Safety Precautions AND Work Efficiency

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1 Chapter 1

2 The Problem

3 Introduction

4 Occasionally, accidents do happen caused either by people themselves or by

5 hazardous environment or defective equipment and this are the cause of the delay of

6 service delivery and it makes the work less efficient.

1 In order to develop a safety environment, the attitude of the workers needs to

2 reoriented by adopting best practices, good housekeeping, and change in work culture

3 and work practices.

4 According to Griffin M.A. (2000) an employee’s perception will reflect on how they

5 believe that safety is to be valued in the organization to achieve the efficiency on work.
6 Management is often responsible for implementation of safety enhancing systems and
the development of safety oriented establishments.

Komaki J. et al (1980) concluded that training and reinforcement of safety

practices in preventing accidents on work.

Occupational accidents can be reduced through effective preventative measures

by hazard assessment, good housekeeping, training, and better personal protective

1 Developing and sustaining safety precaution and leadership is important to

2 reduce accidents and promote safety among managers and enhance work efficiency.

3 Safety leadership motivates team members to work harder, to work efficiently, and to take

4 ownership of responsibility for safety performance.

5 Jung, J and Makowsky, M.D. (2014) stated that all public and private organization

6 have to comply with the rules and regulations and standards prescribed in Occupational
1 Safety Health Act. its concerned was protecting the safety, health and welfare to people

2 engaged in work or employment. The goal of all occupational safety and health program
7 is to foster a safe work environment. As secondary effect, it also protect co-workers,

8 employers, customers, suppliers, nearby communities, and other member who are

9 impacted by the workplace environment.

0 In a commercial kitchen, safety is everyone’s job. It is a responsibility that must

27 be accepted throughout the working day. As stated many times before, accidents are

28 caused they do not just happen. They are the result of not knowing the proper way to do

29 a task, carelessly performing an operation or job, or not being consciously aware during

30 the performance of a task..

31 Human resources are one of the most important assists of the organization with
32 respect to success and growth. The success and growth of the organization depend on
27 the effectiveness and efficiency of the human resources. However, the inefficiencies in

28 human resources caused by any circumstances, occurrence, and events can hinder the

29 accomplishments of the organization.

30 The pioneering work of improving workplace safety utilizing behavioral

31 approaches to safety. Safety policy refers to the extent to which a senior manager
32 creates a clear mission, responsibility, and goal in order to set standards of behavior for
employees; and sets up a safety system to correct workers safety behavior.

Safety concern refers to the extent to which senior manager stresses the

importance of safety equipment, concerned about safety improvement, and coordinates

with other departments to solve safety issues and achieve work efficiency.

Mostly of the inefficient service of a bakeshop is caused by danger of the

environment and the staff negligence through work. Inefficient service may affect the

business progressed and competences. This study aims to know the safety precautions

to prevent accidents and improve work efficiency for faster service.

Some local issues about safety in work inspires the researcher to focus on this

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework of the study is shown in Figure 1.

Safety Work Action

Precaution Efficiency
7 This concept explains that there is a relationship between the independent and

8 dependent variable. It shows that when having safety precautions in bakeshop they can

9 assure work efficiency.

0 Statement of the Problem

1 The study assesses the level of safety precaution and work efficiency. It focuses

2 in Julies Bakeshop utilizing the staff as research participants. This study will be
conducted during the first semester of school year 2017-2018.

Specifically, it aims to answer the following queries:

1. What is the level of staff safety precautions in terms of the following indicators:


1.2 personal protective equipment;

1.3 kitchen tools and equipment?

2. What is the level of work efficiency of the staff in terms of the following service delivery:

2.1 customer service?

3. Is there a significant relationship between safety precaution and work efficiency of the


4. Based on findings, what action plan can be developed to achieve the level of efficiency

through safety precaution?


The following hypothesis shall be tested using the 0.05 level of significance:

1. There is a significant relationship between safety precaution and work

efficiency of the staff.

Scope and Limitations

This study will be delimited in identifying the safety precaution specifically to the

establishment and to the staff to achieve work efficiency.

Subject Matter. This study shall focus on safety precaution and work efficiency.

Research Environment and Timeline. This study will be conducted in Julies

Bakeshop located at Poblacion, Tubod Lanao del Norte. The study will be conducted

during the first semester of school year 2017-2018.

Research Participants. The respondents of this study will be the staff of Julies

7 Research Design. The research design that we will going to used is qualitative design.

8 The gathered data will expresses the results in form of words.

9 Reseach Method. The descriptive-survey method of research will be used in

0 this study

1 Significance of the Study

2 This study will have a meaningful and significant value to the staff, manager and
other researchers.

Staff. The study will help the staff to know some ways on how to be more efficient

and prevent accident while at work.

Manager. This study will provide managers an idea on how to achieve more

efficient service in having safety precaution.

Other Researchers. The study will provide their researchers a baseline

information on related topics.

Definition of Terms

The following terms will be used extensively in this study and shall be taken

according to the definition given below:

Customer. Customer refers to the person that buys goods from a store business
Customer Service. Customer service refers to the act of taking care of customers

needs and meeting the desires of any customers

Enhancement. Enhancement refers to the increase or improvement in quality,

value, or extent

Kitchen Tools and Equipment. Kitchen tools and equipment refers to the things

used by the staff to make work easier and faster

7 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Personal protective equipment refers to

8 devices worn by workers to protect them against hazards in the workplace

9 Safety Precaution. Safety Precaution refers to a precaution that is taken before

0 an activity in order to ensure that something is safe and not dangerous and to prevent

1 danger and risk while working

2 Staff. Staff refers to all people employed by a particular organization

27 Work Efficiency. Work efficiency refers to the quality or degree of being efficient

28 in work

29 Workplace. Workplace refers to the office, premises or worksite were a worker

30 habitually assigned. It is where the worker actually performs regular work

31 Structure of the Research

32 The study will consist five chapters: Chapter 1 The Problem, Chapter 2 Review
of Related Literature, Chapter 3 Research Methodology, Chapter 4 Presentation,

Analysis and Interpretation of Data, and Chapter 5 Summary of findings, Conclusions and


Chapter 1 includes …

Chapter 2 discusses…

Chapter 3 covers…
Chapter 4…

Chapter 5…
7 Chapter 2

8 Review of Related Literature

9 This chapter reviews the literature related to safety precaution and work efficiency,

0 which will provide bases for the interpretation of the data that shall gathered later.

1 Safety Precaution
Safety Precaution is a precaution that is taken in order to ensure that something is safe

and not dangerous and to prevent danger while working. The attitude of the employees,

management, and employers play a vital role in preventing accidents and creating safety

working environment. The negligence on the part of the employers and employees can

cause a variety of hazards and accident, Rahim, Ng. et al (2014)

7 Organizations can ensure the efficiency of all workers and circumvent a

8 considerable amount of costs by ensuring workplace safety and health. Legg, S. et al.

9 (2014) stated that safeguarding the interest and wellbeing of the employees allows

0 organization to circumvent cost relevant to injuries and illnesses.

1 Blair, E.H. (2013) added that organization take all necessary measures to
7 ensure the productivity of all workers and employees to maximize profits and achieve

8 organizational productivity.

9 In addition Dekker, S. (2006) said that in the human resources system, human

0 error is merely a symptom of some trouble deeper in the system.

1 On the other hand Stricoff and Groover (2014) notes that organizations need to

2 create a safe and healthy working environment for all workers to create a safe and
healthy working environment for all workers to ensure high levels of motivation and

enhancement in efficiency.

Work Efficiency

Work efficiency is the degree and quality of being efficient in work. Being
efficient at work won’t just improve the productivity and win point with the manager, it will
also make the employee feel accomplished, satisfied that they had a full and productive
27 work day. Efficiency is one way of adding minutes or hours to employee’s day said Daum

28 K. (2013).

29 Baram, M. and Schoebel, M.(2007) stated that the progress that is being made
30 and challenges the challenges to be faced, as researchers and practitioners strive to
31 make the concept meaningful for organizations that wish to use behavioral change as a
32 means of improving performance. Work efficiency is the degree and quality of being
efficient in work..

As suggested by Zohar D.(2006), workers safety perceived climate plays an

important role in increasing the percentage of safe actions, such as the use of hearing

protection devices.

The safety management system practices do not represent a form of context

Comprised through perceptual processes of workers such as “safety climate” or

7 “management commitment” Guldenmund (2010).

8 High Performance Work Practices (HPWP) theory further argues that are

9 capable of continuous improvement and when motivated, wil perform at high levels

0 Pfeffer, J. (1998).

*Griffen, M.A & Neal, A (2000) Perception of safety at work: a framework for linking safety

climate to safety performance, knowledge and motivation. J. Occupational Health

Psychology , pp. 347-358

*Komaki, J. Heinzmann, A.t & Lawson L. (1980) Effects of training and feedback:

components analysis of behavioral safety program. J. Appl psychology, pp.261-270

6 *Jung, J. & Makowsky, M.D. (2014) The determinants of federal and state enforcement of

7 workplace safety regulations: OSHP inspections 1990’2010, Journal of Regulaory

8 Economics, 45 (1), pp.1-33

9 *Rahim, NG. Biggs, D. & Boots, K. (2014). Perception of safety, physical working

0 conditions and stress between Malaysia and United Kingdom. International Journal of

1 Business & Society, 15(2), pp.321-338.

6 *Legg, S. Laird, I. Olsen, K. & Hasle, P. (2014) Creating healthy work in small enterprises.

7 From understanding to: action summary of current knowledge, Small Enterprises

8 Research, 21(2) , pp.139-147

9 *Blair, E.H. (2013) Essay: Health and safety in the workplace. Retrieved September 25,

0 2017 from safety -in-the

1 workplace
*Dekker, S. (2006). Accident Analysis & Prevention. Retrieved September 26, 2017, from .com / science/article/pii/s0001457130002972

*Stricoff, R. & Groover, D. (2012) The managers guide to workplace safety. New York:

Safety in Action Press

*Daum, K. (2013) 8 Things Really People do. Retrieved September 27, 2017 from https:// / Kevin-daum /8-Things-Really-People-do.html

*Guldenmund F.W.(2010) .Accident Analysis & Prevention. Retrieved September 26,

2017, from science/article/pii/s0001457130002972

*Preffer, J. (1998). Accident Analysis & Prevention. Retrieved September 26, 2017, from .com/ science/article/pii/s0001457130002972

Chapter 3

Research Methodology

This chapter presents the research methodology of the study. It includes

discussion on the research design and the research methods covering the research

environment, research subjects, sampling techniques, instrumentation, data gathering

techniques, and statistical treatment.

3 Research Design

4 The research design that we will going to used is qualitative design. The
5 gathered data will expresses the results in form of words. According to Occupytheory,
6 2014 that qualitative research is a general term pertaining to investigate methodologies
7 and techniques described as naturalistic, ethnographic, field, anthropological or observer
8 research. This type of research gives emphasis on the value of looking on variables in
their natural setting where they are commonly found. This is typically used by
researchers in gathering data. The advantages of having qualitative research are rigidity
is more difficult to assess, demonstrate and maintain, the quantity of data makes
interpretation and analysis time-consuming, the presence of researcher in the process of
data gathering in an avoidable and can therefore affect or influence the responses of
subjects and findings can be time consuming and difficult to present in visual ways. On
3 the other hand qualitative has its advantages. The data in qualitative research depends

4 on human experiences and this is more compelling and powerful than data gathered

5 through quantitative research. With this type of research, the researcher has a clear vision

6 on what to expect. Interviews are not limited to particular questions and can be redirected

7 or guided by researchers in real time and also issues and subjects covered can be

8 evaluated in depth and in detail.

Research Environment
This study will be conducted in Julies Bakeshop located at Crossing Poblacion,

Tubod Lanao del Norte.

Research Participants

The respondents of this study will be the 10 staff of Julies Bakeshop.

Sampling Techniques
Simple random sampling techniques wil be used in this study. According to
Wilson V. (2014) this is the basic sampling method in survey research and it “gives each
element in the population an equal chance of being included in the sample”. The simple
random sample is generated most often by using a table of random numbers. There are
variations of the random sample, differentiated by the way the samples are generated.
For instances there are 20 staffs in Julies Bakeshop and only 10 wil be the participants.
The researchers will list the 20 names of the staff and put in a glass then just pick 10

names out of it.


The researcher will make a questionnaire undertook reliability test. It was

administered to determine to determine the reliability of questionnaire. The questionnaire

that will administered to the staff of Julies Bakeshop were composed of Part I and it was

a multiple choice.
3 Data Gathering Techniques

4 Before the actual gathering of data, the researcher will make a letter of

5 permission will be signed first by the research adviser then to the principal, before

6 forwarding to the manager in Julies Bakeshop. Upon the approval, the researchers will be

7 administered the questionnaire to the respondents and the gathered data will be kept with

8 utmost confidentially.
53 Statistical Treatment

54 Data Analysis

55 Ethical Considerations in Research

56 After the researcher administered the questionnaire to the respondents, there

57 data will kept confidentially. The following are the considerations to be applied in

58 observance of ethics.
1. Research participants should not be subjected to harm in any ways whatsoever.

2. Respect for the dignity of research participants should be prioritized.

3. Full consent should be obtained from the participants prior to the study.

4. The protection of the privacy of research participants has to be ensured.

5. Adequate level of confidentiality of the research data should be ensured.

6. Anonymity of individuals and organizations participating in the research has to be


7. Any deception or exaggeration about the aims and objectives of the research must be


8. Affiliations in any forms, sources of funding, as well as any possible conflicts of

interests have to be declared.

9. Any type of communication in relation to the research should be done with honesty
and transparency.

10. Any type of misleading information, as well as representation of primary data findings

in a biased way must be avoided.


The following are multiple-choice questions. More than one options may be correct.

Please tick in the boxes the correct response(s)

1) What do you understand by occupational health and safety?

Employees’ safety & welfare

Employers’ safety &welfare

Both employers and employees safety & welfare

Employees, employers and third party safety & welfare

Others, please state…..

2) What are some of the safety measures put in place in your department?

A Safety training as part of orientation on first employment

b Proper disposal of waste

c Regular monitoring on safety and health standards to ensure if they are complied with

d Using protective clothing

e Prompt reporting of accidents/injuries

f Re-training on safety and health practices

All of the above

H Others, please state….

3) Indicate how satisfy you are with the current occupational health and safety measures

put in place

Very satisfied



Very Dissatisfied
4) The person ultimately responsible for your safety and health in the performance of

your duties is:

The head of the factory


Your supervisor

Your manager
For each question, tick in the space provided whether the statement is True or False

5) Staff are required to put on protective clothing in the performance of their duties



6) Do you agree that both employers and employees have responsibilities and rights for

effective occupational health and environmental safety?



7) If yes what are some of the responsibilities and rights of employees?

a) Wearing protective clothing and equipment

Reporting any contravention of the law by management

C The right to refuse unsafe work

All of the above

Others, please state ….

8) If yes what are some of the responsibilities and rights of employers?

Filing government accident reports

Maintaining records on health and safety issues

Posting safety notices and legislative information

Providing education and training on health and safety

All of the above

F Others, please state …..

9) Have you suffered any accident or injury in the factory since you were engaged?


10) If yes what were the causes of the accident?

Lack of adequate training on health and safety

Non provision of adequate protective clothing and equipment

Ignorance on health and safety matters

11) If yes did you report the accident to the appropriate authorities?


12) If yes what actions were taken to forestall the occurrence of the same accident of

injury in the future?

The case was referred to a committee

Investigation was instituted and I was invited

Report issued, causes identified and report formed part of the factory’s subsequent
safety meeting

13) State some of the findings from the investigation.

Inadequate protective clothing and equipment

Lack of personal consciousness to occupational health and environmental safety


Lack of training on occupational health and environmental safety

D All of the above

Others, please state…

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