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Using barricading Using Barricading

This sheet outlines the basic requirements of barricading.

Keep it in your glove box, tool box or folder.

When barricading should be used

Like other types of protective equipment,
if barricading is not used properly, it is
ineffective in preventing exposure to

Barricading can be either permanent or

temporary. Permanent barricading, such
as fences and screens, is used to isolate
Ensure the barricading perimeter extends far enough out and prevent access to large parts of
to prevent contact with the hazard. fixed machinery and equipment.

Position the barricading at a height so Barricading should be used when

it is clearly visible. carrying out:
• work from elevating work platforms;

Tie off barricading tape to posts so it

is kept in position. • hot work at heights;

Posts should either be driven into the ground or • excavations;

fitted with a heavy base.
• work around open floor sections;
Position safety signs around the
barricade perimeter. • hazardous substance removal;

Position flashing warning lights around barricaded areas, • work in manholes; and
such as excavations, during hours of darkness.
• crane lifts.
Use of red and white tape Barricade webbing

Used to barricade areas where a high risk hazard exists

and where there is a definite risk of injury or harm if
certain safety precautions are not followed.

You should only enter an area which is barricaded with red

and white tape if you are:
Barricade webbing is made from rigid plastic sheeting or
• authorised by your Supervisor;
tear-proof fabric.
• fully aware of the nature of the hazard; and
It provides a better visual barrier than tape and is often
• wearing the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment.
used for barricading large excavations.

Use of black and yellow tape Post and rail barricading

CAUTION - RISK OF DANGER Mid-rail construction Steel mesh in-fill construction

This tape should be used to warn people of a potential hazard.

Examples of when black and yellow barricading tape
should be used includes: Steel post and rail barricading should be used when:
• barricading needs to be above 2 metres high; or
• around the area where a crane lift is being carried out; • a strong physical barrier is required
• underneath leaking elevated process pipes; This type of barricading is often used on scaffold or
fixed platforms to provide fall protection.
• around the slewing radius of an Elevating Work Platform; and
A mid-rail or steel mesh in-fill is used to complete the
• around the perimeter of minor excavations. barricade.

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