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Physical Education III


 discuss what is individual and dual
enumerate the examples of Individual
and Dual sports;
recognize the importance of physical
education and sports in the daily life.
What is individual and dual sports?
Sports can be enjoyable as well as a great way to
get or stay in shape. Some sports are individual
sports, where one athlete competes on his or her
own merits. Other sports are dual sports, which
require two athletes to compete as a team to win
together. Both of these are distinct from team
sports, where larger numbers of athletes work
together. The main difference between individual
and dual sports is the number of athletes who
compete on the same side.
Individual Sports
Individual sports are those sports where only one athlete
competes for his or her own side.
Many track and field, cross country, and swimming events are
individual competitions, where one athlete is solely responsible for
winning or losing. Golf is another sport where each athlete is on his
or her own. Skiing, snowboarding, and many other events you see in
Olympic and other international competitions are individual sports as
well. Gymnastics is a sport where athletes compete on a team but
perform individually. Even basketball can be a one-on-one activity.
Individual Sports
Individual sports offer benefits that team sports do not. In
addition to promoting the development of motor skills,
agility, hand-eye coordination and endurance, individual
sports combine physical fitness and mental development.
Unlike with team sports, a player's success or failure in
individual sports is totally dependent on his own ability.
Individual sport athletes are completely responsible for every
play and cannot rely on the help of other teammates; this build
coping skills and resilience while developing self-esteem and
Dual Sports
There are only a handful of sports that are strictly dual sports and don’t have
an option for individual competition.
Dual sports, a player has two or more partners. An example of an individual
sport is tennis, on the other hand, double tennis is an example of a dual sport.
tag team matches involve two-person teams where one competitor tags in or
out of the match. You can play two-on-two basketball as well.
Competing in dual sports can be fun because of the camaraderie and
teamwork involved in working together as a team. Dual teammates can
encourage each other and play off each other to win. One teammate can also
bear the load when the other one is struggling or having difficulty. Dual sports
require cooperation, so if you get along well with your fellow athletes, you’ll do
well in a dual sport.
Sports That Can Be Individual or Dual?

The answers are “yes” There are certain sports that can be
either individual or dual sports. The most common example is
tennis, where athletes can compete in singles or doubles play,
and many competitors take part in both at major tournaments.
You can also play other racquet sports like badminton and
racquetball in either format.
Table tennis, or ping-pong, gives players options for playing as
individuals or as duos. Billiards offers two-on-two options as
Examples of Sports under individual

Archery- is the art, practice, or skill of propelling "arrows" with the

use of a "bow".
Golf- is a precision club and ball sport, in which competing players
use many types of clubs to hit the balls into a series of holes on a golf
course using the fewest number of strokes.
Athletics Event- such as Jumping events, running events, pole
events these are example of individual sports.
Examples of Dual Sports

Chess- is a two-player board game, played on a chessboard, a

square-checkered board with 64 squares arranged in an eight-by-
eight grid.
Badminton- is a "racquet sport" played by either two opposing
players or two opposing pairs, who take position on opposite halves
of a rectangular court that is divided by a net.
Beach Volleyball-is played with only two players per side,
compared to the six on the field at any time in indoor volleyball
The importance of Physical Education
through Sports is based on:
Physical Education Classes is for All
Fair Play
Physical Education Classes is for All
It is important when organizing a physical
education class that students adhere to certain
policies such as good sportsmanship, etiquette, and
fair play. It is also important that policies of
inclusion are implemented and that all students are
involved in the activities for physical education
In the past physical education classes tended to emphasize
competition only. As a result, often only the great natural athletes
benefited, while many of the other students who were not good
at sports were left out.
However, newer class models are stressing inclusion, and as a
result a larger percentage of the students are getting involved.
Moreover, this does not mean that the students cannot be
competitive or strive for excellence.
Fair Play

What is fair play and why is it so important? Fair

play is the emphasis of honor, integrity, and
sportsmanship in games and sports that entail
competition. These are valuing that educators and
parents often work to instill in children not only in
sports, but also off the field.
Fair play involves many things including:
Helping each other and working together
• Taking turns
• Allowing everyone to play
• Trying to win without cheating
• Following the rules
• Not quitting even if you are losing
• Playing hard but safely
• Sharing equipment
Fair play involves
many things
These skills stay with students throughout
their lives, increasing the chance that they
become involved in their communities, take
leadership roles, and build lasting relationships.
Social skills develop confidence, contributing to
academic performance and mental health.

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