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Integrated Approach

Sharifah Nuraini binti Syed Fesal

Integrated Approach
• Integrating the use of technologies in curriculum subjects
Examples: videos, internet, flashcards
• Incorporating one subject with the lesson of the same subject
(interdisciplinary) or connects it to the subjects (muldisciplinary)
Examples: English and culinary, English and commerce
• Leaner-centered orientation
-allows students to engage in relevant and meaningful activities that
can be connected to real life
• To promote cooperative learning
• To help develop sense of values
• To foster creativity
• To prepare students with multiple job opportunities
• To help evaluate learning
• Allows students to explore multiple information in more challenging
and fun way
• Allows students to engage in relevant and purposeful learning
• Expands students’ views about the world
• Students able to use their prior experiences to provide meaning
• Provide cross-cultural sharing
• Opportunities for students to display competence
The success of this approach depends on the ability of
teachers to provide appropriate tasks that cater the
needs of the learning environment
Characteristics of Integrated Aprroach
• Learner-cantered curriculum related task
• Open-ended tasks that promotes problem-solving and critical thinking
• Contextualised activities
• Tasks that fosters collaborative learning
• Expands and stimulates thinking
Learning Approaches via ICT integration
• Project-based learning
• Task-based learning
• Collaborative learning
• Problem-based learning
Teachers’ Roles
• Acts a facilitator during learning process
• Provide suitable meaningful learning task that cater the students’
• Provide open-ended tasks to promote problem-solving which requires
higher-thinking order skills
• Provide tasks that enhances collaborative and communicative skills
• Tasks must be contextualised

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