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Levels of Organization

Cells work together to form tissues Tissues work together to

form organs
Organs work together to form organ systems

Systems of the Human Body

There are 10 organ systems in the Human Body:

 Circulatory
 Respiratory
 Skeletal These organ
 Muscular systems are
 Digestive woven together
such that one
 Excretory
cannot work
 Reproductive
without the other.
 Integumentary
 Nervous 1  Endocrine
Circulatory and Respiratory Systems
Circulatory System
 contains the heart and all the blood vessels
 Responsible for movement of blood,
nutrients, and gases
 Heart pumps blood to lungs to receive oxygen
and then to the rest of the body

Respiratory System
 Responsible for bringing in oxygen and
ridding our bodies of carbon dioxide
 Lungs, diaphragm, and windpipe
 Oxygenates our entire body

Skeletal System

• Includes bones, cartilage, and teeth About 206 bones in the

• Human Body 4 major functions:
•  Protection – protects vital organs
 Storage – stores minerals and fat
 Movement – muscles pull bones to move
 Blood Cell Formation – make blood cells
Joint – where 2 or more bones come together; some move (hip)
• and some don’t (skull)
 3 types of joints

• Sliding joint – bones glide over each other (Example: hand)

• Ball and socket joint – like a joystick in a computer game (Example:
• Hinge joint – like a door hinge, flex and extend (Example: knee)3
3 types of joints

Ball and socket joint

like a joystick in a
computer game
(Example: shoulder)

Sliding joint
bones glide over each
(Example: hand)
Sliding Joint

Hinge joint
like a door hinge, flex
and extend
(Example: knee)
Muscular System
 3 types of muscles:
 Smooth – found only in digestive tract and blood vessel
 Cardiac – only found in heart
 Skeletal – muscle attached to bones

The muscular system works with the skeletal system to

provide movement.

 Voluntary – muscles move under your control

– Example: skeletal muscles, bicep, quadriceps

 Involuntary – muscles that move without you controlling

– Example: smooth and cardiac, and sometimes skeletal
(eyes blinking)

 Tendons – connect muscles to bones

 Ligaments – connect bone to bone 5

Smooth Cardiac Skeletal

Location in the body: Location in the body: Location in the body:

only in digestive tract only in the heart muscle attached
& blood vessel walls to the bones
Integumentary System
• Includes your hair, nails, and skin
• Largest organ system in your body
• Your body’s first line of defense
 Skin
 keeps water in your body and foreign particles out
 nerves are in your skin to help you feel
 Regulates your body temperature with the help of sweat
 Melanin – absorbs ultraviolet radiation from the sun
 Epidermis – top layer of skin, most cells are dead,
about as thin as 2 sheets of notebook paper
 Dermis – under epidermis, allows skin to bend without tearing
• Hair and Nails
- Hair gets its color from the melanin
- Hair roots and nail beds have new cells, but your hair
cells, offYUCK!
hanging your head and your nails are all dead
And the rest of them…

• Excretory System - release of wastes and regulates

bodily fluids
• Reproductive System
 Male: produces and delivers sperm  Female: produces eggs and shelters unborn baby

• Nervous System – receives and sends electrical

messages throughout the body
• Digestive System – breaks down the food you eat into
nutrients for your body
• Endocrine System – regulate body functions by
sending chemical messages 8
Forces with our body
 Motion and Forces are acting all around us.
They are also acting in us.
– Example: When the heart pumps it exerts a force
which pushes blood throughout the body
– Example: Blood Pressure is measured by the
force exerted on the walls of blood vessels by
blood pushing on them

Forces with our body
 Motion and Forces are acting all around us.
They are also acting in us.
– Example: When the heart pumps it exerts a force
which pushes blood throughout the body
– Example: Blood Pressure is measured by the
force exerted on the walls of blood vessels by
blood pushing on them


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