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Saima Komor
Psychologist at Manos Kothon
What is health?
Body-Mind Relationship
Mental health Vs Physical health
What is Mental health?
According to the World Health
Organization (WHO),
 Mental health is a dynamic state of internal
equilibrium which enables individuals to use
their abilities in harmony with universal
values of society.
3 components of mental health

 Biological well-being
 Psychological well-being 
 Social well-being
Characteristics of Mental
 They feel good about themselves.
 They do not become overwhelmed by emotions, such as fear, anger, love,
jealousy, guilt, or anxiety.
 They have lasting and satisfying personal relationships.
 They feel comfortable with other people.
 They can laugh at themselves and with others.
 They have respect for themselves and for others even if there are
 They are able to accept life’s disappointments.
 They can meet life’s demands and handle their problems when they arise.
 They make their own decisions.
 They shape their environment whenever possible and adjust to it when
What are the signs of mental
Complications in this pandemic
 Unhappiness and decreased enjoyment of life
 Family conflicts
 Relationship difficulties
 Social isolation
 Problems with tobacco, alcohol and other drugs
 Missed work or school, or other problems related to work or school
 Legal and financial problems
 Poverty and homelessness
 Self-harm and harm to others, including suicide or homicide
 Weakened immune system, so your body has a hard time resisting
 Heart disease and other medical conditions
Do you know him?
Various mental illness are the underlying
causes for people to commit to a suicide
 1. Depression  12. Existential crisis
 2. Anxiety disorder- obsessive-  13. Terminal illness
compulsive disorder  14. Chronic fatigue/pain
 3. Schizophrenia  15. Finical problem
 4. Bipolar disorder  16. Family conflicts or marital
 5. Post-traumatic stress disorder conflicts
 6. Sexual abuse  17. Physical and emotional abuse
 7. Bullying  18. unwanted Pregnant
 8. Personality disorder  19. Academic/Learning
 9. Impulsive difficulties
 10. Drug addiction  20. Gay, lesbian, questioning
their sexual orientation
 11. Relationship problem
 Pay attention to warning signs
 Get routine medical care
 Get help when you need it
Some warning signs…
Mindful Meditation
Balanced diet
Here’s a note of a client…

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