors
If a blood sample tests positive for
any TTI, then….
 Tests are repeated in duplicate
 Complete confidentiality is maintained
about the test results
 only the donor is informed, counseled
& encouraged for further testing
 Referrals to health experts are
provided along with follow-ups
What can YOU do?
 Make Blood Donation a HABIT
 Donate regularly – every 3 months
to commemorate special days like
birthdays, anniversaries ….
 Motivate others to donate
 Refer your friends and relatives
Benefits to Donor of blood
Health benefits:
Regular donation (2-3 times a year….)
 Lowers cholesterol
 Lowers lipid levels
 Decreases incidence of heart attacks, strokes
Donor is also eligible to receive one FREE unit
of blood if needed for
 Self
 Spouse/ Child/ Parents, and
 Even friends

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