Fish Processing and Storage

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Sunday 3oth Aug, 2020

MFB Fellows Agribusiness Time: 4PM

Start Up Pitch

Mission statement:
To add value to the Agricultural landscape by providing
healthy and nutritious source of affordable protein diet
for Nigerians and Sub-Saharan Africa.

To add value to Agriculture through innovative technique

of fish processing and storage to increase sustainable
growth, food security high nutritional value, improved
shelf life and excellent supply chain.
 The country is one of the largest consumer of fish on the continent
with over 1.5 million metric ton consumed annually with huge
deficits as over 900,000 metric ton of fish is still being imported.
 Demand for fish outstrips local production hence a huge
unsaturated market for fish
 Post- harvest losses due to small scale processing.
 Short shelf life due to poor local processing technique.
 Processed fish abound in Nigeria. However, the smoked dry fish
from the major markets across the country have one attribute- The
fish skin are filled with sand since they are processed locally in the
open and unhygienic environment
 Reliance on weather condition and long processing time.

Use of mechanized fish processing and storage has the
following benefits

Reduced Water content, sand free and high protein

Large scale processing and storage of fish to eliminate post
harvest losses
Provide an efficient ‘farm-to-market’ delivery service and
reduce post-harvest loss.
Quality dry fish with high shelf life
Eliminate reliance on weather conditions
Quality packaging of dry fish.
Use of kilns powered by gas from biogas gotten from the guts.

 Market Vendors
 Restaurants
 Wholesalers
 Hotels
 Local eateries
 Chain Stores,

Our products: High quality dry fish with reduced
water content, sand free and high protein percentage,
and long shelf life.

Energy optimization: We use kilns, powered by gas

from biogas obtained from guts hence efficient waste
recycling, clean environment and cheaper energy cost.

Our Company: Improved profits from providing

solution and energy optimization

Economy: Enhancing food sustainability and security

in Sub-Saharan Africa and adding to the GDP
Contribution to the achievement of the
Sustainable Development Goals

 Food security
 No poverty
 Zero Hunger
 Good Health and well-being
 Decent work and economic growth
 Industry, innovation, and
 Reduced inequalities
 Sustainable infrastructure

 Our primary target distributors network in states to
reach open markets

 Our secondary target market are hotels and chain

stores and market vendors.

 Final consumers via aggressive media campaign

and online sales

 Hadas Fish Abuja

 Efugo Farms

 Banarly Fisheries - Apapa Fish

Processing Plant

 Sholly Seafood

● Our ‘BUSINESS-TO-BUSINESS’ and as well as
service delivery system unique

● We offer efficient mobile delivery of high quality

dry fish to major markets via distributors
network across Nigeria and online sales

● Competitive pricing due to direct access to


● Resealable packs for all our products

● Products comes in various sizes to suit

consumers need and pockets

● Energy optimization to cut production cost.

 Circulation of hot air in the drying chambers
ensures high heat efficiency and saves energy

 Air duct equipped within the drying chamber and

the forced ventilation ensure uniform drying

 Kilns operates with automatic temperature control

functions to avoid overheating and burned dry

 Kilns are capable of processing wide varieties and

sizes of fishes.

 kilns can also be powered by gas from biogas

gotten from the guts, hence wastes can be utilized
for energy generation, reducing production cost
S/N Description Quantity Unit Price (N) Total Cost (N)
Purchase of Automatic Temperature Control Dry fish Kiln +
1 Installation Cost 3 270,000 810000
Purchase of 10 KVA Disel Genearing set 1 125,000 125,000
2 Building lease for a period of 2 years 2 250,000 500,000
3 Purchase of Vehicle for Product Supply and distribution 1 2,200,000 2,200,000
4 Branding of Vehicle 8,000 8,000
5 Automatic Sealer with capacity of 1200pcs day + Installation 2 121,000 242,000
6 Maintanance of Vehicle @ 3% per anum 12 5,000 66,000
7 Maintanance of Equipment @ 2% per Anum 12 1,350 16,200
8 Procurement of Packaging material (10 Rolls of Labeled Nylon) 10 8,000 130,000
9 Purchase of Packaging Pallett es, Cartons with customized labels 800 80 64,000
10 Branding and Adverts 6 5,000 60,000
12 Purchase of Fresh fish at @ N700,000 per Tonne 4 700,000 2,800,000
Payment of Staff ( 1 Supervisor @ N40,000 + 2 Operators @
N18,500 + 2 helpers @N15,500 + 2 women for washing of the
13 fish @ N16,000) 2 140,000 240,000
14 NAFDAC Registration 1 80,000 80,000
15 Procurement of half tanks( Holding tanks) 3 16000 48,000
Deisel (Litres Per Month) 600 225 135,000
16 Miscellaneous Expensese (Printers, Stationeries etc Lump sum 45,000 45,000
Total Expenses 7,569,200.00

Contribtion from Directors = N2,800,000

Expected funding from Grant =N5,000,000
Total Contribution =N7,800,000

Revenue from Fish processing Using Cat Fish as Case Study,

1 Tonne (1000Kg) of fresh fish cost N700,000

A kiln can dried about 320kg of fish in 12 Hours

Hence use 3 kilns can process 320 X 320k in 12 hours = 960Kg

hence in a day, 2 X 960Kg of fresh fish can be processed = 1,920 Kg

Percentage weight of Fresh fish to dry fish is 26%,

Hence 1920 Kg of processed Fresh fish will yield 1920 X 0.26 = 499.2Kg

1 Kg of Dry Fish sales for N4,500

Hence 499.2 Kg of dry fish goes for 499.2 X N4,500 = N2,246,400

Cost of 1920 Kg of fresh fish = N1,400,000

Sale of 499.2Kg of dry fish (Equivalenth of 1920Kg of fresh fish) = N2,246,400

Daily Revenue from processing of 2Tonnes of fresh fish with three kilns is N2,246,400 -N1,400,000 = N 846,400

Monthly Revenue from Processing 2tonnes of fresh per day using 3 Kilns is 24 days days X N846,400 = N20,313,600


1 20,313,600

2 21,329,280

10 22,344,300
• Fish is an important source of food, income,
employment, raw material for industry and an
important source of protein to man and livestock.

• Nigeria is one of the largest consumer of fish on the

continent with over 1.5 million metric ton consumed
annually with huge deficits as over 900,000 metric
ton of fish is still being imported

• The food security crises has necessitated the need to

invest in agricultural storage and processing to
reduce post-harvest losses a result of spoilage and
poor storage infrastructures.

• The grant will enable us procure start-up equipment,

delivery van as well as cover operational expenses.


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