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Advanced Recruitment & Selection

Recruitment & Selection during

Covid-19 The Pandemic : Issues &

GROUP –– 88
Krupa CV-19147
Nishan N-19153
Nivedita S-19154
Prajwal Basappa-19157
Priyanka Dhamgaye-19159
Rohan DP-19163
Saksham Swaraj-19165
Did Pandemic Break The Conventional
Recruitment And Selection Process?
An Overview

Pandemic gave a new perspective all together to recruitment and selection process
Recruitment is undergoing a revolution -

Change in hiring style of Increased remote work

recruiters culture

More agility in selection

process (Automation and
remote working
Industries Which Was Worst Hit
By Pandemic
Leading To Job Loss

 Airlines
 Arts and Recreation
 Accommodation & Food
Problems Posed By Pandemic In
Recruitment & Selection

Replacing in-person
The word “fire” was fired more
interviews with video Remote Onboarding
than the word “hire”
interviews (Digital adoption)
New Practices In The Area Of
Recruitment & Selection

Chatbots to improve communication

Social media recruitment – (JPMorgan is recruiting millennial talent via Snapchat)

Retail Industry
Coronavirus: Impact on the Retail Industry
• As the coronavirus continues to spread around the world, there have been significant impacts to
consumer behaviour, product demand, and retail store, factory, and logistics services availability.
• Growth estimates for global retail in 2020 will be halved from pre-COVID-19 forecasts, overall, but
impacts are uneven.
• Fashion, furniture, and electronics retailers will be hit hardest as consumers forego discretionary
purchases in favour of stocking up on food and household supplies.
• As of March 2020, global stocks have seen a downturn of at least 25% with a prediction that the global
economy is projected to contract sharply by 3%
 A 20 – 30% plunge in market capitalization in automotive & assembly, consumer durables, apparel,
fashion, and luxury sectors.
 Covid-19 to shave 1 trillion euro off from European brands, US Retail Sales hit a record breaking low,
dropping a whopping 8.7% from Feb to March.

 India's retail trade has suffered a business loss of about Rs 15.5 lakh crore in past 100 days due to the
Covid-19 pandemic.
 Change in Recruitment policy industry-initiated Cloud-based hiring and workforce enablement for
future outcomes.
 Founded by Sam Walton in 1962
 An American public corporation that runs a chain of large discount department stores & warehouse
 World’s largest public corporation by revenue & largest private employer in the world.
 One of the largest grocery retailers in the United states
 Stores – Discounts stores, Super Centres, Neighbourhood Markets. As of 31 st January 2018, Walmart has
11,718 stores & clubs in 28 countries, operating under 59 different names.
Challenges Faced By Walmart During

 Walmart is being tested like never before by a coronavirus pandemic that has shut down much of the
nation, put 10% of its workforce on leave and led to at least 18 deaths at the company.
 Bulk Hiring – Experiencing a rise in labour demand, to keep up with the sudden rise in their demand
 Onboarding Process - Recruiters weren’t prepared for the current crisis and hence have limited resources
for onboarding new employees remotely.
 Low Application Rate - Priorities are shifting of people and businesses alike. Many are out of jobs, and
many are scared to apply for new ones.
How Walmart Handled The
Challenges Of Covid-19

 Walmart has remained more resilient to COVID-19 than non-food retailers, Walmart has been making
changes to better support its staff throughout the COVID-19 crisis, which will help to prove its ethical
standards, and be remembered by its consumers and stakeholders in the long term.
 Walmart is using higher wages, referral bonuses and an expedited hiring process to try to fill about
150,000 jobs.
 Remote Hiring Process - Walmart conducted remote video interviews, online campus drives, online
classes and assessments for universities, etc.
 Video onboarding Solution - Having video calls and online material to prepare new joiners for work like
onboarding a regular employee.
• Walmart is Investing in Recruitment Automation Tools and Software - investing in an online and
cost-effective recruitment software that will understand the requirements and help in online
• Focus on Company Culture - The company said more than 20% of those employees have moved
into permanent positions. And, Walmart will have paid a total of $2.8 billion in quarterly and special
bonuses to its hourly employees
Construction Industry
Summary (Pre Covid-19)

• Due to Urbanization, upcoming infrastructure projects and growing population base the construction
industry in India was booming.
• It is the third largest contributor to economic growth.
• It is expected to be the world’s 3rd largest construction market by 2025
• The industry employs more than 40 million people including low cost workers

Post Covid-19
• The industry has come to a standstill due to the pandemic coronavirus
• It is estimated that most of the construction sites are running at 50% of their run rate
• At present, there are around 20,000 ongoing construction projects all over India which have either be halted
or withdrawn from operation due to low attendance
Larsen & Toubro Constructions
• The global pandemic caused L&T to shutdown all of their operations
• Majority of the workers were sent to home and a few of them complied to standard protocols and
worked in units.
• In manufacturing units and offices the employees were given work from home.

Recruitment & selection

• The recruitment process for freshers which was usually done through campus recruitment was
disrupted and withdrawn due to shutdown
• Currently, the company’s selection process comprises written tests (Psychometric tests) that
measure intelligence, Technical rounds and personal interviews
Issues from Employer Perspective

Virtual onboarding process

Building a talent pool proactively

Inefficient talent sourcing

Ensuring data security

Choosing the right candidate

Issues From Employee Perspective

Pressure among candidates due to intense competition

for jobs

Increase in requirements of candidates by employers

Unfamiliarity with virtual recruiting processes

Technical errors like poor network may disrupt the

performance of the candidate
Steps To Be Taken During Covid-19 Situation

Adapt and
Implement a
Digital Participate Ensure Embrace
hiring and in virtual job safety as remote
and efficient
collaboratio fairs first priority working
 The companies changed their recruitment processes and adapt to new social distancing norms
by shifting to virtual recruitment.
 It doesn’t pertain to survival or require over-the-top measures to implement. The lesson
learned was that hiring during a crisis demands a little bit more effort and impeccable timing.
 Taking action early on while the situation is still developing can put you ahead of the
competition in terms of sourcing and retaining rare and valuable talents.
 When the situation is uncertain, success undergoes a different measurement. During a crisis,
it’s best to double the effort and try to boost outreach, communication, and placement.

Thank You

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