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Hypothesis Test Concerning


- an amount that is part of the entire

- sample proportion is denoted by ,
read as “p – hat”.
- population proportion is simply
denoted by p.
In a sample of 50 individuals taken
from a certain population, 10 are left
– handed. What is the proportion of
left – handed individuals in the
More examples:

Find the .
1. and
2. and
3. and
4. and
5. and
Recall the steps in hypothesis

1. State the hypotheses
2. Set and the rejection region.
3. Compute the test statistic.
4. Make a decision.
5. Conclusion
Hypothesis Test Concerning Proportions
Research Hypothesis Type of Test
Two – tailed

Right – tailed

Left – tailed
• The rejection region depends on

the design of the hypothesis test.

• The z – test will be used, the using
the critical value approach, the
rejection region is the range
In testing the null hypothesis , the

appropriate test statistic to be used is

A sample of 100 individuals was

selected at random from a certain

population and 18 said that they are
left – handed. Test the hypothesis
that less than 20% of the population
are left – handed using
Step 1:

Step 2:
Reject the null hypothesis when
Step 3:
Step 4:

Fail to reject the null hypothesis.

Step 5:
Conclusion: The proportion of left –
handed individuals in the population
is not less than 20% based on the
selected sample.
In a certain special education school,

a sample of 144 students was

chosen and among these, 48 are
diagnosed with Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD). At test
the hypothesis that the proportion of
ADHD students in the school is not
Step 1:

Step 2:
Reject the null hypothesis when
Step 3:
Step 4:

Fail to reject the null hypothesis.

Step 5:
Conclusion: The proportion of
ADHD students in the school is
0.40 based on the sample of
students selected.
In a certain barangay, 500 random

residents are chosen in which 225

are males. At test the hypothesis
that more than 35% of the barangay
population are male residents.
Step 1:

Step 2:
Reject the null hypothesis when
Step 3:
Step 4:

Reject the null hypothesis.

Step 5:
Conclusion: The proportion of
male residents in the barangay is
more than 35%.
1. A psychologist is interested in

investigating the proportion of

depressed teenagers in a particular city.
Using a sample of 40 teenagers, 16
were found to exhibit symptoms of
depression. At test the claim that more
than 35% of teenagers who live in the
city are depressed.
2. A researcher wishes to determine the

proportion of college students who

smoke marijuana. He determined that
from a sample of 120 college students,
24 tested positive of marijuana. Is it
valid to infer that 20% of college
students smoke marijuana? Use
Solve the following:
1. A telecommunications analyst believes that
more than 34% of Filipinos subscribed to any of
the available postpaid plans. A random sample of
55 was chosen and the gathered data showed that
22 are postpaid subscribers. At 0.10 significance
level, is there sufficient evidence to conclude that
more than 34% of Filipinos are postpaid
2. According to the recent survey, 65% of high
school students in a certain province are
addicted to the game Mobile Legends. To
verify this claim, 80 students were
interviewed and 56 said that they play Mobile
Legends. At , is 65% a valid proportion for
high school students who play Mobile legends
in the province?
3. Mr. Gascon, the Filipino coordinator of Novu
International School, wants to know the
proportion of their students who can fluently
speak Filipino. He choose a sample of 45 students
and from the group he identified 9 students who
can fluently speak the language. At test the claim
that less than 35% of the students are fluent
Filipino language speakers.
4. Llyod, a biology student, wants to
determine the percentage of Filipinos who are
at risk of hypertension. According to Dr.
Tayag, his uncle, the percentage of
hypertensive Filipinos is 65%. Lloyd surveyed
250 random individuals of which 150 are
hypertensive. At. , test Dr. Tayag’s claim.
5. A TV commercial states that 7 out of
10 dentist recommend brand X
toothpaste. Among the 25 dentists
interviewed, only 16 recommend brand
X toothpaste. At , validate the statement
presented in the commercial.

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