Meet Us Greet Us: Masnun Lintang Alnasyah (Yudi Sulastri) Yulpa Septariani (Suratang Suka Asi)

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Masnun Lintang Alnasyah Yulpa Septariani

(Yudi Sulastri) (Suratang Suka Asi)
Let’s playing a game
Tri Rismaharini B.J. Habibie

Ridwan Kamil
What makes them unique as a leader?
Tri Rismaharini B.J. Habibie

Ridwan Kamil
They know their leadership style
Tri Rismaharini B.J. Habibie

Ridwan Kamil
Transformational LeadershipB.J. Habibie
Tri Rismaharini

Ridwan Kamil
Why actually we need to know our
leadership style?

Sriwijaya Youth Conference 11.0

Because when we know what our leadership style
is, we can have a clear idea of our strengths, as
well as our weaknesses.

Sriwijaya Youth Conference 11.0

Because when we know what our leadership style
is, we can have aEffective
clear idea of our strengths, as
well as our weaknesses.

Sriwijaya Youth Conference 11.0

Your leadership style guides you in your role as a

Sriwijaya Youth Conference 11.0

Leadership Qualities
Sriwijaya Youth Conference 11.0
What leadership AIESEC develop?

Leadership Qualities
How we are developing leaders?
How we are ensuring members have their outer
How we are ensuring members have their outer
Sriwijaya Youth Conference 11.0
“Aku kayanya gabisa deh..”

“Hm aku ga pantes jadi team


“Members ku bisa nerima ga ya?”

My journey to find my own leadership
My very 1st time lead a team
Take another chance
Continue my jorney as a LCVP
Advantages of knowing our leadership style
1. We’ll be able to improve our communication with our members
2. We’ll be able to motivate and inspire our members
3. We'll be able to handle challenges more effectively
What’s your leadership style?

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Let’s take a quick survey

Sriwijaya Youth Conference 11.0

Share your score in chatbox

Sriwijaya Youth Conference 11.0

Score Interpretation
Authoritarian, Autocratic
● This approach is helpful when your team needs
to follow a process "to the letter," to manage a
significant risk. It's also effective when you need
to be hands-on with people who miss
deadlines, in departments where conflict is an
issue, or in teams that rely on quick decisions
being made.
● But you need to be aware that relying on
control and punishment to maintain standards
will likely drive people away. Similarly, if you
always demand that your team works at top
Sriwijaya Youth Conference 11.0
speed, you can end up exhausting everyone.
Democratic, Participative
● With this approach, you set goals, guide team
discussions, and make the final decision. But you
also acknowledge that your people can have
valuable insight into a problem or process, so you
actively consult them.
● Be aware that processes could become
dangerously slow if you involve your team
members in every decision. You'll need to
judge carefully whether you need to adopt a
more autocratic approach, even if it's only briefly.
Sriwijaya Youth Conference 11.0
The Delegating, "Laissez
Faire" Leader
● By adopting this style of leadership, you empower
your team to make decisions and to organize its
own processes, with little or no guidance.
● The danger of this approach is that situations can
collapse into chaos if your people have low
motivation or poor skills. It can work, however, if
they are experienced, knowledgeable, confident,
creative, and driven, or if deadlines are flexible and
processes are simple.

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Don’t stuck with one style

Sriwijaya Youth Conference 11.0

Adapt when it’s needed

Sriwijaya Youth Conference 11.0

Adapt when it’s needed

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