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Anand Automotive


Group - 11
Situation Analysis

● AAL ,situated in western India is one of India’s largest

premier automotive systems
● AAL had 19 companies spread across 49 plants in 11
locations in nine states of India
● Sales turnover of USD1.2 billion in 2012
● Market leader in auto ancillary products
AAL organizational objectives:
● To be a world class manufacturing organization;
● To have people orientation
● To grow ahead of the market
● To maintain desired return on investment
● To have continuous improvement orientation
AAL organizational vision:
● Develop corporate competence to act globally
● Aspire and dare to be innovative
● Attain leadership in technology
● Achieve excellence through entrepreneurship
● Bridge the gap between precept and practice.
Leadership Development at AAL

● Spent last 5 decades on diversification and expansion of

its business
● Constant adaptation of technological changes to
produce high quality, high value products
● Leaders are expected to adaptable to change and help
others as well
● In 2000, AAL had put in place the ALDP
General criteria of different ALDP levels

● A consistent good performance in annual appraisal

● Minimum two years’ experience
● Less than 27 years of age
● Merit listed in caliper profile
● Demonstrating a desired level of coachability and
The Anand Way

● Mr. Bhullar ensures that he personally met with young

recruits in the induction
● To develop one firm and firm centric thinking
● Three layers : each layer is guide to another
● Outermost layer : a leadership focus of AAL
● Second layer:being driven as a unified corporate entity ;to
provide equal opportunity to all; being committed to social
● Innermost layer :being value focused, develop people, find
new ways and enable people
HR practices

● Mentoring by immediate superiors

● Training programme-leadership focussed
● Training Effective Monitoring (TEM) - reaction, learning,
application, impact
● Performance Management System (PMS) - appraisal and
● Performance appraisal happened twice a year
● Compensation - fixed and variable, reviewed by external
agency once in two years
Major Actors

Kawaljeet Singh Bhullar - Group head of HR

His aim was to pave the future path for a strong and
sustainable AAL in the global marketplace

With all the ongoing HR practices in AAL, what further steps

can be taken to better the ALDP process so that it also
cements with the AAL HR practices.

● Mr. Bhullar should focus more on the development of

women employees
● An employee network should be built so that they all
coordinate in a better way and works towards a common

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