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DO Could you do these things to

your body?

Would it be right? If not why
Eat metal
Move around only on your hands and
Stab yourself with knitting needles
Live underwater
Not care if other people pinched,
punched, pulled or otherwise abused
your body
Live in a drugged up daze
Refuse to communicate with anyone
Throw up anything you ate
Commit suicide
Do you think that
Natural Law there is a “right”
way to use the
different parts of
X your body?
Your learning today links to ‘Academic
In today’s lesson I will take
pride in my work by taking
care with presentation and
trying my best

LO- To examine what Natural Law is and how Christians use it to

make moral decisions
Key Word
Natural Law: The moral laws of right and wrong
which are universal and not dependent on human
We use our reason to access Natural Law.

Example: We Naturally know it is wrong to kill

someone. Even if the government made it legal to kill
someone one night per year… we naturally know it is
wrong to do this.
LO- To examine what Natural Law is and how Christians use it to make moral decisions
Task: Draw a human body like the one below. Where there are X’S label that part of
the body and what each part tells us about how we should live. Example shown below

Extension- Is “natural law” (understanding what your body is made for), a good way to decide
what is right or wrong to do?

Mouth: to
MIND communicate X
– think, be creative, reflect on life with others X
– to communicate with others, building up friendship X
and co-operation
– to love others generously, with your whole heart X
– to eat food appropriate to humans, as much as needed
– to have children and a family
– to walk upright
– to love God and appreciate beauty and truth.
TASK: Now match up the explanations, of what we should not do to
the relevant X’s.
Extension- Is “natural law” (understanding what your body is made for), is a good way to
decide what is right or wrong to do?

Mouth– we should – we should not be greedy,

not curse, lie, eat food bad for us, throw
X deceive, ignore food up
others’ needs –we should take exercise, and not be a couch
potato, driving everywhere
X –we should not
X think physical things
– we should not use it only for
are all that matters pleasure
– we should not dumb it down by a lazy, self-
X indulgent life - too much TV, no education,
drunkenness, drugs.
– we should not be selfish, living just for ourselves

LO- To examine what Natural Law is and how Christians use it to make moral decisions
– we should not dumb it down by a MIND
lazy, self-indulgent life - too much – think, be creative, reflect on life
TV, no education, drunkenness,

– we should not curse, lie, deceive, MOUTH

ignore others’ needs – to communicate with others, building up friendship and
– we should not be selfish, living HEART
just for ourselves – to love others generously, with your whole heart

– we should not be greedy, eat food bad STOMACH

for us, throw food up – to eat food appropriate to humans, as much as needed

– we should not use it only for – to have children and a family Mark you
pleasure answers using
LEGS your purple
–we should take exercise, and not – to walk upright pen.
be a couch potato, driving
everywhere SPIRIT
– to love God and appreciate beauty and truth.
–we should not think physical things are
all that matters
Re-cap: Natural Law: The moral laws of right and wrong
which are universal and not dependent on human laws.
These are inherent to all humans. Understood through
human reason.
X Christians might use Natural Law (NML) when
Christians might use Natural Law (NML) when
X making decisions, because God is the one who
decided how we were made (imago dei).
X As we are made in imago dei we can use our
X conscience and reason to access the moral laws
of right and wrong (NML).

LO- To examine what Natural Law is and how Christians use it to make moral decisions
St Thomas Aquinas
St Thomas Aquinas introduced 5 primary precepts (below) These are
the purposes humans have in common. He believed that when someone
was faced with a decision, it should be accepted with the primary
precept. For example, someone would not stay in bed on Sunday
instead of going to Mass, because that would break the precept of
worshipping God. :
W – Worship God. TASK: Explain what
O – Ordered Society. these mean in your own
R – Reproduce. words.
L – Learning.
D – Defend the Innocent.
The purpose of man for Aquinas = ‘Do good, avoid evil.’
LO- To examine what Natural Law is and how Christians use it to make moral decisions
Do you think the Church would agree or disagree
with the following based on NML?

1. Becoming addicted to harmful substances e.g. drugs and

2. Avoid going to work or school
3. Being healthy and living an active lifestyle
4. Using artificial contraception
5. Going to Church and worshipping God
6. Having an abortion
7. Obeying the laws of your country
8. Following the 10 Commandments
9. Committing suicide
10.Being lazy and not looking after your body
1. Choose 2 examples from the list below. Explain how the Church got these
teachings from Natural Law. Explain how they might link to the primary
precepts from slide 8.

2. Do you think Natural Law is a good way of deciding what is right and wrong
to do?
X How could these Church teachings come from
Natural Law ?
X -You should respect your body in every way
-It is wrong to be selfish
X -It is wrong to get drunk or take drugs
X -It is wrong to use contraception
X -It is wrong to deprive someone of education
-It is wrong to avoid going to work or school
X -It is wrong to have sex outside of marriage, just for
-It is wrong to have sex with someone of the same sex
-It is wrong to commit suicide

LO- To examine what Natural Law is and how Christians use it to make moral decisions
1. Explain what Natural Law is in your own words.
2. Give 2 examples of how Natural Law helps us to
decide about right and wrong.
3. Do you think Natural law is a good way to make moral
decisions? Explain your opinion.

Extension: “NML is a better moral guide than X X
the Bible.” What is your view? Why might
someone disagree with you. X

LO- To examine what Natural Law is and how Christians use it to make moral decisions
Finally: Mind map as much information about
Natural Moral Law as you can


LO- To examine what Natural Law is and how Christians use it to make moral decisions
Kung Fu Master

LO- To examine what Natural Law is and how Christians use it to make moral decisions
1. What should we NOT do if we do X
listen to the way our bodies are X
made? Give 3 examples.
e.g. eat something that is not good for
us X
2. Is “natural law” (understanding what
your body is made for) a good way to X
decide what is right or wrong to do?
**Are there some moral problems you
could not solve by Natural Law??

LO- To examine what Natural Law is and how Christians use it to make moral
Evaluating natural law
G4-5:Add your own
strengths and weaknesses
G2-3:Create a table of strengths to the table
and weaknesses for Natural Law
using the statements below. Challenge: Which
argument do you think is
the strongest and why?
Natural law is inherent in everyone, therefore
everybody has access to natural law Natural law helps maintain an
ordered society
People react differently in Not everybody wants to
different situations do good and avoid evil
Not everybody follows their moral
Natural law is universal reasoning

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