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Choose the word that best

completes the sentence. Write the
letter of your answer on your
answer sheet.
1. My grandfather was a
smoker, so few people were
surprised when he died of oral

a) serial
b) heavy
c) big
2. She was a / an wife who
loved her husband more than
anything else in the whole universe.

a) devoted
b) sincere
c) intelligent
3. She seemed quite interested in
buying that house, but at the last
moment, she changed her .

a) mind
b) thoughts
c) offer
4. It is a golden . If
you miss it, you will regret

a) chance
b) opportunity
c) offer
5. Although I was
annoyed by her attitude, I said

a) moderately
b) lightly
c) slightly
 A way in which some words are
often used together, and sound
natural together
 made up of two or more words that
are commonly used together
to make the bed I need to make the bed
every day.
to do homework My son does his
to take a risk Some people don’t take
enough risks in life.
to give someone advice The teacher gave us some
advice on taking tests.
Please feel free to take a seat and
To feel free enjoy the show.

To come and Make sure to come prepared for

prepared the test tomorrow.

You’ll save time if you turn off

your smart phone and start doing
To save time your homework.
We need to find a replacement
To find a for Jim.

We’re making progress on the

To make progress project at work.

I’ll do the washing up and you

To do the washing can put Johnny to bed.
Would you like to open an
To open an account account at our bank.

We landed a deal worth $3

To land a deal million.

Just key in your PIN at the ATM

and you can make a deposit.
To key in a PIN
I’d like to deposit this check for
To deposit a check
Once you get a job, you’ll know
Hard-earned money what hard-earned money really

I closed a deal on a new account

To close a deal
last week.
We’d like to positively
encourage you to buy this
Deeply regret the I deeply regret the loss of your
loss of loved one.

To go to great He went to great length to

lengths explain the situation.
Exercise 1
Choose which one of the following verbs (Miss, Get, Do and
Make) goes well with the expressions below:
 a) _____________ a goal
 b) _____________ peace
 c) _____________ lost
 d) _____________ a home
 e) _____________ an appointment
 f) _____________ a lesson
 g) _____________ homework
 h) _____________ the cooking
 i) _____________ ready
Exercise 1
Choose which one of the following verbs (Miss, Get, Do and
Make) goes well with the expressions below:
 j) _____________ progress
 k) _____________ someone’s help
 l) _____________ nothing
 m) _____________ an effort
 n) _____________ one’s best
 o) _____________ furniture
 p) _____________ the shopping
 q) _____________ trouble
 r) _____________ someone a favour
Exercise 2
Decide which word or phrase completes the sentence.

1. He didn't know anything about business,

so starting his own business was _______.

a)a leap into the cloud

b)a leap in the dark
c)a leap into the whole
2. I hate the way he criticizes
everybody. It really rattles

a) my back
b) my bones
c) my cage
3. When her business crashed, she
had to pick up ______ and start
a) the fragments
b) the pieces
c) the stones
4. She felt sad when she realized
that she had lost her watch. It
wasn't expensive but it had
sentimental ______.
a) expense
b) price
c) value
5. I used to go to church under
false ____. I never wanted to
go but my mother made me.

a) agreements
b) feelings
c) pretenses
6. One minute they were just
talking and then all hell broke
______ and everybody started
screaming and shouting.

a) free
b) loose
c) over
7. He never cheats or tricks
anybody when he plays. He
always goes by the ______.
a) book
b) instructions
c) principles
8. Don't tell Mary your plans or
she'll tell everybody. She is
always ______ her mouth off.

a) shooting
b) speaking
c) talking
9. Tom might be able to help with
your problem. He has friends in
high ______ who might be able
to change the decision.

a) jobs
b) places
c) spots
10. Just stay here. I’ll go and
you a cup of tea.

a) do
b) make
c) have

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