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National Service

Training Program

Rollymar R. Briones
◦ House Rules

1. No using of Cell phones during classes.

2. Students must observe proper dress code.
3. Eating inside the classroom is allowed provided that
you throw your trash at the end of the class.
4. Sleeping, howling and other disruptive acts are strictly
not allowed.
5. Arrange the seats after class.
◦ Attendance House Rules
1. Students must sign in the attendance log book every
2. Students are required to be in class on time.
3. A students who has incurred 10 hours of absence shall
no longer be allowed to continue the course and will be
given a final grade of five (5.0)
4. Students who report to class 30 minutes after the
official start of the class will be considered tardy. Three
(3) accumulated tardiness is equivalent to one (1) absence.
5. Students who have failed to meet with their class and
facilitator during a community-based activity will not be
allowed to follow to the said area.
2. Students must inform their instructor through SMS if
they will be absent for at least 1 hour before the start of
the class. This must be followed by an excuse letter signed
by their parent/guardian together with a photo copy of the
parent/guardians ID (SSS, Employment, Passport, Voters)
to be submitted the following meeting.
◦ Course Content

Prelim Midterm Final

1.NSTP Law
2.Philippine 1.Basic First Aid and 1. Leadership
Constitution and ERT 2. Entrepreneurship
Government 2.Juvenile
3.Values and Delinquency
Morals. 3.Sexual Abuse
Implementing Rules

Learning Objectives:
1. Understand the provision of the Revised Implementing,
Rules and Regulation (IRR) of RA 9163;
2. Realize the impact of R.A 9163 on community service-
learning; and
3.Appreciate the active role, involvement, and participation of
students in community/ civic affairs.
The latest IRR of RA 9163 which was issued on November 13,
2009. the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), Technical
Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), and
Department of National Defense (DND) in cooperation with other
concerned government agencies, the Philippine Association of State
Universities and Colleges (PASUC), the coordinating council of
Private Educational Associations of the Philippines (COCOPEA),
non-governmental Organizations (NGOs)
What is the Legal Basis of National Service Training Program

According to section 9 of article II of the 1987

Constitution, “the state shall promote a just and dynamic
social order that will ensure the prosperity and
independence of the nation and free the people from
poverty through policies that provided adequate social
services, promote full employment, a rising standard of
living and an improved quality of life for all.
What is the Legal Basis of National Service Training Program
(NSTP) cont…

Social development aims to reduce

poverty and unemployment and create
jobs. However, these obligations
should be shouldered not only by the
government but also by Filipinos.
Principle Behind RA 9163
Section 1 of the IRR of the NSTP states that
“while it is prime duty of the government to serve
and protect its citizens, in turn, it shall be the
(duty) of all citizens to defend the security of the
state, and in fulfillment thereof, the government
may require each citizen to render personal
military or civil service.
◦ How to take NSTP?

◦ Each of the NSTP components is undertaken for an academic

period of two (2) semesters and is credited for the three (3)
units per semester with fifty-four (54) to ninety (90) training
hours per semester.
◦ What if I cannot take the NSTP during the regular

◦ A one-semester program in line of the two (2)-semester

program, and may be designed, formulated, and adopted by
(DND),(CHED), AND (TESDA), subject to capability of the
school and the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) to handle
the same.
What are the Components of NSTP?
◦ Provide military
training to tertiary level
◦ Reserve ◦ In order to motivate,

Officers train, organize, and

ROTC mobilize them for
Training national defense
Corps ◦ Presidential Memorandum
Order No. 1
◦ Train students to
teach literacy and
◦ Literacy numeracy skills.

LTS Training ◦ School children,

out-of-school youth
Services and other segments
of society.
◦ Refers to activities
contributory to the
general welfare and better
◦ Civic of the community by
improving health,
CWTS education, environment,
Training entrepreneurship, safety
and recreation and moral
Services values of the citizenry
and other social welfare
◦ The Coverage of the NSTP Law

◦ 1. The incoming first year students, male and female, starting the academic
year (AY) 2002-2003, enrolled in any baccalaureate comprising at last two
years of technical-vocational or non-degree education are required to
complete one NSTP component of their choice as a requirement for
◦ 2. All higher and technical-vocational educational institutions must offer at
least one NSTP component.
◦ 3. State universities and colleges (SUCs) shall offer the ROTC and at least
one other NSTP Components.
4. The Philippine Military Academy (PMA). Philippine Merchant
Marine Academy (PMMA) Philippine National Police Academy
(PNPA) and other SUC’s of similar nature, in view of the special
character of these institutions, are exempted from the NSTP.

5. Private higher education institution (HEIs) and technical-

vocational education institutions with at least 350 student-cadets
may offer ROTC component and consequently establish and
maintain a Department of Military Science and Tactics(DMST),
which, however, will still be subject to the existing rules and
regulations of the Armed Forces of the Philippines( AFP).
e fi
of nit
Te ion
◦ CAF- Citizen Armed Force
◦ CHED - Commission on Higher Education
◦ COCOPEA- Coordinating Council of Private Educational Associations
◦ CWTS - Civic Welfare Training Service
◦ DND - Department of National Defense
◦ DSWD- Department of Social Welfare and Development
◦ LTS - Literacy Training Service
◦ NSRC - National Service Reserve Corps
◦ NSTP - National Service Training Program
◦ OSP - One Summer Program
◦ PAASCU - Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges
and Universities
◦ PASUC - Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges
◦ PRC - Philippine Regulatory Commission
◦ ROTC - Reserve Officer Training Corps
◦ TESDA - Technical Education and Skills Authority
Behind the NSTP
Gloria Macapagal Arroyo- the President of the
Philippines signed the R.A 9163. but during her term, due
to protest about irregularities in ROTC, particularly in the
death of Mark Welson Chua, implementation of ROTC
was suspended by Pres. Arroyo
December 19, 2001- the Republic Act. No. 9163 Passed to
the Senate and the House of Congress
January 23, 2002- Republic Act No. 9163 approved.
Franklin Drilon -The Senate President when RA 9163
was passed
Behind the NSTP
National Service Law , otherwise known as
Presidential Decree No. 1706 was issued by
President Ferdinand Marcos.
Implementation of the National Service Law
except the provision of Military Service was
suspended by President Corazon Aquino.

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