Oracle Spatial With Gis Application Training: Thinkspace Inc

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Oracle Spatial with

GIS Application Training

Thomson Lai
Intergraph Mapping and GIS Solutions Hong Kong

ThinkSpace Inc.
Spatial Data Preparation

Create Tablespace and User

Create Metadata for GeoMedia Professional
Connect to Oracle 8i Spatial Object-relational D
ata Warehouse
Display Existing Features
Creating Object-based Spatial
Feature Class

Create point, line, polygon and compound featu

Create non-spatial table
Create Spatial table by Oracle SQLPlus
Data Capture and Digitizing

Data Capture and Digitizing

Images Handling
Altering Spatial Data by SQLPlus
Impact on Spatial Index

Primary & Secondary Filter with GeoMedia

Spatial Filtering in GeoMedia
Spatial Filtering in GeoMedia Web Map

GeoMedia Web Map Demonstration

• Map display without spatial index
• Map display with spatial index
Performing Spatial Query

Using Standard GIS Spatial or Overlay Query

Query on queries
Converting Existing Spatial Data
into Oracle 8i Spatial

Use GIS Front-end

Use SQL Plus and SQL Loader
Use both in mixed mode
Compare Oracle Spatial Data
Storage and Manipulation with
Conventional GIS
Storage format and Data

Conventional GIS
• File Based
• Graphics and Textual Data are separate
• Need data conversion when sharing data with other GIS

Oracle Spatial
• Native Database storage (tables, records)
• Graphics and Textual data are stored in single instance
• No data conversion is needed (with OGIS compliant GIS
Indexing and Tuning

Conventional GIS
• Limited indexing capabilities
• Different indexing technique for graphics and textual data
• Poor Performance for huge amount of data

Oracle Spatial
• Using native Oracle capabilities
• Similar indexing technique
• Excellent performance with good indexing (with the aids of
Primary and Secondary filtering)
Integration with Database

Conventional GIS
• Separate system
• Connect through middleware or ODBC
• Or use database file instead of RDBMS

Oracle Spatial
• Single instance
• Native database connection (SQL Net)
Spatial Query

Conventional GIS
• Performed by GIS application
• Poor performance when huge amount of data

Oracle Spatial
• Native spatial functions
• Can integrate with GIS applications
• Good performance
Database Maintenance

Conventional GIS
• Data backup for graphics and textual data should be
performed separately
• Orphan linkage
• Data rollback is not allowed

Oracle Spatial
• Use native database features, such as backup, restore,
rollback, etc.
• Single record for one spatial object to prevent orphan
Long Transaction

Conventional GIS
• Most of them cannot provided
• Not easy to implement

Oracle Spatial
• Experience on long transaction
• Use Native tool (Oracle Workspace Manager)
Long Term Transaction on Spatial
Data - Demonstration

Integrate Oracle Workspace Manager for LTT

Connect to Long Term Transaction Data
Work on Multi-users logging Environment
View Historical Data

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