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Prepare, Plan and Your Back

Owner’s Manual
When you are preparing to lift, let your body know what
is coming by performing a simple warm-up stretch. If When you buy a car, you maintain and service it on a
you have been working hard throughout the day, make regular basis. You warm up the engine on a cold
allowances for the demands of the job. morning and you check its balance when you plan to
transport a heavy load. You need to do the same with
Prepare: your body when you use it for manual lifting or you are
likely to expose it to a heavy load.
Let your body know that it is about to
perform a lift by loosening up with a This Owner’s Manual outlines the four basic elements
stretching exercise. for the maintenance of your body when lifting. Keep it
Size up the load. in your glove box or tool box.

Decide where are you going to set the

load down.
Keep it close, keep the curves
Grip the load firmly before attempting
the lift it.
Keep your body in the mid position. This is
Plan: the Po1wer Position. Your spine has three
Where are you taking the load? natural curves and you need to maintain the
curves in order to minimise the stress loads
Keep the curves. on your spine.
Do not to bend or twist when lifting a load. The further you hold the load away
from your body, the flatter the curves
Lift with your legs and not your back or arms. become.
What does this mean?
As the day progresses, you may
become fatigued, so make
allowances for heavy lifting. When you have a load at arms reach, it
Use mechanical aids if the load is is 7 to 10 times heavier on your back
too heavy. than when you keep it close to your
Is the task routine or non-routine? body.
Build a Bridge Staggered Stance

If you lean out and over the weight you are about to lift, Do not lift with your feet too close together. This will make
your lower back will be forced to pick up not only the load, you bend your lower back. If you place your feet in a
but your upper body weight as well. By Building a Bridge Staggered Stance, creating a wider base of support, you
and supporting your upper body weight when you lift, you will be able to use the muscles of your legs to help you in
can make the lift significantly less demanding on your back. the lift.

Staggered Stance.
Build the Bridge.
Support your upper body Position your feet in a
weight when performing lifting wider stance to create a
tasks by using your free arm or wider base.
leaning against a support.
Stagger your stance.
Wear a brace that supports
your lower. Adopt the power stance.
By creating a wider base, you
If you support your upper body,
will be making it easier for the
you will make the lift
muscles of your legs to get
significantly easier on your
involved in the lift.
lower back, and reduce the risk
of back injury.

By keeping your feet close

If your back is bent when you lift together you will be forced
something, you will put extra stress to bend your lower back
on your lower back.

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