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Stephen Krashen

•Terrell taught Spanish. She

wished to apply naturalistic
principles of SLA (Second
Language Acquisition).
•Stephen Krashen, an applied
linguistic, built on the rationale
“The Natural Approach” (1983).
• They related their approach to
the Natural or Direct Method.
A) Use of language in
communicative situations
without recourse to the native
B) Teaching without any reference
to grammar.
C) Textbook examples.
•Communication is the primary function of language.
•Language is viewed as a vehicle for communicating meanings and messages.
•Grammatical structures do not require explicit analysis or attention.

•There are 5 Principal tenets of the theory:
1. The acquisition/learning hypothesis.
2. The monitor hypothesis.
3. The natural order hypothesis.
4. The input hypothesis.
5. The affective filter hypothesis.
• There are two distinctive ways
of developing competences in
second languages acquisition, by
acquisition and by learning.
• Conscious learning can only be
used as a Monitor or an editor.
• We acquire the rules of language
in a predictable order.
• We acquire language in only one
way: by understanding messages
or by receiving comprehensible
• I
• I+1
• Motivation, self confidence, and
anxiety all affect language
• The Natural Approach is for
beginner students up to
• Four broad areas; basic personal
communicative skills
(speaking/listening); academic
learning skills (oral/written)
• What they can/won’t able to do.
• The syllabus for the Natural
Approach is a communicative
syllabus. Based on a selection of
communicative activities and
topics derived from learner
• Comprehensible input is presented in
the target language, using techniques
such as TPR, mime and gesture.
• Group techniques are similar to
Communicative Language Teaching.
• Learners start to talk when they are
• Processor of comprehensible input.
• Learner desicions on when to speak,
what to speak about, what linguistic
expressions to use.
• Pre-production stage: participate in
the language class without need to
• Early production stage: respond
to familiar questions, fixed
• Speech-emergent phase: role
play, games, personal info and
opinions, group problem-
• Teacher is the primary source of
comprehensible input.
• Teacher creates a classroom
atmosphere that is interesting and
friendly to the lower and affective
• Teacher chooses a rich mix of
classroom activities.
• The world of realia rather than
text books. Visual aids are
essential like schedules,
brochures, advertisement, maps,
books of level appropriate to the
• In the activities, the instructor
maintains a constant flow of
“comprehensible input,” using key
vocabulary items, appropriate
gestures, context, repetition, and
paraphrase to ensure the
comprehensibility of the input.
• The Natural Approach Rejects the
formal grammatical organization of
language to teach it. It is not used at a
native level.
• It emphasizes comprehensible and
meaningful practice activities, of
grammatically perfect utterances and

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