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Service for children
Problem Statement

 A simple haircut at barber shops can turn into a tedious task when dealing with

 Calling over a hairdresser, equipped with a makeshift haircut setup, to ones

doorsteps can be an alternative.

 People aren’t that comfortable inviting a strangers over to their place because of
valid safety concerns.

 A research is needed to understand the perception of the target market.

Research Question / Hypothesis

 Research Question: “What is people’s perception about calling over a barber at their
own house?”

 H1: People will be more comfortable with calling over a barber at home if it’s a

Alternatively the null hypothesis will be;

 Ho: People will not be comfortable calling over a barber at their place regardless of
its gender.
Research Question’s

 What difference do children feel while getting a haircut at their homes as opposed
to visiting a barber?

 What are the general concerns that parents have while calling over a barber at
their home?

 What are the variables that impact a parent’s choice of a barber for their children?
Objective, Limitation
& Significance
 Objective
1. To get useful insight that’ll help in shaping a product concept that provides a solution.

 Limitation
1. Lack of data available on the grooming industry of Pakistan was a major limiting factor in this
2. Research journals related to child behavior and their haircut experience denied access.

 Significance
1. This study can provide assistance to professionals doing their research on the grooming industry.
2. It can help business developers researching on the socio political landscape of Pakistan.

 The revenue has increased from 508 million dollars in 2001 to a staggering 8676
million dollars in 2018.

 The barber industry in USA is predominantly bricks and mortar.

 Cost of their haircut is the most important factor when choosing a barbershop,
followed by convenience and then cleanliness.
 Demographics
 Parents between the age of 27 to 50, especially older millennial
• Our secondary market comprises of children between the ages of 0 and 12
• SEC A+ , A.

 Behavior
• “Non users”.
• Purchase occasion: Frequency of need i.e. once a month, or on special occasions such as ‘Eid and weddings.

 Benefits Sought
• Convenience and hygiene.

 Psychographics
• Mainly looking for convenience, respect, and a helping hand so that they can devote more of their time to important
things in life. They are practical people who value self-sufficiency and appreciate practical and functional products.
Competitive Analysis

 Chuckles women and Kids Salon Karachi : Designed for toddlers and children
along with services for mothers as well. Price range is between 800Rs. to 1500Rs.

 Common Barber shops: Offering haircuts for rates as low as 150 R.s to high
end styling for 1500R.

 Premium luxury barber shops: Price range falls between 1200 Rs. to 15000 Rs.

 Doorbell barbers: On demand barber service that exits internationally, provides

haircut and grooming within the comfort zone of one’s house. Price is unknown.

 Political: Developmental spending cut, Tax reforms, Business policies.

 Economic: Monetary Value, increased subsidies, unemployment rate, Consumer


 Social: 39% live in urban areas, Upward mobility is slow, un Islamic haircuts,
unsafe society.

 Technology: 20% boost in its internet users, 35% increase in its social media users
and a total of 47% increase in mobile phone users

 Strengths: Provides convenience to customers on their clock, “new in market” makes it

more attractive, no direct competitor.

 Weakness: Doesn’t exist n bricks and mortar that makes it untrustworthy, premium charged
in return of convenience that makes the prices look unattractive to consumers

 Opportunities: Dealing with payment partners to provide discounts to people through

certain payment methods, building a social media presence to reach out to the target

 Threats: Current tax reforms requires businesses to give more tax on their earnings, cheaper
alternatives that provide the same haircut at a barber shop at the cost of convenience.

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