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business format franchise – this type of franchise
includes not only a product, service and trademark, but
also the complete method to conduct the business itself,
such as the marketing plan and operations manuals

disclosure statement – also known as the UFOC, or

Uniform Franchise Offering Circular, the disclosure
document provides information about the franchisor and
franchise system
franchise – a license that describes the relationship
between the franchisor and franchisee including use
of trademarks, fees, support and control

franchise agreement – the legal, written contract

between the franchisor and franchisee which tells
each party what each is supposed to do
franchisee – the person or company that gets the
right from the franchisor to do business under
the franchisor’s trademark or trade name

franchising – a method of business expansion

characterized by a trademark license, payment of
fees, and significant assistance and/or control

franchisor – the person or company that grants

the franchisee the right to do business under
their trademark or trade name
In addition to franchising, there
are two other popular methods
by which businesses expand
their market and distribution

ALTERNATI ✔ distributorships

✔ licensing
In a distributorship, the distributor usually:
• has a contractual relationship with the supplier
• buys from the supplier in bulk and sells in smaller

• is familiar with local markets and customers

• may do business with many companies, more
than just the supplier/producer
• may not receive contractual support and training
from the supplier/producer like a franchisee
Some distribution arrangements are similar to
franchises, and vice versa.
A franchisee with a great deal of leeway in how to
run the business may look like an independent
A distributor may be subject to many controls by
the supplier/producer and begin to resemble a
Licensing, on the other
hand, allows a licensee to
• pay for the rights to use a
particular trademark.
• Unlike franchises, in which the
franchisor exerts significant
control over the franchisee’s
operations, licensors are
mainly interested in collecting
royalties and supervising the
use of the license rather than
influencing the operations of
the business.

A good relationship between the franchisor and

franchisee is critical for the success of both parties.

Since franchising establishes a business relationship for

years, the foundation must be carefully built by having a
clear understanding of the franchise program.
The advice of an experienced franchise
attorney should be sought to help a
prospective franchisee understand the
legal issues and to protect them from
making costly mistakes.
The two main franchising
legal documents are the:

✔ the Disclosure Document, which may ✔ franchise agreement

be in the format known as the UFOC.
• The purpose of the UFOC is to provide
prospective franchisees with information
about the franchisor, the franchise
system and the agreements they will
need to sign so that they can make an
informed decision.
The UFOC includes information about:

✔ management’s
✔ the company’s key expérience in
✔ the franchisor
staff franchise

✔ initial and ongoing

✔ franchisor’s ✔ required
fees involved in
bankruptcy and investment and
opening and running
litigation history purchases
the franchise

✔ responsibilities of ✔ other franchisees

✔ territory rights the franchisor and in the system with
franchisee contact information
The Franchise
Agreement • The franchise agreement is
more specific than the
UFOC about the terms of
the relationship between
the franchisor and
✔ the franchise system, such as
use of trademarks and products
✔ territory
✔ rights and obligations of the
parties: standards, procedures,
A typical training, assistance, advertising,

franchise etc.
✔ term (duration) of the franchise
agreement ✔ payments made by the
franchisee to the franchisor
may include ✔ termination and/or the right to
specifics transfer the franchise

about: The franchise agreement is the

legal, written document that
governs the relationship and
specifies the terms of the
franchise purchase.

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