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Chapter 5: Adjustable and Floating

Rate Mortgage Loans (ARMs)

• ARMs and Floating Rate Loans: An


• ARM Payment Mechanics

ARMs and Floating Rate Loans:
An Overview

• A mortgage loan with the interest rate

on the note periodically adjusts based
on an index which reflects the cost to
the lender of borrowing on the credit

ARMs and Floating Rate Loans:
An Overview

 The most important basic features of

ARMs are: [3]

• Initial interest rate - The beginning interest rate.

• The reset date - The point in time when the mortgage

payments will be adjusted. The rate is reset at the end
of this period, and the monthly loan payment is

ARMs and Floating Rate Loans:
An Overview

 The most important basic features of

ARMs are: [3]

• The index rate - Most lenders tie ARM interest rates

changes to changes in an index rate. Lenders base ARM
rates on a variety of indices, the most common being:
 Rates on one, three, or five-year Treasury securities.
 The average cost-of-funds index (COFI).
 The London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR).

ARMs and Floating Rate Loans:
An Overview

 The most important basic features of

ARMs are: [3]

• The margin - The percentage points (premium) that

lenders add to the index rate to determine the interest

• Interest rate caps – Maximum increases allowed in

payments, interest rates, maturity extensions, and
negative amortization (or loan balances) on reset

ARMs and Floating Rate Loans:
An Overview

 The most important basic features of

ARMs are: [3]

• Interest rate floors – Maximum reductions in payments

or interest rates on reset dates.

• Initial discounts - Interest rate concessions, often used

as promotional aids, offered the first year or more of a
loan. They reduce the interest rate below the prevailing
rate (the index plus the margin).

ARMs and Floating Rate Loans:
An Overview

 The most important basic features of

ARMs are:
 [3]

• Negative amortization - The mortgage balance is

increasing. This occurs whenever the monthly mortgage
payments are not large enough to pay all the interest
due on the mortgage. This may be caused when the
payment cap contained in the ARM is low enough such
that the principal plus interest payment is greater than
the payment cap.

ARMs and Floating Rate Loans:
An Overview

 The most important basic features of

ARMs are:
 [3]

• Conversion - The agreement with the lender may have a

clause that allows the buyer to convert the ARM to a
fixed-rate mortgage at designated times.

• Prepayment - Some agreements may require the buyer

to pay special fees or penalties if the ARM is paid off
early. Prepayment terms are sometimes negotiable.

ARM Payment Mechanics
 1st Month Payment:

• PV = $60,000.

• i = 8%.

• n = 30.

• FV = 0.

• Payment = ?

ARM Payment Mechanics
 1st Month Payment:
• Step 1
 PV = $60,000.

 i = 8% / 12 =.66666%.

 n = 30 x 12 = 360.

 FV = 0.

 Payment = ?

ARM Payment Mechanics
 1st Month Mortgage Balance:
• Step 2
 PMT = -$440.26.

 i = 8% / 12 =.66666%.

 n = 29 x 12 = 348.

 FV = 0.

 PV = ?

ARM Payment Mechanics
30 Year Loan

Month Beginning Monthly Interest Amortization Ending Loan

Loan Balance Payment Rate Balance

1. $60,000.00 $440.26 8% $40.26 $59.959.74

2. $59,959.74 $616.92 12% $17.32 $59,942.42

3. $59.942.42 $571.25 11% $21.78 $59,920.64

4. $59,920.64 $617.07 12% $17.86 $59,902.78


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